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“There is not a single substantive piece of information in the [Steele] dossier that has ever been corroborated”

“There is not a single substantive piece of information in the [Steele] dossier that has ever been corroborated”

John Durham on the document bought and paid for by Hillary and the DNC: “…. by the FBI, or to my knowledge anyone else.”

John Durham testified today about the Steele Dossier, funded by the Hillary Clinton Campaign and Democratic National Committee:

“There is not a single substantive piece of information in the dossier that has ever been corroborated by the FBI, or to my knowledge anyone else.”

She got away with it.

The Steele Dossier was manipulated by James Comey, then Director of the FBI, by Democrats, the media, and others in The Resistance to paralyze the Trump administration and to put the nation through years of investigations. She’s truly a despicable character, her whole miserable political life.

I discussed the damage Hillary did to the nation on The Tony Katz Show in mid-May when the Durham Report was released, Durham Report proves “what a destructive, vicious, damaging person Hillary Clinton is to our political process”:


Katz (01:29): Let me bring in William Jacobson, Cornell Law Professor and the mind behind This is from your site today, special counsel John Durham’s final report showed everyone what we already knew. There was no collusion between Trump and Russia in 2016, or ever. You read this report throughout the night, burning the Midnight Oil. William, what did it tell you?

WAJ (02:12): Well, there are a couple of very big takeaways and one of the biggest takeaways is what a destructive, vicious, damaging person Hillary Clinton is to our political process. This Russia collusion thing didn’t only damage Trump. He won the 2016 election anyway, despite this, think how big a victory he might have had without it. But it really froze and paralyzed the country politically for over four years. The damage Hillary Clinton’s campaign did was so tremendous to this nation. I think that to some extent, while it’s being highlighted by a lot of the news coverage, they’re not really doing it personal to Hillary and it to be, she really is possibly the most destructive politician we’ve certainly had in this century, in recent memory. The manipulation that she perpetrated here is so horrible, not for what it did to Donald Trump, that’s bad enough, but what it did to our nation. We’re at each other’s throats because of what Hillary Clinton did. And she needs to be roundly condemned, and she’s not getting a fraction of the criticism that she deserves ….

Katz (03:28):

Let’s take two steps back, sir, because you bring up a point that I think is incredibly important regardless of politics. Look at what these last four years have done to the nation, have done to us. This was perpetrated upon us. Trump will take it, of course, personally, and he’s not wrong to do so, but it would be out of control, it would be an obscene thought almost to think that we aren’t the victims of this. But as you are discussing, and I’d like for you to break it down, and you do so over at, your site, this entire conversation about Trump and the Russians comes from a Hillary Clinton and Clinton campaign fever dream that, Hey, how can we put this together based on the report? How did they put that together?

WAJ (04:16):

… It was made up, it was fabricated. It was not even based on any real sourcing in the so-called Steele Dossier. And it was completely concocted by Hillary Clinton paid operatives. That’s how it happened. So that’s my first takeaway. The second takeaway is what you’ve pointed out, FBI and the federal government played a supportive role in this. Remember that the FBI, according to the Durham Report, knew that this was a hoax, knew that there was no evidence to support it, but allowed it to percolate. And then they briefed the senior Obama administration officials about this. The report seems to indicate including Obama, although it’s a little unclear from the report, at least that I remember, whether it was face-to-face with him or through others to him, but clearly he was aware of it, and so was his whole administration.

And they allowed this to happen. And they said nothing. They allowed people to report that they’re investigating and said nothing. They were co-conspirators here. The Obama administration was fully on board with this, because if they weren’t fully on board with it, they would’ve said something, that there’s nothing there. And then you see James Comey and the others then using these Russia allegations in the Steele Dossier to try to set up Trump. Remember the then Director of the FBI went to the White House a day or two after Trump took office to meet with him, to set him up to give CNN an excuse to run the dossier.

So this was really a fraud perpetrated by the Hillary Clinton campaign with the cooperation of the Department of Justice and the FBI.  So let that’s take away number two. The federal government colluded here to interfere in an election and then to paralyze a president over things they knew had no basis. So that’s takeaway number two.


Katz (07:09): …. Is this just another one of those things of, yeah, that happened. It’s horrible. Oh, well, what can you do?

WAJ (07:41): I’m not sure there’s anything that legally can be done. And I think that Jonathan Turley points out what to me is takeaway number three is the media. The media so hated Trump that they interfered in our election. They manipulated our political process and they did it as a group with only a handful of exceptions. And those handful of exceptions were demonized and ostracized and deplatformed. So you have Hillary Clinton, you have the federal government, and you have the mainstream corporate media, completely manipulating our process. And I think you put those three things together, that’s the most depressing side, which is that what the Russia collusion hoax has exposed is a deep corruption in our political process. One that really shattered a lot of people’s faith in the political process. And that really, I think is why you have the toxic politics that we have….

