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DeSantis Border Plan: Finish the Wall, Enforce the Law, and Target Cartels

DeSantis Border Plan: Finish the Wall, Enforce the Law, and Target Cartels

“If the cartels are cutting through the border wall trying to run products into this country, they’re gonna end up stone-cold dead as a result of that bad decision.”

Presidential hopeful Gov. Ron DeSantis revealed his plan to stop the border crisis, including using deadly force against cartels.

He named the plan NO EXCUSES.

  • Use the military to assist the border partrol until the border is finished.
  • Finish the wall along the open 600 miles on the border
  • More fiber optic security systems, lighting, and sensors for the system
  • Build navigable roads along the Rio Grande
  • Declare cartels as Transnational Criminal Organizations
  • Authorize appropriate rules of engagement against those trying to smuggle in drugs
  • Stop DOJ from suing states when those states enforce their immigration laws

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    to the full extent allowed by law.



    smalltownoklahoman | June 26, 2023 at 3:24 pm

    Certainly something needs to be done to enhance border security and put a serious crimp in the cartels trafficking drugs, weapons, people, etc over the border.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to smalltownoklahoman. | June 26, 2023 at 5:02 pm

      Gee, I heard this before, from Trump. In the meantime, how about the military and machine gun nests on the border? How about a new hunting season, year around, with bounty’s paid for illegals?

    Too bad the Republicans didn’t help Trump when he was doing all of that.

      gonzotx in reply to wendybar. | June 26, 2023 at 4:55 pm

      Yes, that’s President Trumps plan!

        JohnSmith100 in reply to gonzotx. | June 26, 2023 at 5:20 pm

        Personally, I think that DeSantis is bush league, he shows long term potential, but he blew the best mentoring chance he had. Really dumb stunt.

        If only he’d had four years in which to enforce it! Oh, wait . . .

          The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | June 26, 2023 at 6:29 pm

          Blasphemy! BLASPHEMY!!!1!!!11!!!

          Azathoth in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | June 27, 2023 at 12:44 pm

          “If only he’d had four years in which to enforce it! Oh, wait . . .”


          Wait for what?

          Are you afraid to talk about it? About WHY Trump had less deportations than Obama?

          Because they stopped trying?

          Yeah. The illegals weren’t so sure about coming when Trump was in office.

          Think about that. Trump was so intimidating that he slowed the flow of illegal aliens into the country. BY HIMSELF–because he damned sure wasn’t getting any RINO or nevertrumper help.

        Actually, it’s been what the GOP has been campaigning on for decades. DeSantis is the only one I believe will actually fulfill that promise (again, Trump isn’t the first to say it, nor is he the first to fail at it). Let’s give someone with a proven track record for achieving his goals a chance. He may fail, but he can’t do any worse than Trump. (freaking Obama deported more illegals than Trump did!).

          Super majorities and rubber stamps can be misleading when it comes to effectiveness.

          “Despite issuing a highly publicized executive order that significantly expanded the enforcement authority and leeway of ICE officers just five days after he took office, Trump has seen arrests and deportations idle, especially when compared to the peak Obama years. This is due to significant resistance from state and local jurisdictions that have limited their cooperation with ICE. Given that most ICE arrests and removals originate with local jails and state prisons, the “sanctuary” policies adopted by California, New York City, and other jurisdictions with high numbers of unauthorized immigrants have served as a significant brake on ICE enforcement.”

          “U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) attributed the lower numbers to “an increased deterrent effect from ICE’s stronger interior enforcement efforts,” but administration officials have also noted an increased proportion of immigrants from Central America, who are harder legally to deport, compared to that faced by the Obama administration.”

          “Immigration advocates said the Trump administration’s desire to deport immigrants indiscriminately rather than targeting criminals for deportation has slowed its pace.

            So you are finally seeing the light, that Trump was resisted and ignored by people in his own branch and over whom he refuses to take responsibility? Yeah, I’m on board with that. Trump got rolled by the deep state. He’s an idiot and didn’t know how anything works, and he got played. Hard. We get it. Why do you have to keep throwing these Trump failures in our faces? Are you TRYING to make DeSantis look good? It sure seems so.

            Seeing the light? Please stop!

            It was not the deep state or his own branch that created sanctuaries that, according to the first article cited, “most ICE arrests and removals originate with local jails and state prisons, the “sanctuary” policies adopted by California, New York City, and other jurisdictions with high numbers of unauthorized immigrants have served as a significant brake on ICE enforcement.”

            Moreover, it’s wishful thinking that to speculate DeSantis will be so effective with super majorities than without them.

            Perhaps you are the one trying to make DeSantis look good by offering up factoids that do not consider context.

            Further, according to ICE, there was an increased deterrent effect from stronger interior enforcement efforts, and an increased proportion of immigrants from Central America, who are harder legally to deport.

            Aside from the sanctuary issue, you addressed neither of these points.

            Oh, and by the way, Biden created more jobs than any other president and reduced the deficit more than any other president, too.

