Pelosi Tells Democrats to Make Abortion Top Priority in 2024, Supports SCOTUS Term Limits

Devout Catholic Nancy Pelosi told Democrats they have to make abortion a top priority in 2024.

As a Catholic, you’d think she’d mean keep it illegal. But we all know Pelosi is all for abortion:

Pelosi appeared on MSNBC’s “Inside with Jen Psaki” on Sunday for an extensive interview that focused heavily on abortion and the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Pelosi said abortion remains a winning issue for Democrats, and one that helped stave of disaster for the party in the 2022 midterm elections.”Everybody said we’re going to lose 30, 40 seats,” Pelosi said of the 2022 elections. “Last time we lost five and everybody says you had the wrong message. They were saying to me, you’re going to owe an apology to the members because Dobbs is in the rearview mirror. But it wasn’t. It was up front, and it is right up in front of women in our country.”

We have been without Roe v. Wade for a year now. Thank God. Thank God some states have pushed to protect unborn human beings, too.

Pelosi did not say she wants to pack the court, but now she wants term limits.

Man, again, Democrats don’t get their way, and they want to change the rules:

Pelosi stopped short of calling on Democrats to pack the court, an idea some Democrats have endorsed since Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation solidified a 6-3 conservative majority on the court.”The president formed a commission. They did not recommend expansion of the court. That shouldn’t be the end of it, but there certainly should be term limits,” Pelosi stated.

Pelosi is ticked that SCOTUS didn’t uphold precedent. I guess she wants segregation back then!

Pelosi also thinks the Constitution contains the “right to privacy.”

For someone who swears to uphold the Constitution, she sure doesn’t know what’s in it!

Then again, duh. We already knew that. No shock that she thinks the “right to privacy” is in the Constitution.

Tags: 2024 Elections, Abortion, Nancy Pelosi, US Supreme Court