Total Chaos at Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party Event
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Total Chaos at Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party Event

Total Chaos at Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party Event

“Reprehensible behavior like this from any DFL Party candidate and campaign will not be tolerated.”

Over the weekend, the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party of Minnesota held an event in Minneapolis to nominate a candidate for city council. Aisha Chughtai is the incumbent candidate, and Nasri Warsame is the challenger.

At one point in the meeting, Warsame supporters rushed the stage. There was some violence in the chaos, and police had to be called.

The DFL put out this statement:

After reviewing video evidence and speaking with numerous attendees of the Ward 10 convention, DFL Party Chairman Ken Martin released the following updated statement:

“As we learn more about the incident that took place at the Ward 10 endorsing convention, it is clear that the conflict was instigated by supporters of city council candidate Nasri Warsame. Harassment and violence are unacceptable, and we expect candidates and their campaign teams to work hard to curb such behavior when it comes from their supporters, staffers, or volunteers. Warsame and his team took the opposite approach at today’s convention by escalating the situation and encouraging conflict. Reprehensible behavior like this from any DFL Party candidate and campaign will not be tolerated.”

“I would like to apologize to City Council Member Aisha Chughtai, her supporters, and her campaign team for the way they were treated at the Ward 10 convention. Our candidates and supporters deserve a safe forum to campaign at, and the Ward 10 convention fell far short of that. Our party will work with local leaders in Minneapolis to ensure future events are not marred by reprehensible conduct.”

See a video of the incident below:

According to the Star Tribune, some people actually ended up in the hospital:

No one was arrested but police officers called to the scene heard reports of fights and injuries; a man in his 30s was taken to HCMC for treatment of a medical condition, and a woman in her 40s was treated by EMS at the scene for a minor injury, a police spokesman said.

“It is clear that the conflict was instigated by supporters of city council candidate Nasri Warsame,” read a statement from DFL Party Chairman Ken Martin. “Harassment and violence are unacceptable, and we expect candidates and their campaign teams to work hard to curb such behavior when it comes from their supporters, staffers, or volunteers.”

This is the party that claims to be the defender of democracy?

Featured image via YouTube.


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henrybowman | May 16, 2023 at 6:11 pm

“Harassment and violence are unacceptable”
But those are your rules and your tactics now.
Enjoy them.

    diver64 in reply to henrybowman. | May 17, 2023 at 3:30 am

    . “Harassment and violence are unacceptable,”

    You broke it, you bought it and I’m not sure why anyone is surprised. Muslims are all about it, ask that chick who married her brother about her campaign supporters.

The fruits of tribalism.

Doesn’t look like there are many Farmer-Laborers at the meeting.

    henrybowman in reply to Paula. | May 16, 2023 at 6:43 pm

    Many of them look like troll farmers.

    gonzotx in reply to Paula. | May 16, 2023 at 8:29 pm

    I know, not what a Minnesota farmer looked like in my day!

    Third world bs, Muslims, Somalians

    Close immigration immediately

      diver64 in reply to gonzotx. | May 17, 2023 at 3:32 am

      Import Muslims from the Third World, let them form little enclave slums just like the old country and don’t demand they assimilate, surprised they continue to act like where they came from?

And they said we closed the insane asylums!!

No, we just named the inmates Democrats.

Free State Paul | May 16, 2023 at 6:26 pm

“This is the party that claims to be the defender of democracy?”

This IS democracy! Our Founding Fathers knew that Democracy was just as bad, if not worse, than Tyranny. That’s why we are (we’re?) a Constitutional Republic.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what’s for dinner.

With a bunch of big mouthed women … that this happened is no surprise.

“Warsame supporters rushed the stage. There was some violence in the chaos, and police had to be called.”

Warsame and his supporters are – wait for it – MUSLIMS. Violence and thuggery are SOP for Muslims. Their Mohammed did it; they do it.

When you welcome Muslims, you welcome force.

No matter when in time, no matter where in the world, there is a constant – find Muslims, find trouble.

LeftWingLock | May 16, 2023 at 6:56 pm

I talked to someone who was there. The TRUTH is they were fighting each other to see who got to beat up the LBGTQ moderator after the meeting.

Aisha Chughtai is the incumbent candidate, and Nasri Warsame is the challenger.

The problem is obvious.

The Gentle Grizzly | May 16, 2023 at 7:21 pm

Is this an example of what the ‘24 convention will be like?

SeymourButz | May 16, 2023 at 7:39 pm

I’d vote to let Somalia annex Minneapolis

Import the 3rd world and then be shocked that they bring the 3rd world with them?

I don’t know whether to call that insane or just progressive.

    diver64 in reply to Gosport. | May 17, 2023 at 3:34 am

    Your about to see this writ large in every corner of the US with the open border courtesy of Brandon

Massinsanity | May 16, 2023 at 8:51 pm

Repeat after me… ‘Diversity is our strength, diversity is our strength”


Farmers & Laborers have long since deserted the Democrat Party.

MN’s D Party needs a name update, I suggest:
Democrat – Welfare Queen – Public Sector Union Party

Though, to be fair, their is not and never has been anything remotely Democratic about the Democrat Party. So, maybe “Marxist – ” would be more appropriate.

This is one of those occasions where I enjoy a wry chuckle about the 2008 DNC convention when Obummer accepted the party nomination to the tune “Love Train”. It would make for an amusing Rick-rolled type video, opening on the 2008 DNC and fading to this free-for-all …

Will Jihad For Falafel

Harassment and violence are unacceptable,

Nope. Not only have you accepted them, you have incited them, encouraged them, then minimized and excused them before others. I remember the riots of 2020. I remember the “protesters” harassing Supreme Court Justices at home, screaming at Republican officials on the streets of DC.

Yours is the party of political violence and harassment. You created this monster, now you get to live with it. Enjoy.

    SeiteiSouther in reply to Flatworm. | May 17, 2023 at 10:57 am

    The fact that no one was arrested, despite video evidence, leads me to believe that they don’t care or, at the very least, don’t want to rock the boat with the instigators.

docduracoat | May 18, 2023 at 3:28 pm

You will notice the people on the stage dressed in yellow are the white Americans.
Those shouting down the speaker and rushing the stage and causing a disturbance are all black Somali.

It seems to me that importing all these third world people has made Minneapolis a third world city.