Lefty Lunatic and Former San Francisco D.A. Chesa Boudin Hired by U.C. Berkeley Law
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Lefty Lunatic and Former San Francisco D.A. Chesa Boudin Hired by U.C. Berkeley Law

Lefty Lunatic and Former San Francisco D.A. Chesa Boudin Hired by U.C. Berkeley Law

“Chesa Boudin has spent his whole life grappling with incarceration and its far-reaching implications.”

In June of last year, the people of San Francisco successfully recalled Soros-backed District Attorney Chesa Boudin because they were tired of his insane leftist policies on law enforcement.

Now he has been hired to teach at the University of California, Berkeley Law School. Isn’t that just perfect?

From the Berkeley announcement:

Chesa Boudin Brings a Lifetime of Experience to Lead New Criminal Law & Justice Center

Chesa Boudin has spent his whole life grappling with incarceration and its far-reaching implications. As the founding executive director of Berkeley Law’s new Criminal Law & Justice Center, he sees an exciting opportunity to build on his work of transforming the criminal legal system in profound ways.

“A lifetime of visiting my biological parents in prison and my work as a public defender and district attorney have made clear that our system fails to keep communities safe and fails to treat them equitably,” Boudin says. “I’m thrilled to join the nation’s premier public law school and engage with brilliant scholars and students to drive meaningful change by elevating the lived experience of those directly impacted.”

The center will be a research and advocacy hub to boost Berkeley Law’s public mission in the criminal justice arena. It will help foster research collaboration among faculty members and others, enhance law students’ training and practice opportunities, and strengthen connections between the university and the outside world.

It’s possible that going into academia was Boudin’s plan all along, much like Bill Ayers, the left-wing radical who raised him. The announcement from Berkeley treats this fact as a feature, not a bug:

Boudin’s parents, former members of the radical political group Weather Underground, spent more than six combined decades in prison for participating in a 1981 Brinks truck robbery that led to the death of two police officers and a security guard. Boudin was 14 months old at the time. His mother was released on parole after being incarcerated for 22 years, his father after 40.

Raised by his adoptive parents on the South side of Chicago, Boudin became a Rhodes Scholar, went to Yale Law School, and clerked for two federal judges.

Last word goes to Ted Cruz.


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Trump’s the candidate who isn’t fighting evil but stupidity. That’s better for your own virtue. Which way is this guy characterized?

Click bait votes for evil.

If I were a law firm, I would not be looking to hire Berkeley graduates. Let them work for Southern Poverty Law.

I do not consent for my tax dollars to be spent in this manner. Defund the police universities!!

Berkley Laws’s new Criminals Social Justice system

At least it wasn’t a law school with a reputation left to worry about.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Gosport. | June 1, 2023 at 6:11 pm

    I must be behind. I thought Boalt Hall was one of Uc Berkeley’s islands of sanity.

It’s Berserkely! What do you expect? Where reality goes to get high.

Democrats hire terrorists to teach children, abortionists to nurture girls, trans/homosexuals to groom boys, Levine et al to mutilate, sterilize, and drive underage boys and girls to self-abort. Progressive liberalism is a monotonically divergent religion.

That said, all’s fair in lust and abortion.

Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter (SS BLM) is a model of a progressive religion.

henrybowman | June 1, 2023 at 6:37 pm

“Chesa Boudin has spent his whole life grappling with incarceration and its far-reaching implications”

So has John Hinckley, Jr. How many professorships you got available?

Let him do his grappling inside a prison. He is a Red diaper baby. The Nomenklatura take care of their own.

Gremlin1974 | June 1, 2023 at 7:19 pm

Class room rules for his classes, 1: Leave Ethics and testicles at the door!”

Republicans do the same thing with their losers: See Liz Cheney.

inspectorudy | June 1, 2023 at 7:36 pm

Lori Lightfoot was just hired by Harvard as a professor! All of these professional failures are being rewarded by the left. Harvard also hired failed NYC mayor DeBlasio. Pretty soon they will offer courses on How to Fail without really trying.

They do protect their own

E Howard Hunt | June 2, 2023 at 7:57 am

A bad seed

This is why we need to actually fight for the institutions not for another round of big business and upper class tax cuts.

    Whitewall in reply to Danny. | June 2, 2023 at 9:43 am

    Drive Antonio Gramsci and his ‘long march’ right back through the institution and out the doors, windows etc. Preferably high up windows..

I feel bad for him that he had spend all those years visiting his parents in prison. I would have spared him that pain by executing his parents shortly after their convictions.

From the article: “I’m thrilled to join the nation’s premier public law school and engage with brilliant scholars and students to drive meaningful change by elevating the lived experience of those directly impacted.”

I suspect he isn’t referring to the criminals’ victims.