NYC Mayor Eric Adams Slammed for Spouting “Body Positivity” Nonsense

The last time we checked in on New York City Mayor Eric Adams, the “tough on crime” guy had just revealed a weak retail theft deterrent program that is a pathetic attempt to stem the escalating amount of crime in that metropolis.

More recently, the mayor has moved on to join the “Body Positivity” craze. Adams has just signed into law a bill banning discrimination based on height and weight in employment, housing, and public accommodations.

“It shouldn’t matter how tall you are, or how much you weigh, when you’re looking for a job, when you’re out on our town, or you are trying to get some form of accommodation or an apartment to rent, you should not be treated differently,” said Adams in a signing ceremony.The law has an exemption for when a person’s weight or height would prevent them from performing a job’s essential requirements, the mayor said. The law is slated to take effect in 180 days, or on Nov. 22.Six other cities — including San Francisco and Washington, D.C. — and the state of Michigan, also have similar bans on height and weight discrimination.Weight discrimination is widespread, but reportedly hits women the hardest, especially women of color. A study by Vanderbilt University found overweight women earning $5.25 less per hour, a so-called wage penalty.”It helps level the playing field for all New Yorkers,” Adams said.

Mercifully, there were exceptions built into this law, which include cases where someone’s height or weight might stop them from performing critical parts of the job.

“Fat Acceptance” supporters were thrilled.

Tigress Osborn, chair of the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance, a nonprofit advocacy group, said she hoped that other cities would approve similar laws to send the message that size discrimination was a “serious injustice.”The bill’s sponsor, Shaun Abreu, a councilman from northern Manhattan, said that he gained weight during the pandemic and noticed that people treated him differently. He said that the law would make employers think twice about discriminating against heavier people and raise awareness about the problem.“It’s also about changing the culture in how we think about weight,” he said.

However, being overweight and obese carry inherent health risks. People who are overweight have higher incidents of cardiovascular disease (mainly heart disease and stroke), type 2 diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders like osteoarthritis, and some cancers (endometrial, breast and colon). Just because the mainstream media is ignoring these published reports.

Dr. Nicole Saphier, a physician at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, is willing to share the facts. She slammed Adams for his “body positivity” statements in conjunction with the signing ceremony. She called him out on his hypocrisy, as Adams went on a weight loss program to improve his health.

When asked to respond to critics who see this new law as a step back in the fight against obesity – a condition that is literally killing Americans every day – Adams got it all miserably wrong.’Science has shown body type is not a connection to if you’re healthy or unhealthy, and I think that’s a misnomer we are really dispelling,’ the mayor said.Excuse me? Mister Mayor, you’re not a doctor. You’d better leave this one to the professionals.First of all, ‘body type’ is not a term used with any specificity in the medical field. But in the context of this question and answer, I assume that Adams was talking about ‘body habitus’ – the shape and size of the human body, commonly referred to as the physique.And to say that the physique is not connected to well-being is 100% false.Shame on you, Mayor.Of all people – he should know this. After all, Adams cured his own failing health.

Obesity was a significant factor contributing to elevated risk of hospitalization and death during covid infections. “Fat Acceptance” is based on social science narrative rather than medical science facts. It’s every bit as toxic and harmful to Americans as the trans-movement.

And like the trans-movement, “Fat Acceptance” is gaining ground nationwide.

Other state-level bills have now been introduced in New York, Massachusetts, Vermont, and New Jersey.New Jersey and Massachusetts have also introduced legislation to stop weight and height discrimination.Tigress Osborn, the chair of the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance, said New York City’s weight discrimination ban should serve as a model for the nation and the world.Ms Osborn said the city’s adoption of the new ordinance ‘will ripple across the globe’ and show that ‘discrimination against people based on their body size is wrong and is something that we can change’.It comes as US health officials said rates have soared to ‘epidemic’ proportions, with the obesity rate rocketing to 42 percent nationally.

Tags: Eric Adams, New York City