‘They Will Leave Us to Fend for Ourselves’: Texas Border Residents Lash Out at Biden for Ending Title 42

Title 42, which allowed America to quickly expel migrants, ended Thursday night.

Texas border residents lashed out at the Biden administration on Fox News Friday morning. The border patrol will likely spend more time filling out paperwork than their job of patrolling the border.

[Sort of a rush transcript! Sorry if I missed anything!!]

John Sewell, a Texas rancher in Uvalde, explained how smugglers will bring in migrants in trains. Without the border patrol, the cartels will easily find holes.

“Well, they will leave us to fend for ourselves, unfortunately, and we’ve been doing that quite a bit lately,” said Sewell. “In Kinney County, we have a good presence with local law enforcement. DPS is obviously on the highways with these smugglers. The border patrol has trains to worry about as well. They had last Friday over 200 on one train. Last night, they checked six trains and had 30 plus [migrants]. These are not good guys. They are getting smuggled in, and it will take a couple of days for the cartel to organize to figure out where holes are and can bring bad guys to drop off and let them get around the checkpoint here.”

Sewell also described how illegals have caused problems with fencing and infrastructure, especially the water wells.

“Our water wells, in particularly, get a lot of pressure,” he said. “They turn them on, leave them on. They try to pull the wires out of them so they can charge their phones. You know, it’s just an everyday problem.”

Alison Anderson, a Border Patrol wife in Del Rio, worries about the lack of resources while everyone concentrates on the border.

Anderson also noted the many gotaways not caught by authorities, swarming the town.

“Right now, I heard from a neighbor who talked to a DPS trooper that said they are maxed out and they apologize,” said Anderson. “That leaves us, who live outside of town, we are on our own and it is neighbors defending neighbors and looking out for each other and we are covered in gotaways. There has been no slowing down in the smuggling cases that happen off the back of my property. It is a huge concern, especially with our children here. Schools are going to be out soon and everything this administration has done has not brought numbers down. They just keeping going up. That is going to affect our small community and our backyard.”

Anderson added: “We’ve had everything from DPS pursuits ending on their property. I’ve had aggressive male illegals show up at our house, making demands and we’ve had groups up at our childen’s windows, our daughter’s bedroom window, knocking on the window. There’s been vandalizations that happened on the property. There’s garbage on the property. There’s damages that happen on the property. But these are people less than a mile from the highway so the intentions that they have are one of my greatest concerns because they have bad intentions. These are bad people who are coming through here with criminal histories. It’s a serious concern.”

Retired CBP officer Rosa Arellano in Eagle Pass addressed the administration’s failure to prepare for two years for the ending of Title 42.

“At least we’re grateful he [Biden] is acknowledging by using that word chaos but once we heard he used that word chaos it’s like, ‘Oh, snap, like things are really going to go bad,'” she said. “And our main concern down here at the border, especially within the city limits, we see how the border patrol are overwhelmed with all the illegals coming in between the ports of entry and we’re thinking, ‘Hey, if people are getting frustrated having to wait, because there are many already complaining they have to wait for days at a time under weather conditions they’re not used to.'”

She continued: “Where are they going to come through next? They’re going to go ahead and target our ports of entry, the bridges, and that’s going to cause a lot of chaos because these officers are not going to want to endanger anyone including citizens and those illegals and they’re going to close down operations for an undertermined amounts of time. We have people come and go on a daily basis so they’re going to be stuck over there on the Mexican side. It is a major concern over here on the border.”

Arellano pointed out that medical services are a major concern: “For us here it’s the medical services. We cannot depend on our local ER anymore because we know if we go we’ll be waiting for even longer periods of time that we’re already used to from the past and we see how they’re getting priority over us so we’re having to make the extra two to three hours to San Antonio and seek medical attention so it’s pretty sad.”

Tags: Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, Mexico, Texas