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Florida Teacher Says Parents’ Rights Are ‘Gone’ When Your Child is in the Public School System

Florida Teacher Says Parents’ Rights Are ‘Gone’ When Your Child is in the Public School System

“those rights are gone when your child is in the public school system because there are students talking about these things”

A teacher in Florida is being investigated after parents, including a school board member, complained about a woke Disney film she showed in class that included LGBT content.

During an interview about this on CNN, she said the quiet part out loud, claiming that parents’ rights are gone once their child is in the public school system.

FOX News reports:

Florida teacher defiant after showing ‘woke’ Disney movie in class: Parents rights ‘are gone’ in public school

A Florida public school teacher under fire for showing a film with a gay character to her young students suggested that parents give up their rights when they send them to public schools.

Jenna Barbee, a Hernando County fifth-grade teacher, defended her decision to show her class the 2022 Disney animated film “Strange World” for an earth science lesson. After parent and member of the school board Shannon Rodriguez complained, however, the teacher is now being investigated by the school district and state Department of Education for showing the film with an openly gay character…

But Barbee argued that students are already having conversations about same-sex relationships among themselves and on social media and that it would be impossible for teachers to stop them. She said a parent’s right to shield their child from LGBTQ conversations is “gone” when that child attends public school.

“What she’s missing and what these parents are missing, is they’re not in the school system. That just shows me she’s ignorant and has not come and volunteered at all,” Barbee said on “CNN This Morning” on Tuesday. “These conversations, these doors, they’re open. These students have one-to-one devices. The amount of things they’re able to pull up that we have to shut down – these conversations, these doors that she’s talking about – that’s telling you I’m stripping her rights as a parent, those rights are gone when your child is in the public school system because there are students talking about these things.”

See the video below:

First, parents do not lose their rights when their children enter public schools, and the fact that some people on the left believe this is part of a larger problem.

Also, the left pushed so far for so long, that parents are now hypersensitive to this issue. They are expecting it and watching for it. There will be more cases like this one.

Featured image via Twitter video.


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The only reason that students in grade 5 are talking about these things is because their teachers have been yammering about it to them incessantly since kindergarten. Very, very few kids have more than a passing curiosity about sexuality before they hit puberty unless they are raised in an environment where the adults are pushing it on them before they are ready (or in cases of sexual abuse). It’s one of the reasons why I believe so many kids are screwed up in their thinking today. They never had the chance to develop normally.

I am fortunate to live in a (ever-shrinking) Christian subculture that still allows for childhood innocence, and I get to see the differences.

    Exiliado in reply to KEYoder. | May 17, 2023 at 10:42 am

    It is not ONLY the teachers.
    They are pushing that crap from every direction, oftentimes in subtle ways to avoid detection.
    Movies, TV, video games, social media, you never know where or when you will find it.

    GWB in reply to KEYoder. | May 17, 2023 at 10:46 am

    The only reason that students in grade 5 are talking about these things is because their teachers have been yammering about it to them incessantly since kindergarten.
    Not entirely true. Remember that the culture (you know, like that Disney film the teacher showed) is pushing this stuff hard, too. And keeping your kids from it can be tough.

      KEYoder in reply to GWB. | May 17, 2023 at 12:56 pm

      Exiliado and GWB: You are correct. I didn’t mean to imply that teachers were solely responsible. They are major contributors, but the entire larger culture is mostly a sewer at this point.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to GWB. | May 18, 2023 at 11:19 am

      It may be correct that kids are exposed to this from many different media sources. It is also correct that parents can’t monitor every single encounter. But parents can discuss what the kids will see and can set boundaries of what is successful.

      The problem here is that we don’t need teachers voluntarily telling kids it’s OK to be homosexual.

      Damn groomers need to be destroyed.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to KEYoder. | May 17, 2023 at 2:43 pm

    Your really believe teachers are “yammering” about sex and sexuality “incessantly” in their classrooms?

      SOME of them are.

      henrybowman in reply to Thad Jarvis. | May 17, 2023 at 7:03 pm

      Have you ever heard of “Libs of Tik Tok?” You’re in for a treat.

        CommoChief in reply to henrybowman. | May 17, 2023 at 8:50 pm

        It’s all in the open for people to see or choose to not see b/c they don’t want to deal with the sad reality of how many weirdo wokiesta teachers brag about it online.

        Thad Jarvis in reply to henrybowman. | May 17, 2023 at 11:59 pm

        Yes, thank you. And I’ve seen the appalling, ludicrous blue haired cat glasses nut jobs and creepy femboys who should be miles from any job involving kids. They are a disgrace to the profession and should take their creepy neurotic leftist posturing to therapists, not classrooms.
        I think, however, that besmirching the entire profession or claiming that teachers are “incessantly” yammering about sex in their classrooms is a ridiculous exaggeration. Sorry to the down voters who desperately want to hold on to this fever-pitched fantasy. It’s not that different from idiot lefties who see “racism” under every rock.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Thad Jarvis. | May 18, 2023 at 11:22 am

      Well Thad. When I see more and more female teachers getting arrested for sexual misconduct with their students, I guess you are right. They are not yammering incessantly.

      Apparently they have move to action instead of just talking about it.