            One need not “see the light” to see the ease of distorting facts.

          luckydog in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | June 26, 2023 at 7:49 pm

          Help me out, are you actually trying to claim: 1) That Trump did not do better than any previous President on the Border Wall, and 2) Trump does not have “a proven track record for achieving his goals”? Thanks.

      CommoChief in reply to wendybar. | June 26, 2023 at 6:51 pm

      Too bad Trump didn’t Veto the budget Ryan, McConnell and the DC establishment sent him which lacked funding for the border wall. That was the pivotal moment to fight the establishment but Trump decided fulfilling his central campaign promise wasn’t worth the political damage. Too bad. Very sad.

      Blackgriffin in reply to wendybar. | June 28, 2023 at 9:17 am

      I don’t think they’re going to be any more helpful to DeSantis, either. They don’t really want the border secure. If they did, they could have accomplished that when they had both houses the first two years of Trump’s presidency. Same for getting rid of Obamacare.

    What do we do with those already embedded in our country?

      JohnSmith100 in reply to paracelsus. | June 26, 2023 at 5:11 pm

      Announce a 30 day grace period for illegals to leave with whatever assets they have, followed by rewards for fingering illegals, and a bounty for private citizens to capture them. Enhance SYG laws to facilitate capture & termination if necessary. I could see hunting illegals become the most popular hunting sport,

        txvet2 in reply to JohnSmith100. | June 26, 2023 at 6:52 pm

        As long as we’re suspending the Constitution and rule of law, let’s just make a month-long open season to kill anybody you don’t like. We could call it “Open Season to Kill Anybody You Don’t Like Month”.

          alien in reply to txvet2. | June 26, 2023 at 7:46 pm

          Only a month?

          JohnSmith100 in reply to txvet2. | June 27, 2023 at 1:09 am

          Not anybody, illegals, over 30 million of them. They represent a staggering cost to taxpayers. Collecting them will be a risky business, one where bounty hunters might have to use lethal force.

          Just having bounty hunters will encourage illegals to leave, if a few have to die to make the point, I say better them than Americans.

            txvet2 in reply to JohnSmith100. | June 27, 2023 at 1:21 am

            Are you sure you don’t want to add in the nigras and the gays and the Democrats, and the Mormons, and the Amish and all of those other people who aren’t like you?

            JohnSmith100 in reply to JohnSmith100. | June 27, 2023 at 12:54 pm

            I was clear about the target being illegals, nothing to do with race or sexuality. Would DeSantis expel illegals, all illegals?

          JohnSmith100 in reply to txvet2. | June 27, 2023 at 9:54 am

          Didn’t suspension of our constitution and rule of law greatly increase with Obama? What about J6? Do we have rule of law today? How many Americas are dead or maimed because of illegals?

          henrybowman in reply to txvet2. | June 27, 2023 at 4:50 pm

          How would it differ from what we now call “Chicago,” “San Francisco,” and “New York City?” Other than the deadline, obviously.


        If the illegal is working, contributing, obeying the law, endeavoring to fit in the community, I’d rather keep the illegal and deport a government leech.

      txvet2 in reply to paracelsus. | June 26, 2023 at 6:53 pm

      Yeah, because the best way to drain the swamp is to keep pumping water into it.

    That + address the demand side of the equation.

    20% of users represent 50% of the demand.

    Take those 20% out of the equation and selling drugs gets really hard.

    How? First invest in foster care- a lot of kids are going into that system when you start taking their drug addicted parents into jail and keeping them there.

    Next- arrest, incarcerate and cut put GALs in charge of the addicts finances for the next decade.

    I like DeSantis a lot. What I do not like is that he is being funded and supported by the Karl Rove/GOPe wing of the GOP. And we know what that gets us: democrat lite. He’ll be at their back and call.

    I also don’t like that he had the chutzbah to try and usurp Trump. He should have been on board.

      This is ludicrous on its face. DeSantis just got called out for not caving to Disney because they donated to his campaign. He literally did the right thing despite their donations. This is bad how?

      And in the meantime, it’s Donald Trump who is cozying up to Disney groomers, who is begging Americans to let up on Tranny Fluid from Bud Light because, and they are very clear about this, political donations. Who is bending to the will of donors? Trump. At every freaking turn. NOT DeSantis. He explicitly says that Disney donations don’t mean a thing when it comes to what is right and what is wrong.

      I’ll take the guy with a back bone who doesn’t care what the mean Democrat media says about him and who certainly would never ever let them dictate his policy (as Trump did with covid and Fauci).

    “More fiber optic security systems, lighting, and censors for the system”

    As obnoxious as the security system might be, I doubt adding censors will help it. Perhaps adding sensors might.

      txvet2 in reply to gibbie. | June 26, 2023 at 7:44 pm

      Literacy is so passe’

      CommoChief in reply to gibbie. | June 26, 2023 at 9:07 pm

      How about a Roman style Censor with a Pro consular Imperium appointed to take care of the border with five or six legions assigned to get it done?

        henrybowman in reply to CommoChief. | June 27, 2023 at 4:57 pm

        Or a Roman Catholic censer, with its patented “purple grind” mixture that melts the nose hairs of anyone within 100 feet of it.

