Video Shows as Many as 40 Teenagers Beating Up Marines in California

An online video shows almost 40 teenagers allegedly beating up three Marines on a California beach over the weekend.

No one knows exactly what started the fight.

From KTLA:

The video was taken on May 26 and shows several Marines walking away from a crowd of what appears to be primarily teenagers and young adults when someone seems to throw something at one of the Marines.The Marine then turns and charges into the crowd where he is punched several times.Later, the video shows two Marines curled up in the fetal position as they are punched and kicked by several crowd members.

Hunter Antonino, one of the Marines, said the assailants “stomped on” and “beat up” the three men:

“We told them we were Marines so they would leave — but they didn’t. They just kept going at it,” one of the attacked servicemen, Hunter Antonino, told KCAL News.As they start walking up some steps, some in the group behind yell for them to “get the f–k outta here” — before one runs up from behind and sucker-punches the trailing serviceman.After a brief hesitation, the Marine drops what’s in his hand and charges at his attacker, knocking him down.

As the mob teenagers surround the Marines, one screams, “Get that f—er! Get that f—er! F–k that f—er up!”

Another asks the Marines, “What’s good n–ger,” while another calls them “p—ies.” The guy who did the initial punch poured a drink over the Marines.

It is under investigation:

“This is considered an assault with a deadly weapon because of the amount of suspects we are investigating,” said Orange County Sheriff’s Department Sgt. Frank Gonzalez. “The weapons that were used were their feet while these victims were on the ground. So, regardless if the victims choose prosecution or choose medical attention the sheriff’s department is going to investigate this to the fullest and try to determine who the suspects are.”

Tags: California, Military