Maryland Democrat Apologizes After Equating Muslims With White Supremacists for Protesting LGBT Content in Schools
“[My remarks] created an opportunity for misunderstanding and mischaracterization”
Many members of the Muslim community in America and Canada are not happy about the LGBT agenda being advanced in schools and are engaging in protests like the ones we have seen in California and Ottawa.
Progressives are having a hard time understanding this. Muslims are not supposed to oppose them, and that has led to awkward moments like this one, where Maryland Democrat Kristin Mink equated Muslim protesters with white supremacists.
Townhall reported:
Words matter. Haven’t we heard that before? For Maryland Democrat Kristin Mink, she learned that the hard way, and that representing a relatively liberal region of the state does not shield you from being dragged for saying foolish things. Mink, a Montgomery County, Maryland council member, landed in hot water when she equated the local Muslim community to white supremacists.
There’s an ongoing battle within the schools here, where Muslim families are rightfully not thrilled that their children will have access to LGBT-inspired textbooks. Some of these materials have been reported to contain graphic discussions about sexuality. Muslims have felt that these textbooks infringe upon their faith, which drew the reaction from Mink.
See the video below:
Montgomery County Councilmember Kristin Mink says Muslim families are on the same side as white supremacists, because they care about their kids.
Kristin Mink will get voted out next election.
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) June 8, 2023
Mink has since apologized for those remarks.
FOX News reports:
Maryland Dem grovels after saying Muslim kids against LGBTQ+ lessons aligned with ‘White supremacists’
A Democrat Maryland elected official apologized in a Sunday afternoon statement addressed to the Muslim community days after she blasted their children who spoke against an LGBTQ+ curriculum at a Montgomery County Public Schools board meeting as being aligned with “White supremacists.”
Kristin Mink, a Montgomery County council member and former public school teacher at MCPS, maintained in her apology statement that her Tuesday board of education meeting remarks were “focused on promoting inclusion.”
“[My remarks] created an opportunity for misunderstanding and mischaracterization,” she said. “I apologize for the hurt that caused in the Muslim community.”
Muslim children at the Montgomery County Public Schools district had been speaking out against their parents’ inability to opt them out of LGBTQ+ lessons they deemed violated their faith at the meeting.
Will anyone be surprised if something like this happens again?
Featured image via Twitter video.
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It’s Ok she lied about white supremacy. Shes just terrified of offending a religion that can’t be named.
And will cut your head off if you insult their prophet.
And throw you off the roof if not show up at your place of business for a little shooting rampage for dissing their religion. She better stick to Christian bashing
Democrats have to genuflect before so many groups these days. Like walking blindfolded through a mine field. Never apologize. It’s a sign of weakness.
No. They CHOOSE to genuflect before all these groups. Just like they CHOSE to obey the orders of Jackson and other troublemakers over what we could call blacks. Or, CHOOSING to bow down and rename ball teams when ugly single white women with many cats determined teams named after Indian tribes offended someone.
That’s true.
Ha! “… ugly single white women with many cats…” I’m stealing that one. 🙂
Just stealing the truth…
They’re not always single. And their husbands do as they’re told. But always the cats.
Most white supremacists are third world residents trying to move to a white-governed country, for example these Muslims. So it’s an accurate portrayal.
They demonstrably believe in the supremacy of white nations. After all, they’re not fleeing to sub-Saharan Africa or South America.
It is remarkable that everyone not white wants to flee to places like Europe and North America. Places established and run by WCDs…white Christian dudes.
Ahh yes…another asinine comment from yet another afraid if her own shadow moronic Democrat in a leadership position of influence, proving these people are so drunk on their own self-importance they’re tone-deaf to the hilt. Simply cannot fix this mental illness…like a cult but no chance to deprogram…it’s too ingrained.
Another ditzy dame
Looks like the Muslim communities have to learn that they need to support whatever the local elected Dems say. They need to get behind, and not question its leaders. Objections and/or discussion is clearly evidence of hatred of the LGBTQ+ community. They need only look to the Black communities for the best example. Any Black dissenters are labeled “not really Black.” Perhaps the Dem Muslims should tell any Muslims objecting to the pro-LGBT+ agenda that they are not true Muslims. It seems to work pretty well to stifle objections in the Black communities.
They learned from the Marxists. Lie to the useful idiots, get them to topple the system from within, and then bust out the scimitar and start lopping their stupid heads.
Well,, Muslims may not be “white supremacists,” but, Muslim supremacists such as the vile Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and their bigoted, hate-spewing ilk are a legitimate phenomenon and a real problem.
Well said.
Better get to work fixing that.
Of course, equating Christians with “white supremacists” is a-OK.
The Left has absolutely no problem slandering Christians, but God forbid anyone give Muslims the stink eye.
As Montco teacher she became famous when she confronted Trump EPA guy Scott Pruitt at ritzy DC restaurant- with her 2 yr old in hand. And used to get into Montco politics.
Mink also Chinese so you might assume she has kinda mixed relations with white supremacists.
Hmm, maybe Christians need to get a backbone like the Muslims.
