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George Mason U. Students Turn Their Backs, Walk Out on Governor Glenn Youngkin Commencement Speech

George Mason U. Students Turn Their Backs, Walk Out on Governor Glenn Youngkin Commencement Speech

“His beliefs don’t align with the university and a lot of beliefs in this institution”

No Republican is good enough for the campus left. Every single one of them gets protested.

FOX News reports:

Some George Mason University students walk out, turn backs during Gov. Youngkin’s commencement speech

Virginia Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin delivered a commencement speech at George Mason University in which some students protested his appearance after failed attempts ahead of the event to replace him as speaker.

When Youngkin walked up to the podium to deliver his remarks on Thursday in front of the university’s graduating class, students largely applauded the governor, although boos could be heard as well.

Most students did not put on a public demonstration opposing Youngkin, but the ones who did turn their backs on the governor, raised signs that read, “Mason Demands Action” or walked out on the speech.

“I think it feels very empowering,” Jason Motley, a graduating student who walked out, told WUSA9. “I think whatever person he may be, his political views just don’t align with the betterment of this university.”

The demonstration comes after students in March attempted to pressure George Mason President Greg Washington to prohibit Youngkin from attending the commencement ceremony. A petition was launched demanding he be uninvited over his administration’s policies on transgender issues and controversial school curriculum. The petition received 8,000 signatures.

“His beliefs don’t align with the university and a lot of beliefs in this institution,” student Dunni Oni told the outlet. “My big thing is ensuring that Mason students at large feel safe, heard and protected, and he does not ensure that.”


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The Gentle Grizzly | May 21, 2023 at 12:22 pm

“Good bye, children. Now, where was I?”

healthguyfsu | May 21, 2023 at 12:40 pm

You lost the vote. Get over it and your tantrum should cost you your diploma.

I have to think that somewhere on that campus there is a room with coloring books and crayons where they can assuage their childish feelings.

Professor Walter Williams is spinning in his grave.

Adults don’t need safe spaces. That being said, I did recently spend some time in my happy place during a root canal.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to MajorWood. | May 21, 2023 at 3:47 pm

    I was REALLY happy when they fitted my infusion port. A slight bit of fentanyl and I was one very happy human grizzly!

Every Conservative politician should carefully study Youngkin’s campaign in VA. He actively avoided typical GOP errors and got it right.

These poor little children needed their safe place, binky and blanket. I’ll prepared for life these social misfits are in for a rude awakening.

Throwing a hissy fit was “very empowering” for Jason Motley. That it had zero effect on anything, much like a hissy fit by a 7-year old kid, apparently escaped the discerning intellect of this newly minted graduate. .

Throwing a hissy fit was “very empowering” for Jason Motley. That it had zero effect on anything, much like a hissy fit by a 7-year old kid, apparently escaped the discerning intellect of this newly-minted graduate. .

“His beliefs don’t align with the university and a lot of beliefs in this institution,” student Dunni Oni said. So you say, Mr. Oni; so what? You obviously do not stand for the student majority’s opinion just because you say so. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but to couch it as the consensus is a lie. These days, more and more people are seeing the Socialist lies, so you too are being exposed as a lier. Wise up, son.

    A Punk Named Yunk in reply to Owl. | May 22, 2023 at 3:11 pm

    As as usual for modern university campuses, the fact that he holds views the some vocal minority disagrees with means he must not speak. Somewhat gratified the snowflakes didn’t win out this time.

    Dimsdale in reply to Owl. | May 25, 2023 at 6:46 am

    So the school has official beliefs? Can we see those?

Is there any assessment of the number of students who walked out? Even a guess? If twenty or even fifty current grads walked out, is it realistic to say that “George Mason U. students walked out”? News items like this one may make the radicals seem more representative than they really are.

BierceAmbrose | May 23, 2023 at 12:39 am

And yet they take the money, in so many forms.

This is a good example of what our colleges are turning out. – wimpering babies. If these sniveling brats did not get all the coverage they get in the media, they would go away. All they want is attention.