    “Presidential hopeful Gov. Ron DeSantis revealed his plan to stop the border crisis, including using deadly force against cartels.”

    Short Version:
    100% believe that once the primaries & debates start the contrast between DeSantis and the other candidates – not just Trump – will not work in RD’ favor. (see what has happened since RD announced).

    1) Tomayto, Tomahto. Potayto, Potahto. Plan, Distraction.
    2) A Plan should be: Comprehensive, Cohesive, and Credible.
    3) Credit, Command & Connecting

    Long Version:
    100% believe that once the primaries & debates start the contrast between DeSantis and the other candidates – not just Trump – will not work in RD’ favor. (see what has happened since RD announced).

    Have commented before that I support many of the positions/ actions that DeSantis has taken. And I do support this position. Decided I needed to “hear it” from RD, not just some twitter reporting, so I went to the DeSantis campaign site.

    I was not only underwhelmed, I was embarrassed for DeSantis. Then I went to the Trump campaign site.

    To be fair I have no idea what Trump’ 2016 campaign website looked like. However, in 2023 there is a night & day contrast between how those two candidates are communicating their vision/ plan.

    Part of that is the clarity of the site design – home page stipulates vision/ plan via written executive summary & objectives v. verbal clips & headlines – and part of that is the clarity of the vision/ plan (i.e. form follows function).

    A vision/ plan should be Comprehensive, Cohesive, and Credible – not just a compilation of shiny objects and distractions. And even more disconcerting is how did DeSantis reach this point and not understand that the Economy will always matter (not mentioned).

    Only one of them comes across as an Executive, and has having the Experience & Expertise to be the President. Again, to be fair Trump has been both the President and one of the most successful Presidents in our lifetimes.

    DeSantis does deserve credit for what happened in Florida while he was Governor – especially when it concerns election corruption (see Brenda Snipes & Susan Bucher). And folks far more knowledgeable than me have written about the differences between a State and National executive office. However, it is not the office that determines if an individual has a ‘Command Presence’ or the ability to ‘Connect’.

    Yes, the DeSantis inventory of what we saw pre-Presential campaign was dominated by shiny objects/ distractions and angry denunciations/ sparring. However, it is starting to appear that that is who DeSantis is – not just what the MSM showed us – and that there may not be another “side”. Or enough of another “side” to help balance out his image.

    I’ll add that when he is not in a “set format” – news conference, speech, etc. – he appears unable to command-the-room, or connect with others. That will only become more apparent when he is compared to other candidates – sometimes literally side-by-side (see debates).

    DeSantis should have joined forces with Trump. That would have allowed him to contribute what he appears to do well, while seeing firsthand what the national role & responsibilities entail. That would also have required the humility to understand that experience matters.

    Spent the winter of 2007 in Nepal – winter trekking Himalayas – and was asked frequently who I thought the next President would be. ** Told them I could not offer a name – no announced candidates – but I believed that the best speaker would win.

    ** = Did not matter what continent I was on, the world saw GWB in the same way they now see Putin – a bully invader – and they wanted to see “regime change”.

    That always puzzled people. I explained that GWB is now so consistently inarticulate that it has impacted his ability to lead, and that people have a hunger for a communicator. I added that people tend to gravitate towards the person that embodies “leadership” to them. And that the ability to communicate and command-the-room has always been part of the “leadership equation”. Even if they do not consciously recognize their hunger/ need, they will vote for the candidate that fills that need. Fast forward, Obama won and I felt vindicated.

    When the 2016 election arrived, I thought that people had a hunger for competency – I know that I did. And I genuinely thought Gov. Walker was the man to meet that need. I was wrong. And that reinforced what I believed in 2007.

    Walker was a good leader for his state & its challenges. However, when he was compared to other Presidential candidates it was clear that he did not measure up to their ability to communicate and command-the-room. That will matter in the 2024 primaries too.

      gonzotx in reply to luckydog. | June 28, 2023 at 1:13 am

      I k is Trump won I. 2020, but the man hiding in the basement calling a young woman a dog faced pony soldier amd who had not won a primary before the democrats “selected” him, was declared the winner

      He didn’t win but that’s besides the point

      I think Ameroca is gone amd the SC decision today solidified that the Democrats will win every election going forward

      They didn’t even need to take this case, there wasn’t one, they made it up to serve their democratic masters

      Roberts is a politician and terrified of his own shadow, I know he leaked the Roe decision, the last decision these clowns will ever decide for American citizens , Kav lost any mojo he ever had, and Amy, Amy is just a scared little mom who plays at being a judge, probably bakes chocolate chip cookies for the group..

    barbiegirl ny | June 27, 2023 at 8:28 am

    Except for the cartels, I hear nothing about “sending back better” [to use one of the left’s retarded terms] those who’ve entered our country illegally. Why?

    Defund the cartels – by legalizing recreational drugs.