Mike Pence Protested by Students at UNC-Chapel Hill

No Republican is good enough for the campus left. There’s a student protest any time any one of them sets foot on campus.

Campus Reform reports:

UNC Chapel Hill students protest Mike PenceWhen former Vice President Mike Pence arrived at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill on April 26, he was met with passionate student protests. The speaking event was titled “Saving America from the Woke Left.”The UNC College Republicans and the Young America’s Foundation sponsored the event, according to student newspaper The Daily Tar Heel, and the UNC Young Democrats organized the protest.As seen in an image obtained by The Daily Tar Heel, protest participants held signs with messages including “DRAG IS NOT A CRIME,” “HEALTH CARE FOR ALL” and “KIDS CAN SAY GAY.”The UNC Young Democrats also tweeted images from the protest, stating, “Mike Pence came to our campus today and talked about ‘Saving America from the Woke Left.’ We stood together and showed him what ‘woke left’ means to us.”Prior to Pence’s speaking event at UNC Chapel Hill, the UNC Young Democrats advertised their protest on Twitter, asking fellow students to “[t]ell Mike to take a hike with us tomorrow at 6 pm! Open to the public.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Mike Pence, North Carolina, Republicans