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Legal Insurrection Foundation has a new website

Legal Insurrection Foundation has a new website

The new website is a showcase for LIF and its three projects, Legal Insurrection website,, and

The Legal Insurrection Foundation finally has a new website. We’ve had so much else going on, it took us a while to put a new website together.

The old LIF website never really highlighted all the things we do. That’s a problem with us, we’re very good at doing, very bad at communicating what we do.

The new website uses the same WordPress ‘theme‘ as the EPP website.

Right on the homepage you can access our featured news items with a link to our News page:

Since not many people are familiar with our structure, we explain that LIF has three projects – Legal Insurrection website,, and

We have bios on our team members and Testimonials from people we have helped. We also have lots of videos, mostly of me talking about stuff:

There are other features to the new website, but most of all it’s a chance for us to showcase what we do and for others to learn more About Us:

Remember, we are a small organization going up against powerful and wealthy government and private institutions. Donations are greatly needed and appreciated.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


Thumbs up for LIF!

RepublicanRJL | June 15, 2023 at 5:25 am

Looks great!!!

Just in case you elderly folks might not know this, if you donate to LIF from your IRA the donation counts toward your RMD (Required Minimum Distribution) and is tax-free! Yes, FREE! (The only downside is that you can’t also deduct the donation from your income tax if you itemize).
[Since I am no longer a member of any Bar this is not legal or financial advice and you should confirm with your own advisor.]

I am already making monthly donations to the Foundation. Will I keep getting requests to do what I am already doing?

    William A. Jacobson in reply to Whitewall. | June 15, 2023 at 1:54 pm

    I will look into whether there is a way to opt someone out of our email list who is donating monthly, but it would have to be on a case by case basis. There are people who have recurring monthly donations — which are VERY appreciated — who also make separate individual donations.

I am a monthly automatic regular contributor. Keep up the good work!