They did centuries ago. Back then Christians realized that they had already turned the other cheek and enough was enough. So they dropped “The Hammer” on the Muslims. The punishment put upon the Muslim armies by Vlad the Impaler give the Muslim armies pause. Islam is a top to bottom “civilization” incompatible with true Western Civ… not the corruption we live under today.
The crusaders also sacked Byzantium, fought each other for scraps of power, and engaged in petty squabbles to, from and within Outremer which undermined the cause. The ‘Christian West’ was never united behind the idea, instead it was largely opportunism grafted onto a cause. This is especially so after the 3rd crusade. The next 350 years had various factions undermine each other and in many n cases aligning with the Ottoman to prevent the success of another entity out of spite. See the Italian city States.
Get them Knights Templar on speed-dial.
The transgender spectrum is trendy.
That said, the KKK is akin to Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter a Pro-Choice [nominally secular] ethical sect.
Do a few more shots and I’m sure this incoherent mess will seem brilliant even to you.
The diversity Olympics is hard! The d/prog and the woke weirdo trannys don’t yet realize how badly they effed up in pushing this ideology much less onto kids. The average person of any ethnicity opposes it, a religious person even more so. Plenty of folks in Latino, Black and Asian communities who are way more aligned with traditional values on this issue than the d/prog position.
Not aligned with d/prog positions? Well that’s because they’re ignorant, backwards, and just, well, not real smart. It’s why we have to keep them on plantations. Maybe in a few centuries they’ll become enlightened like we Democrats are….
You may have forgotten the sarcasm tag of
The party of the pervert, felon, welfare freeloader, illegal alien invader and murdering Muslim jihadi just reminded her of who they represent.
With friends like these, who needs enemies?
“[My remarks] created an opportunity for misunderstanding and mischaracterization”
Isn’t it great to be conservative instead? We folks can just say, “I fucked up.”
“[My remarks] created an opportunity for misunderstanding and mischaracterization,”
That’s no apology. She’s blaming Muslims for “misunderstanding and mischaracteriz(ing)” what she said.
Her first words are actionable intent and the Muslims know that. The Left thought that they could triangulate the Left and Islam against Christians… but they let their true nature out and Islam has no place for them other than dhimmitude or dead.
Muslims are white supremacist’s
Hispanics are white supremacist’s
Blacks are the face of white supremacy
All white men and women are white supremacist’s
About the only ones left that aren’t are AWFL’S (affluent white female liberals). The demand for white supremacy far outweighs the supply. Hold up your hand if you have ever met one. Nobody??? Thought so.
Apparently there’s an ample supply of apostrophes to go around.
I’ve noticed spellcheck doing that.
This must be a tough one for the usual gang of Muslim bashers here.
Nah. It focuses their attention on problem children instead of white Christians.
Muslims are not deceived or distracted by her BS.
So she is apologizing to Muslims for being associated with “White Supremacy”? Did she apologize to “White Supremacists” while she was at it? Oh no.
If you read Jihad Watch one day per week, you will discover that Muslims have a divine mandate to carry out war against infidels. Do “white supremacists” have any such divine mandate? No.
Muslims blew up our twin towers on 9/11. A Muslim perpetrated mass murder at one of our military bases (Nidal Hassan). Muslims killed dozens of infidels at the Pulse nightclub. A Muslim rented a large truck for the express purpose of running over infidels on a bike path. A Muslim recently went on a stabbing rampage against infant children at a park in France. I could go on for pages.
How many atrocities have “white supremacists” engaged in? The nearest example might be the attack on the OK FBI building by Timothy McVeigh, but a strong case can be made that he did this because he hated the FBI, not out of some abstract philosophy regarding “white supremacy”. Am I missing something? Where are the atrocities committed by “white supremacists”?
But it is the Muslims who are deserving of an apology?
Muslims have been murdering infidels since Mohammed started preaching in the seventh century. They have killed millions over the years, more than Hitler and Stalin. They will continue killing for the rest of time until they are confined to the Umma by a strong and willful West.
There are over a billion Muslims. Each and every one is commanded by Allah to engage in Jihad against the infidels. How may “white suremacists” are there? Do they have a web page? Where do I sign up? Do they enjoy 501(c)(3) status like all Mosques do? Can I send them a tax-deductible donation? No?
Does anyone reading this website know a single person that is a “white supremacist”?
But it is Muslims that are deserving of an apology.. What a crock.
Uh oh, all my Muslim friends, neighbors, and coworkers are plotting to go derka derka jihad jihad on me?! Whew, thanks for the heads up (or off)! I better disassociate from them asap and protect myself. Little did I know, thinking all this time they were just polite, gracious, and friendly immigrants and citizens raising their children as appreciative Americans. Thanks for letting me know, oh vigilant Christian.
another example of this brand of white supremacy fighting against pride…
Mink throws labels around liberally.
The primary role of diversity in American life has been to place the ignorant, unqualified, and malicious in positions of power across all institutions. Business, industry, government, academia, media, nothing has been left untouched.
It’s a convenient racket for higher education and the useless drones it doles out laughably pointless degrees to, mainly unintelligent “_____ studies” majors. Self perpetuating scam that would make Ponzi himself blush.