Former Harvard Prof Cornel West Running For President, May Pose Spoiler Threat To Democrats
“I enter in the quest for truth, I enter in the quest for justice, and the presidency is just one vehicle to pursue that truth and justice — what I’ve been trying to do all of my life.”

Former Harvard professor and far left activist Cornel West is entering the 2024 race for president in the People’s Party. West is obviously a longshot, but he could attract some voters from the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democratic Party.
The Hill reports:
Cornel West announces 2024 run for president as People’s Party candidate
Progressive activist Cornel West announced his 2024 campaign for president with the People’s Party on Monday
“I have decided to run for truth and justice, which takes the form of running for President of the United States as a candidate for the People’s Party,” West said in a video announcement on Twitter launching the third-party presidential bid.
“I enter in the quest for truth, I enter in the quest for justice, and the presidency is just one vehicle to pursue that truth and justice — what I’ve been trying to do all of my life.”
West, a philosophy professor and longtime vocal progressive advocate, said his campaign would focus on health care, living wages, housing, reproductive rights and “deescalating the destruction of the planet, the destruction of American democracy.”
Politico has more:
West is known for his academic activism. He is the former professor of the practice of public philosophy at Harvard University and professor emeritus at Princeton University.
In the announcement video, West, 70, claims that he cares more about voters and their quality of life than other political parties.
“Neither political party wants to tell the truth about Wall Street, about Ukraine, about the Pentagon, about big tech,” West said. “Do we have what it takes? We shall see.”
Watch his announcement video below:
"I enter in pursuit of truth, I enter in pursuit of justice, and the presidency is just one vehicle to pursue that truth and justice."
Leftist scholar Cornell West announces his 2024 presidential bid under the banner of the People's
— MintPress News (@MintPressNews) June 5, 2023
Some people on the left are concerned about this for obvious reasons. West could be a spoiler.
WTF?! Does @CornelWest really want to help the GOP nominee win — the way Ralph Nader helped GW Bush defeat Al Gore in 2000?
Ego trips can come at a heavy price, Cornel.
Please stop this foolishness, before you really hurt the things you care to help.
— Laurence Tribe 🇺🇦 ⚖️ (@tribelaw) June 5, 2023
Cornell West – The people’s party
Joe Manchin/ Kristen Sinema – The No Labels party
All are purposed to divide Democratic voters
Don’t fall for it, billionaires are paying for their campaigns to elect a republican president.
— Truth Seeker (@JonesSeeker) June 5, 2023
Of course, some people on the right are supportive for the same reason.
Get this man on the ballot in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Georgia, Florida, Nevada, and Arizona
— Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) June 5, 2023
It’ll be fascinating to see how the media treats West.
Featured image via Twitter video.

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Hey, Joe Biden could “stroke-out” at any moment, leaving the Democrat’s Presidential nomination open.
Nah, he has ‘stroked out’ dozens of times… he does it almost daily now. And the Dims just don’t care.
I dunno, with Democrat Party control of the Deep State and Corporate Media, maybe Cornell West should be more worried that he might “stroke-out”. Suddenly. Very tragically
Remember how they told us that John McCain was too old at 72.
Said it was unlikely he would survive a single term.
The Left’s immorality knows no bounds.
That is very true.
It would really shake up the race if he and Newsom traded hairstyles. Who knows? That could be another quest for the truth.
thanks for the laugh. That visual is hilarious!
Will Newsome’s West hairdo come from wind generated electricity?
He’s running for ‘truth’ ‘justice’……and The American Way? Maybe? He needs a cape and tights and to join the populist conservative movement..
He might siphon off some of the vote harvesters.
Yep, have a feeling the People’s Party won’t be shy about, or lack the motivated people in the right communities, to deep harvest some of those mail-in ballots. Travel to the right hood, and they are for sale to the highest bidder.
Could he be the Ralph Nader of 2024? Perhaps he needs a GoFundMe drive?
I support all lefty voters voting for various third parties.
I hope we don’t have the same problem on the other side.
He is not going anywhere in any primary. Though he may pick up votes from other blacks, those who always vote for dark skins and are vulnerable to socialist BS.
Or should we say “those who always vote for dark skins are GULLIBLE to socialist BS”
Does the truth hurt?
Ralph Nader can be his VP! Corvairs foreveryone!
I’ll take a second generation convertible with the Corsa package and a four speed.
He’s good at calling out racist cops.
He’s good at calling cops racists.
The Prof doesn’t expect to win, he just wants a dacha on a lake like Bernie got.
and he’ll be on the ballot in maybe a few states?
Ballot access as a third party ain’t easy.
Game cards for “Virtue Signal: The Game of Social Justice.”
Check out “The Marxist Academic.”
Yes. Yes it is.
Getting on the ballots will be a big problem – possibly insurmountable.
Manchin will peel off Republican leaning moderates. This clown will attract far left Democrats.
He’s got MY vote in the primary.
Oh, wait … I can’t vote in the primary. Never mind.
Wait . . . “far left” . . . “progressive activist”…. Hasn’t Mr. West been a committed communist for several decades?
Isn’t this a card-carrying communist vs. Democratic socialists?
Different hues of the same color.
Is he going to siphon off votes from the Democrat nominee, or help the Dems when they point to him and say, “See, we’re not _that_ insanely leftist.”
The People’s Party was not on a ballot qualified party according to Ballotpedia. If that is the case he is going to need to spend money to get on the party recognized and on the election ballots, Very few would write his name in.
States have their own rules about getting your name / party on the ballot. He has a lot of work ahead of him if he wants this to be more than just a publicity stunt.
Just an FYI–CW came to speak at Prairie View A&M University a couple of years ago—NOT a single student knew his history nor even bother to attend his “Fireside Chat” with Ruth Simmons—they came and id their homework and got their pass signed so they could get credit and left many before he even said a word—so he has some work to do with this the student age population.
“Infamous Racist Cornel West….”
Thanks for not calling him a “Civil Rights Activist” though, as I’ve seen some other “news” sites do.
All he has ever done is incite racial hatred and violence. Incredibly divisive. The exact opposite of what the Civil Rights movement tried to do.
Cornel wouldn’t know truth or justice if it bit him in the ass!