So I think the damage that’s been done is long lasting it tears at the fabric of our society. And it was caused by Hillary Clinton, the federal government and the mainstream corporate media all acting in unison….


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E Howard Hunt | June 21, 2023 at 9:01 pm

What difference does it make?

But one thing that has been corroborated: Hillary Clinton is a lying whore who will never be POTUS.

None of it would have occurred if Obama did not know and approve.

PuttingOnItsShoes | June 21, 2023 at 9:50 pm

The other thing the people are missing is the other part of the hoax that was perpetrated by Hillary. That part of the hoax is the claim that Russia hacked the DNC.

If folks are paying attention, they will realize that in the same way Perkins coie hired Fusion GPS to create the steel dossier, Perkins Coie also hired Crowdstrike, a Ukraine-connected cyber company and founder, to allegedly investigate the DNC server hack. The FBI never investigated directly the server hack. And Crowdstrike insinuated that they had evidence that it was the Russians who hacked the DNC server, but they didn’t have proof, but Hillary and the media and the doj all teamed up to foist that likely falsehood into the public Consciousness as well. So Hillary commissioned Perkins Cooley to Commission both the GPS Fusion report and the crowdstrike report both of which were fake to implicate the Russians and Trump.

And people have to realize that when Trump spoke to zelensky, the first thing he mentioned was crowdstrike, because he wanted salinsky’s help in exposing and the Crowdstrike corrupt endeavor to make it look like Trump was colluding with Russia to release the DNC emails. It was all part and parcel of the same game. That’s why ciarmella and vinmdan and Nuland and chalupa lost their freaking Minds when Trump brought up crowdstrike to zelensky. Had nothing to do with the defense dollars. It also had something to do with Biden Corruption but people forget that he brought up both of those issues and the first one he brought up was Crowdstrike.

So the crowdstrike hoax was the other hoax that Hillary foisted upon the country that is still believed by 60-70% of American citizens.

Just wow

    Not 60 to 70% of americans. 60% of communist traitors

      PuttingOnItsShoes in reply to Ironclaw. | June 22, 2023 at 5:57 pm

      Yes point taken. Sadly I think as much as 50% of conservatives are not clued into the fact that the crowdstrike report was as much of a hoax as the steele dossier.

      I think only about 10% of conservatives don’t realize that the steel dossier was a hoax.

“There is not a single substantive piece of information in the dossier that has ever been corroborated by the FBI, or to my knowledge anyone else.”

If you change “the dossier” to COVID and “FBI” to Fauci that would also be be a true statement.

JackinSilverSpring | June 21, 2023 at 10:52 pm

The DOJ in general, and the FBI in particular, are corrupt to the core. They must be abolished or they will abolish us.

Yet Durham alleges that he doesn’t know who Misfud is, nor for whom he works, because he wasn’t able to find him. Since when is it necessary to find and question someone before you can learn who he is and for whom he works?
Durham didn’t want to know the answers to those questions. Durham was in charge of the controlled demolition of Hillary’s hoax, and the complicity of rogue’s gallery of other players. He was damage control, and has always acted as such.

    PuttingOnItsShoes in reply to DaveGinOly. | June 22, 2023 at 6:04 pm

    Yes, seems no doubt that Mifsud was part of the “setup” and is the evidence that this whole thing started even much earlier than they admit to with the crossfire hurricane investigation initiation memo.

    My understanding is that he was part of the setup with Papadopoulos. I’d be curious for you to articulate your understanding of the role Misfsud played. I had a handle on that about 3 years ago but I’ve kind of lost the thread.

    Obviously, the involvement of Nellie Orr in the production of the steele dossier shows that people inside the doj were active participants in the effort, not just suckers who fell for the Hillary hoax because of confirmation bias.

The damage done is real. All the lies did great damage to the social fabric. The level of hatred which it turns out was ginned up and manufactured was a very real phenomenon. Most of us here could recognize the signs that this dossier was fishy and so did many others. Some refused to be told the truth.

The d/progs created controversy and stoked animosity among the American people for their own benefit and the legacy media helped them while members of our FBI and IC who knew better stood aside. Remember the instructions for lefties on how to ruin holiday dinners by debating their MAGA uncle? Covid became a politicized event with d/prog demanding compliance and the rest of us opposing it? IMO, all this vitriol we have in our discourse was cranked up to eleventy as a byproduct of the original lies of the Russian collusion fabrication. LTG Flynn was the first casualty in the aftermath of the decision to use govt agencies to run a ‘resistance’.

    wendybar in reply to CommoChief. | June 22, 2023 at 5:29 am

    The FBI were as involved as some of the d/progs. Hell, some of them are d/progs. NONE of this could have happened if Comey refused to honor the FISA lies.

