NASA UFO Panel Reveals Its Findings During First Public Meeting
NASA astrobiologist recommends search for alien ‘artifacts’ in our solar system.

Back in 2022, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) arranged for a team of scientists to spend nine months evaluating unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAPs (also known as UFOs/Unidentified Flying Objects).
The panel just held its first public meeting to discuss its findings.
The main takeaway from the meeting was that we simply don’t have enough data to identify and explain UAPs. “The current data collection efforts about UAPs are unsystematic and fragmented across various agencies, often using instruments uncalibrated for scientific data collection,” said David Spergel, who leads the group.
Historically, UAPs have rarely been studied with rigour, and all the data has never been gathered in one place before. Now that the group has gathered the data, researchers can begin to take a closer look and try to figure out what UAPs are.
The events the team has managed to look into in detail are traceable back to mundane sources – commercial aircraft, balloons, even radiation from microwave ovens. So far, there is no evidence that any UAP has anything to do with anything extraterrestrial, several of the team members emphasised.
It is being reported that several panelists were subjected to unspecified “online abuse” and harassment since beginning their work in June of last year.
“It is really disheartening to hear of the harassment that our panelists have faced online because they’re studying this topic,” NASA’s science chief, Nicola Fox, said in her opening remarks. “Harassment only leads to further stigmatization.”
The greatest challenge panel members cited, however, was a dearth of scientifically reliable methods for documenting UFOs, typically sightings of what appear as objects moving in ways that defy the bounds of known technologies and laws of nature.
The underlying problem, they said, is that the phenomena in question are generally being detected and recorded with cameras, sensors and other equipment not designed or calibrated to accurately observe and measure such peculiarities.
Perhaps the most interesting discussion focused on the metallic orbs the U.S. military is tracking all over the world.
This is a typical example of the thing that we see most of,’ Kirkpatrick told NASA’s UAP panel. ‘We see these all over the world.’
‘And we see these making very interesting apparent maneuvers,’ Kirkpatrick added. ‘This one in particular, however, I would point out, demonstrated no enigmatic technical capabilities and was no threat to airborne safety.
‘Being able to come to some conclusion is going to take time,’ he said, ‘until we can get better resolved data on similar objects that we can then do a larger analysis on.’
Kirkpatrick also told the panel that AARO is receiving, on average, about 50 to 100 reports of UAPs per month — a figure which means that roughly one truly weird, inexplicable case is arriving on their desks each week.
He also noted that there were occasional spikes in sightings, coinciding with events like Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite launches or the frenzy over China’s spy balloon this past February.
Interestingly, one of the panelists wants NASA to expand its interest in the subject far beyond Earth’s atmosphere.
One member of the panel, astrobiologist David Grinspoon, an advisor to NASA on space exploration strategy, offered much more cosmic recommendations than his peers during today’s public meeting.
Grinspoon noted that he and his colleagues’ search for ‘biosignatures’ and ‘technosignatures’ of extraterrestrial life out in the wider universe could play a significant role by assisting and collaborating with the investigation of local UAP.
‘While at present there is no evidence suggesting an extraterrestrial source for UAPs,’ Grinspoon said, ‘these existing NASA programs are relevant to the question.’
Grinspoon told the panel that it would be ‘plausible’ to find ‘extraterrestrial artifacts’ made by an alien civilization in our solar system. NASA, he said, should include attempts to search and identify any such artifacts in future planetary exploration missions.

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“It is really disheartening to hear of the harassment that our panelists have faced online because they’re studying this topic,”
What did they expect? From the 1940s through most of the twenty-teens, seventy-odd years, the official policy of the government, abetted by a compliant mainstream media, was to dismiss reporting of UFOs as hoaxes, delusions, illusions, hysterical imaginings or other psychological dysfunctions. Witnesses were labeled as nutcases.
Commercial and private pilots reporting UFOs could find their fitness to fly questioned and their licenses revoked. Military pilots especially were cautioned to not report UFOs or risk losing their flight status and be dismissed from the service.
Reporting by credible and reliable witnesses was explained away as misidentified stars or planets, weather balloons, aerial flares or swamp gas.
The government had so stigmatized the acronym of UFO that they had to change to UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) when they were forced to acknowledge taking them seriously.
So, again, what did they expect?
In addition to your most accurate and truthful points, you have to toss in that the one consistent thing when dealing with the Federal government for the last decade or so is that they can be depended upon to lie, especially when political power or graft is involved. Even when telling the truth would help them in the long run, it is considered heresy. So why should we believe the statements of this panel any more than say a government press secretary?
Subotai Bahadur
You are correct…thousands of credible pilots refused to report first the “foo fighter” then the UFO.
I’m at the point in life where I don’t want to know, but if so I sure want to see their technology and hear their history.
I was curious as to which take on things the persons doing the harassing were taking.
Were these the “of course there are UFOs and the Government covers it up” OR the “what a waste of taxpayers money” folks ?
It’s not aliens. Take my word for it.
Is the “woke” term “undocumented extraterrestrial immigrant”?
Subotai Bahadur
Ionosphere jumpers.
Time to call MIB.
They have to be more reliable and believable than the FIB.
For the longest time, I simply thought that aliens must have visited us and are still visiting. But after pondering it over, I am now of the opinion that alien visits are extremely improbable.
