Climate Cult Leader John Kerry Uses D-Day Analogy to Shill for Green Energy Inanity

The last time we checked on Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry, a group of 27 Republican representatives were demanding Biden disavow the Climate Czar’s cultist remarks targeting agriculture.

Kerry continues to shill for green energy inanity today, likening the fantasy fight against global warming to Allied troops’ Europe-liberating invasion of Normandy during World War II.

Today’s generation is facing its very own climate D-Day and must take immediate action in the war against global warming, according to US special presidency envoy for climate John Kerry…..“Make no mistake, just as that was a fight for the future as much as anything we have ever faced, what we are seeing now is the same,” he said.Kerry said the world was now in a decisive decade and the price of failure could carry greater consequences than those faced during the D-Day landings if the right choices are not made.“What is also clear right now is we can also win this fight, but it requires the same level of innovation and mobilisation that was required back then by those in the greatest generation,” he said.Unlike the fight against Hitler’s forces, the climate battle is not one against a single enemy, Kerry reasoned. “Today’s threat comes from all of us. It comes from the result of the things we do or avoid doing,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration is carrying out policies that are creating a shortage in a key component of the transfer of electrical energy: Transformers. A transformer is an electrical apparatus that manipulates the level of voltage flowing through any point in a power grid, so they are rather important to the energy supply chain.

According to the American Public Power Association, 1 in 5 housing projects has been delayed or canceled owing to shortages. The pandemic dearth of semiconductors, appliances and cars eased as demand ebbed and supply increased, but don’t expect this one to let up anytime soon.Thank President Biden’s green-energy policies, which are increasing demand for transformers and the specialized electrical steel to manufacturer them while creating enormous market uncertainty. The lack of transformers is exacerbating the country’s housing shortage and causing longer and more-frequent power outages…. [T]he U.S. is dependent on a single domestic manufacturer for the electrical steel used in electric vehicles and transformers—Cleveland-Cliffs—and it can’t meet growing demand from the power industry and automakers seeking to electrify their fleets.Domestic transformer manufacturers can and do import steel but have to pay a 25% tariff even as they struggle to compete with lower-cost foreign manufacturers. The U.S. is increasingly relying on imported transformers, including from China, which presents cybersecurity risks.

Professor Glenn Reynolds took a hard look at the current energy policies, warning that the likely summer blackouts can be blamed on the green-energy cultists in charge of making decisions about the nation’s fuel sources.

…[T]he people running things care more about green politics than they care about the quality of life of the people they’re supposed to be serving.A sensible regulatory system would put grid reliability at the top of the priority list.When power goes out, people’s lives are disrupted, the old and sick are put at risk (in the heat and especially in the cold), businesses have to shut down and lose money, workers forgo pay, and the entire atmosphere shifts closer to that of a decrepit Third World nation.If you cared about both the planet and the people, you wouldn’t take power plants offline until you’d put enough new capacity online to replace them and meet projected additional demand.And you wouldn’t make unreliable technologies like wind and solar, which tend to fail when they’re most needed, the mainstay of your generating scheme.

The real battle will be to reverse these destructive policies before permanent harm is done.

I have a much more apt World War II analogy. Our country really needs the next Oppenheimer, but this time with the end goal being the rapid construction of safe and effective nuclear power plants.

Tags: Biden Administration, Climate Change, John Kerry