Smith College to Stop Using the Word ‘Field’ Due to its Connections to Slavery
“We recognize that language is powerful and that phrases such as ‘going into the field’ or ‘field work’ may hold negative associations”

There are so many words that could potentially fall into this same category. Why is ‘field’ being singled out?
The Viking Pundit blog reports:
News from Western Massachusetts
Specifically, the hippie haven of Northampton. It’s come to this: “Smith College program stops using word ‘field’ over ‘negative associations’.”
Smith College’s graduate School for Social Work will abandon the term “field” — as in “going into the field” or “field work” — from its lexicon, following in the steps of other universities who have claimed the word has connotations to slavery that could be considered offensive.
While “field” can mean an expansive area of land or crops, in academia or the sciences it often describes work done in a real-world environment. A biologist, for instance, may collect field observations on an animal by observing it in its natural habitat.
“We recognize that language is powerful and that phrases such as ‘going into the field’ or ‘field work’ may hold negative associations,” administrators for the School for Social Work said in a message to the school community last week.

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This nonsense never ends. I still believe that SERIOUS students will start attending university overseas.
The Academy of St. Martin… in the Field
If they really want to be sensitive and inclusive they need to admit that the word most closely associated with slavery is the word slavery.
They could call it involuntary servitude instead but obviously servitude comes from white supremacy and must not be used either. Not to mention the word involuntary implies that individuals have choice outside the requirements of the collective, which is a purely western colonial idea.
And so on. If you’re willing to suspend thinking, you can argue against all words. Therefore, you must stop using language or you’re a racist.
How long until they cancel “The Supremes,” because ….
I’m so old that I remember when the “Ellen Jamesians” were considered a bit nutz. This almost now seems like the end game of the Left.
I demand that their Chemistry department stop using the deeply offensive word “chain.”
And that there Economics department stop using the equally offensive terms “sale” and “market.”
Language justice today!
And, the computer science department cease using terms like master and slave drive.
Too late.
Hey, Smith, fired any more janitors on phony racism charges lately?
A hard row to ho but I’d do it, lickety-split.
I don’t cotton to this change at all.
Strawberry Plantings Forever? Or is that too close to “plantation?”
Good thing it wasn’t the physics department.