New California Bill Would Punish Parents for not ‘Affirming’ Their Child’s Gender Identity

A new bill making its way through the California legislature would punish parents who don’t actively affirm their child’s gender identity.

It looks like all those parents showing up at school board meetings had every right to be concerned. The left is coming for people’s children. We are past the slippery slope.

The Washington Free Beacon has details:

California Bill Would Punish Parents Who Don’t ‘Affirm’ Their Child’s Gender IdentityA newly revised California bill would treat parents’ refusal to “affirm” their child’s gender identity as a violation of health, safety, and welfare in the context of custody disputes.The bill, which has already passed the State Assembly, would require judges adjudicating such disputes over transgender-identifying children to favor the parent who “affirms” the child’s preferred identity. Earlier this week the authors released an updated version that specifically defines “the health, safety, and welfare” of a child to include “a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity”—a change that the bill’s opponents worry will open the door to non-affirmation being treated as abuse.”When you say that gender affirmation is in the child’s best interest for health, safety, and welfare, it takes nothing to say [non-affirmation] is now abuse—because you’re not taking care of the health, safety, and welfare if you’re not affirming them,” said Erin Friday, a San Francisco attorney and co-lead of the parent coalition Our Duty.

Read more details from the California legislature here.

Watch Assemblywoman Lori Wilson discuss the bill below:

More from FOX News:

If the newly-amended bill were to go into law parents who do not affirm this new standard of health and safety for their children may be found liable for child abuse and have their young one removed from their home.Critics of this amended bill claim that it could open the door to legally declare non-affirmation of a child’s gender identity child abuse across the board…After passing the state assembly and being introduced into the state senate, the bill was amended on June 6, so that its provisions would alter the California Family Code by making affirming gender identity one of legal standards parents have to meet in order to be recognized as providing for the “health, safety, and welfare of the child.”If parents embroiled in a custody battle were to deny the child’s gender identity, state courts would have the authority to under Section 3011 of California’s Family Code to remove the child from the parent’s home.

This is beyond Orwell. It’s un-American and illogical.

Featured image via Twitter video.

Tags: California, Gender, LGBT, Progressives, Transgender