College Student Enrollment Reportedly Down a Million Post-COVID
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College Student Enrollment Reportedly Down a Million Post-COVID

College Student Enrollment Reportedly Down a Million Post-COVID

“It’s no secret that the pandemic has taken a toll on student mental health and academic preparedness”

This is why we have already seen a number of smaller schools close. There is more to come.

Campus Reform reports:

Post-COVID enrollment down by 1 million as students cite affordability, mental health concerns

According to a new report from EAB, an education consulting firm, high schoolers are increasingly feeling mentally unprepared for college as more students express that a degree may not be worth the cost.

“A growing number of high school students point to concerns over affordability as well as academic and mental health preparedness as primary reasons behind their decision not to enroll in college,” EAB stated. “The report summarizes the results of a new survey of more than 20,000 ‘Gen P’ high school students—those whose college-going behaviors have been influenced by the [COVID-19] pandemic.”

Each year, EAB conducts a survey of approximately 20,000 high schoolers to poll students about their college plans.

EAB’s latest findings revealed that 20 percent of students who decided not to attend college immediately after high school indicated that higher education was not worth the cost — a rise from the pre-pandemic level of 8 percent in 2019.

The report also found that 22 percent of high schoolers who declined to pursue a college education felt that they were “not mentally ready for college.” This was an increase from 14 percent reported in 2019.

EAB also cited the National Student Clearinghouse in noting that undergraduate enrollment is down by 1 million students since the coronavirus outbreak of 2019-2020.

“It’s no secret that the pandemic has taken a toll on student mental health and academic preparedness,” said EAB’s Enroll360 President Hope Krutz. “So many negative effects of the pandemic make it harder for today’s students to see college as a viable option.”


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Not trying to be a broken record here, but there really are many, many, many alternatives to traditional college.

This reading list just barely scratches the surface.

Good luck. Imho the happiest, most successful Americans in the future will have done much more interesting things than college high school.

Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids to School? The case for helping them leave, chart their own paths, and prepare for adulthood
Author: Blake Boles
Year: 2020

The Case Against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money
Author: Bryan Caplan
Year: 2018

The Teenage Liberation Handbook (Third Edition): How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education
Author: Grace Llewelyn
Year: 2021

Inside American Education: The Decline, The Deception, The Dogmas
Author: Thomas Sowell
Year: 1992

retiredcantbefired | June 23, 2023 at 5:28 pm

Every student who has decided not to enroll is richly deserved.

I was an average athlete in HS. I worked out 12 months a year. I was coached by professionals for 5 years. I still wasn’t good enough to compete in college.

Imagine kids not truly taught for 2 years. They have no chance in college.

I’ve talked to coaches too. Kids who could have been good were ruined by no activity for 2+ years.

I didn’t struggle in my undergrad studies because I had a good HS foundation. I hope these kids go to the trades and not baristas.

Common Sense | June 24, 2023 at 1:20 am

Can somebody anybody explain why Americans behave as if they truly believe that the most logical thing for most 18 year old high school graduates

is to spend the next four years at a college.

Taking mostly lecture classes.

In a classroom.

Or at the library

Or partying

It strikes me as just so ridiculous. Like a Monty Python sketch.

Why would any normal human want to go to a woke facility for “higher” education?

Colleges today in the U.S. are a lot like New Coke.

Or like when someone gives a preposterous answer on Family Feud.

“Yayy!! Great idea!!!! Yeah”

I’m so glad I graduated from college in 1992 at 38. Today, they’d call out a SWAT team to remove me as I’d be a loud and outraged student about these so-called “institutes of higher learning.” With what I’ve read recently about public school math and reading deficits these kids can barely deal with high school much less colleges and universities thanks to the NEA/AFT.