NYC College Professor Verbally Abuses Pro-Life Students, Destroys Their Display

These people need help.

Shellyne Rodriguez, an adjunct professor at the School of Visual Arts and Hunter College, flipped out at pro-life students over their display and audacity to try to inform people about the horrors of abortion.

“You’re not educating sh*t,” she retorted. “This is f*cking propaganda. What are you going to do, like, anti-trans next?”

The student points out the display is about abortion.

“This is violent! You’re triggering my students!” Good Lord, lady. Abortion is violent.

The male student said he was sorry about that. (For the love of everything holy, never apologize to these people.)

But who went anti-trans? The teacher! She claimed he wasn’t sorry “because you can’t even have a f*cking baby.”

Uh oh…I thought men could have babies!!

Then Rodriguez loses her mind as she destroys the display.

“Get this sh*t the f*ck out of here. F*ck this sh*t.”

Hunter College told Fox News it knows about the encounter. Officials opened an investigation, too.

Rodriguez describes herself as “an artist, educator, writer, and community organizer based in the Bronx.”

Her work “utilizes text, drawing, painting, collage and sculpture to depict spaces and subjects engaged in strategies of survival against erasure and subjugation.”

Tags: Abortion, College Insurrection, New York City, Progressives