Marquette University Prof Claims He Gets ‘Anxious’ When He Sees an American Flag

This is a stereotype of the left, but for a good reason. It happens so often.The College Fix reports:

American flag causes ‘anxiety’ for Marquette professorA Marquette University professor says he gets “anxious” when he sees an American flag.Philosophy Professor Grant Silva made the comments for a Flag Day segment yesterday on WUWM, a National Public Radio affiliate in Milwaukee.Professor Silva (pictured) agreed with host Teran Powell when she discussed “the anxiety [Powell] had surrounded by excessive American Flags.”“For example, I’m Black American, and over the past few years, I’ve continued to analyze what the American Flag means to me,” Powell said. “Especially considering the growth in extremism post-Trump-presidency and those extremists using the American Flag against people of color to say they’re the real Americans.”She shared her own anxiety about seeing American flags in Illinois when she was traveling with a friend. “And both of us were like, ‘Yeah, we need to hurry up and leave. And I thought about it like, ‘why did we feel like that?”“Black people for generations have dealt with tension with the American flag,” Powell said in her write-up of the interview. “Our feelings were nothing new. But I asked Silva what he thought and he says he’s had similar experiences.”“I also get a little bit anxious around the excessive imagery of the flag in part because in my experience, patriotism quickly slips into nationalism,” Silva told the NPR affiliate. “Especially the simplistic version of patriotism, the flag waving, my country love it or leave it kind of attitude. That is just a hop, skip and a jump away from becoming nationalism.”He continued:

As much as I would like to see the flag displayed in a proud manner, it all too quickly takes on the stakes that, as a non-white person, can mean a lot, right? It can mean a sense of inclusion or exclusion. A sense of belonging or the ascription of perpetual foreigner, perpetual outsider status; that that flag is not for me unless I’m willing to abide by the assimilatory paradigm that some of these individuals that you’re talking about tend to put forward.

Tags: College Insurrection, Wisconsin