Video Released of Possible UFO Flew Over Largest Marine Base in 2021

Fox News received footage of a possible UFO flying over Camp Wilson in Twentynine Palms, CA, home to America’s largest Marine base, in 2021.

Investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell said witnesses described the object as a “large, silent and hovering triangular-shaped craft.”

The Defense Department said it “doesn’t have any record of this incident” with the unidentified anomalous phenomenon (UAPs), the acronym used by the government instead of UFO:

Sue Gough, a Department of Defense spokesperson, told Fox News Digital that a training course was going on at that time, and the Pentagon’s office that tracks UAPs, a government-derived acronym that means UFO, doesn’t have any record of this incident.”I can confirm that there were military aviation assets in the Twentynine Palms, California, airspace and a Weapons and Tactics Instructor Course was being conducted at the time,” Gough said in an email.”There is no record of communication with the base range control concerning a UAP sighting, nor of the allocation of any base resources to investigate a UAP sighting. AARO [All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office] does not have a record of this alleged event and cannot verify the authenticity of the report.”

The AARO in the Defense Department investigates any UFOs or other unknown objects in the air, space, or water.

So the department doesn’t confirm or deny the object was part of this training course. Gough said no one contacted them, or so they say, about a UFO then.

I’m feeling like Fox Mulder. There is more to it than what Gough said!! Then again, that usually happens with the government.

Corbell and George Knapp discuss the video and pictures on their Weaponized Podcast show:

In videos that Corbell and his “” co-host, reporter George Knapp, released, voices can be heard asking what the object is. Another voice is heard saying, “We got aliens.”The duo examined photos and videos of the incident during the May 23 episode of their podcast, and played interviews with unidentified witnesses who said they’re Marines.”Two years ago, this thing happened and nothing has come out,” Knapp said on the podcast. “There’s been no media coverage in two years since.”

Corbell wants more information. He hopes other witnesses come forward:

He called this particular case “an open UFO investigation” and said they are crowdsourcing for additional footage and witness testimony.”We encourage additional service members that were at the Twentynine Palms/Camp Wilson installation during this reported event to come forward with additional footage, images or information,” Corbell said.”The truth is out there, but without a proper and defined flow of information by the Department of Defense, we will not be able to make progress on understanding the UFO presence on planet Earth and what it means for humanity.”

In 2021, the Pentagon released a report about UFO sightings. The officials “found no evidence that objects came from outer space or a foreign adversary.”

There’s a chance then!!

Last May, Pentagon officials held their first public hearing in from of Congress about UFOs for the first time in 50 years.

They admitted they could only identify one out of the 144 reported incidents. That means 143 objects from 2004 to 2021 are still unknown.

We try to write about every run-in with a UFO in the news. It’s such a cool topic!

Tags: Defense Department, Military, Science, Space