First, our planet is in the “sticks” of our galaxy, far from the center on one of the arms. There are not a lot of stars in our vicinity, either – less than 100 in a 100 light-year radius. The probability of another planet having advanced life in that area is infinitesimal. And the only viable way to get here would be, at minimum, near-speed of light flight, or faster-than-light propulsion.
We see in some movies about them receiving our signals or that a probe was found, but we’ve only been broadcasting radio signals for less than 150 years and a probe like Voyager would hardly have made it a fraction of the way to the next nearest solar system in even several centuries’ time.
So the likelihood of an advanced race with warp speed capability having heard our signals (at furthest, within 150 light-years) or encountered any human object is ridiculously small.
So, while I still believe alien life exists, I don’t believe it has visited us.
I am of the same mindset, that space is entirely too vast for contact between civilizations. What we see that cannot be explained is possibly the remnants of ancient interstellar refugees that are merely waiting for the right moment to land in Tijuana and flood the border.
The aliens we need to be concerned about are the ones who come here on foot, not in spacecraft; and who leave rubbish trails longer than the milky way.
The probability of life of any sort anywhere in the universe is infinitesimal.
It’s called the Drake Equation, and anyone who seriously talks about aliens visiting Earth has self-evidently never heard of it.
Given the size of our galaxy, much less the observable universe, it is a virtual certainty that there is life elsewhere in the universe. Possibly even sapient life.
But also given the size of our galaxy, much less the universe, it is a virtual certainty that we will never come into contact with it.
Even the vastness of the universe is insufficient to overcome the combinatorial (im)probabilities of life forming elsewhere in space.
The real truth to the Drake Equation is that one or more of the coefficients could easily be 0.
If any of the coefficients were 0, we would not exist. But some coefficients could be very small.
I wouldn’t assume that “aliens” must have an extraterrestrial source. While that is possible (including the possibility of long dead civilizations whose remnants are still wandering the galaxy), it is also possible that they are from a past civilization that left Earth long ago (perhaps it died out when this planet became unfavorable to them), or from an alternate timeline in the here and now. If the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics has any validity, there could be innumerable alternate timelines of our own planet, and some would have developed civilizations of creatures different from ourselves.
Aliens do not have to travel at near light speed or faster than light to get here.
They could be extremely long lived as in tens of thousands of years.
Or they could send generation ships where the descendants of the original crew arrive at the destination.
They could hollow out an asteroid and send that as a generation ship.
They could mine the asteroid as a source of resources to maintain a crew.
They could hibernate for thousands of years on board a star ship.
None of these scenarios require warp or even extremely fast travel.
We are alone. Those claiming otherwise are stupid or grifters or governmental disinformationists.
I was a military pilot and then an airline pilot for over 30 years and never saw anything that acted like a real UFO. I saw many things that were unexplained at the time but were later cleared up. I just saw yesterday a short video from a Navy plane that showed what looked like a flying saucer in a highly banked angle that flitted on and off the windshield in an instant. The thing that made me doubt it is the fact that it had to bank. It has no wings nor visible thrust so why would it need to bank? Banking in an airplane is required because of the wings and lift but also for the comfort of the pilots/passengers. Things like that make me skeptical.
Obama was a traitor. Biden is a traitor. Half of Congress are traitors. The Biden cabinet are traitors.
But hey: look at that UFO!
Half of congress? I defy you to mention more than five names that have clean hands…
It’s like watching a cat.
Just when they get you to believe that they actually have some real intelligence …
“The main takeaway from the meeting was that we simply don’t have enough data to identify and explain UAPs.”
Translation: We pissed away the money and have nothing to show for it.
The last thing America needs is to piss away ever expending buckets of taxpayer money to scour infinite space for nonexistent fragments; so that any that improbably happen to found anyway can be sequestered away indefinitely for examination by: Top! Men!
“The main takeaway from the meeting was that we simply don’t have enough data to identify and explain UAPs.”
Funny, that’s not what the military and intelligence services think:
Scientists have to deal with the scientific process. The military and intelligence services just have to recognize a potential threat, and compare it to known technologies in order to reach the logical conclusion that these intruders are non-human, and almost certainly extraterrestrial, intelligences.
I am sure of this myself, because the technology behind these devices would 1.) be worth a LOT of money; and 2.) confer a great deal of power on anyone who can harness it. Because I see no humans benefitting from this technology, neither earning insane piles of money nor wielding extraordinary power, I must conclude the technology isn’t controlled by any humans.
Hmm, seems a very convenient time to bring up UFO’s and extraterrestrials with all what’s going on since Joe Biden* was “elected.”
Fortunately — unlike Joe — the average American can pay attention to more than one thing at once.
Okay; TL;DR
Do they have something or not?
A former intelligence official turned whistleblower has given Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General extensive classified information about deeply covert programs that he says possess retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin. -The Debrief
For those who ‘want to believe’ – short of a UFO landing on the lawn of the White House, this is it.
For those who think the recent government UFO disclosures are one big psyop, this is it.
The revelations can be both. Psyops don’t require falsehoods, just misdirection and distortion. UAPs could be the next threat, requiring the surrender of liberties in order to combat the threat. That wouldn’t necessarily mean that they don’t exist.