      CommoChief in reply to wendybar. | June 22, 2023 at 9:50 am

      Well yeah, as I stated LTG Flynn was the first casualty. If you were not aware Comey admitted (bragged really) to using the chaos of the transition between the Obama and Trump Admin to target Flynn. IMO the DC establishment wanted him gone b/c he knew how the IC operated to use and misuse its authority to push their policies in a shadow govt sort of way behind the scenes. They didn’t want him clearing the way for DJT to invoke changes and neuter them.

      I mistakenly assumed the entire set of LI commenters, readers and lurkers was intimately familiar with the details of the Flynn episode and that a reference to it would be sufficient. My apologies for not including the details to illustrate the point.

Not one nabob in the line of tools in the apparatus did a single thing to stop it. It was a house of cards, propped up by a corrupt swamp full of poisonous creatures.

The weaponization of our government is running full throttle.

It not smacked down with extreme vigor, it will end badly for the rest of us.

AND??? What are they going to do about it, and WHY do so many people who lied to us still have jobs with security clearances, pensions and cadillac benefits that WE are paying for?? They should be in prison, but that will never happen,

    walls in reply to wendybar. | June 22, 2023 at 9:16 am

    That’s another crime – nobody is going to prison. And WE are supposed to obey the law? I’ll obey only the laws that suit me.

Okay, now what´s going to be DONE about it?
Nothing, as usual.

From Hildabeast it would be expected because as said she is a nasty vindictive woman. The Democrats Propaganda Ministry of course ran with the propaganda because that’s what they do 24/7 365 for decades.
And the Eff Bee Eye is 2 and 0 in taking down Republican Presidents, they have emulated any of the totalitarian government strong men, nicer in limiting the murders.

An unnamed villain in this saga is Bill Barr. He gave instructions to Durham to keep Obama and Biden out of the investigation. And now we see Barr publicly castigate Trump over allegations by a special counsel who was instructed to target the former president.

So we are now at the point that the only two people not involved in the Trump Russia hoax were Trump and Russia.

There is not a single substantive piece of information in the dossier that has ever been corroborated by the FBI, or to my knowledge anyone else.

In fact, some of the primary claims have been confirmed by multiple investigations, including that Putin favored Trump over Clinton, that Putin had ordered an influence campaign to damage Clinton and undermine public faith in the election, that Putin ordered cyberattacks, and that Trump campaign officials have secretive contacts with Russian agents.

Steven Brizel | June 22, 2023 at 8:34 am

Let Trump defend himself against this Deep State based indictment-the real conversation should be about how the Democrats, Blackrock et al and pre Musk Twitter together with the FBI and the legacy media have brought bus to our current state of affairs

What makes me the sickest is that Schiff and Company in Congress (and the media) will never apologize and never pay any price. It’s also clear that Obama and Biden knew all about this hoax from its start. They were briefed by Comrade Brennan that Clinton planning to try to tie Trump to the Russians before Obama left office. No one apologizes. No one other than Republicans care about this. I recall when there were people called Americans. They cared about corruption and democracy. Not anymore.

Fat_Freddys_Cat | June 22, 2023 at 9:36 am

It was easy to see that the dossier was BS. If you challenged a Democrat on it, their “argument” (ha) was always some variant of “well, you can’t disprove it!” An illogical but very telling response.

“The manipulation that she perpetrated here is so horrible, not for what it did to Donald Trump, that’s bad enough, but what it did to our nation. We’re at each other’s throats because of what Hillary Clinton did. And she needs to be roundly condemned, and she’s not getting a fraction of the criticism that she deserves”

For a hyuuuuuuge portion of our population, Hillary is a hero. Sure, she failed at first. However, to that hyuuuuuuge portion of our populace, Hillary laid down one of the foundational building blocks that got Biden elected.

2smartforlibs | June 22, 2023 at 11:00 am

For the time teh tale broke if you follow who released it when and why, you knew there was nothing in it.

BierceAmbrose | June 22, 2023 at 2:39 pm

It’s worst than that. They did it right out in the open. So, we see what they did, And they don’t care that we see what they did.

Their message: “What can you do?” Interesting approach for someone, or an entire movement, selling smug disdain.

PuttingOnItsShoes | June 22, 2023 at 7:19 pm

Yes, seems no doubt that Mifsud was part of the “setup” and is the evidence that this whole thing started even much earlier than they admit to with the crossfire hurricane investigation initiation memo.

My understanding is that he was part of the setup with Papadopoulos. I’d be curious for you to articulate your understanding of the role Misfsud played. I had a handle on that about 3 years ago but I’ve kind of lost the thread.

Obviously, the involvement of Nellie Orr in the production of the steele dossier shows that people inside the doj were active participants in the effort, not just suckers who fell for the Hillary hoax because of confirmation bias.