She would be happier in a blue state so why not simply leave

    Peabody in reply to JustSayN2O. | May 17, 2023 at 10:55 am

    She would be teacher of the year in Delaware or NY.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to JustSayN2O. | May 18, 2023 at 12:04 am

    And the percentage of people in the profession doing this as compared to those that show up and do a decent job and are normal, sensible professionals?
    I’d rather focus on the many reasons why many students are failing to measure up to standards in reading and math that are more substantive than thinking it’s because they’re spending their days at “pride” parades rather than doing rigorous academic work. That’s borderline McMartin satanic panic level thinking.

      You should really read more of the sorts of things LI, Instapundit and others put out. Because this is cropping up all over the place.
      And you saying we shouldn’t be alarmed is a real slap in the face to folks living in places where this is prevalent, but you refuse to see it because it isn’t happening (yet) wherever you are.

        Thad Jarvis in reply to GWB. | May 18, 2023 at 11:11 am

        I read all of these sites every day, thank you. These incidents of teacher misconduct are well-documented and addressed appropriately. It’s great to see parents pushing back against these incidents and becoming more vocal and active in their local school communities to hold schools and teachers accountable.
        Let’s go back and review the specific words I used in response to a very specific statement: “I think, however, that besmirching the entire profession or claiming that teachers are “incessantly” yammering about sex in their classrooms is a ridiculous exaggeration.”
        I don’t refuse to see anything. I think you WANT to see something that plain and simply isn’t there to the extent you try to make it out to be. I refuse to engage in over the top hyperbole depicting schools as cauldrons of Maoist communism and sadomasochism. They’re failing due to much more substantive concerns such as teacher training and mentoring, lowering standards, questionable curriculum, unions protecting lazy teachers just phoning it in, bad leadership, grade inflation and low expectations, and apathy and lack of involvement from the homes.
        Yes, weed out the neurotic, inappropriate, indoctrinating nutjobs with agendas and axes to grind, by all means. But again, I’m not going to agree that teachers are “yammering Incessantly” about sex and sexuality in their classrooms. That’s patently false and a weak line of argument that we on the moderate-to-conservative side should not engage in.

          AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Thad Jarvis. | May 18, 2023 at 1:32 pm

          I’ve been reading articles and commentaries on LI for many years.

          I don’t recall seeing any comments from you disabusing anyone of the notion that when a firearm is used to murder, that not all gun owners are murderers.
          I’m also don’t recall seeing commentary from you when priests are besmirched as a whole for being child molesters.

          Yet, you are quick to defend the teaching profession as not being all inclusive of “yammering about sex.”

          Just making a point that defense of a certain faction tells a lot about the commenter.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to JustSayN2O. | May 18, 2023 at 12:07 am

    Sorry, Just say N20, that a reply to Commo Chief. Have a balloon on me. 😉

      CommoChief in reply to Thad Jarvis. | May 18, 2023 at 11:30 am

      There are enough weirdo wokiesta teachers doing so than many seem quite confident and comfortable in publicizing their shenanigans. That indicates to me the culture within the school district itself supports the shenanigans either tacitly or implicitly.

      If nothing else we can certainly draw inferences about the level of supervision provided and the faulty hiring process within those districts. That ideologues are open with their indoctrination to the point of bragging on line for the world to see suggests they don’t fear any consequences from their district.

I remember that flamboyant red-haired young lass that drove the Toyota Land Cruiser, taught fifth-grade science and invited the class over to her apartment for our first-ever boy/girl party at the conclusion of the 76 school year. We never saw her again.

This is a person who has never enjoyed either status or power in her life, taking her persona lack out on children and their parents. She should be removed forthwith. The kind of person who abuses a little bit of power is very difficult to reform, in part because they lack the empathy and persuasive ability to get people to agree with them.

It just amazes me that so many elementary school teachers think they are better educated, and smarter, than the parents of their children. I wonder who is filling them full of such nonsense?

E Howard Hunt | May 17, 2023 at 10:34 am

Listen to this woman speak. She is an idiot.

Teachers are not supposed to just play movies in the classroom.
There is a process they are supposed to follow to obtain approval from the administration. This process includes creating a lesson plan and documenting how the movie supports instruction of the lesson’s objectives. The parents are also supposed to be notified BEFORE playing the movie.
Each school district has their own specific guidelines and supporting forms. There are also certain restrictions around going on public media as representative of the school district.

Now, does anyone here believe that this teacher followed ANY of it?
I sure don’t.
And I’ll go a step farther and say that she probably played the movie so that she could take a break from real teaching.
She should be stripped of her license but not for just playing the movie. Anyone can make a mistake. She should be canned for not following established protocols, and for assuming that she is above parental rights and the law.

    GWB in reply to Exiliado. | May 17, 2023 at 11:01 am

    I’m not sure that protocol is as widely used as it used to be. And that is something that should be investigated here.

    Dathurtz in reply to Exiliado. | May 17, 2023 at 12:55 pm

    Given the time of year, it is likely to be a movie shown during the afternoon after a morning of standardized testing. Especially with the young kids, that’s pretty common and I wouldn’t fire somebody for it.

    Her attitude about it, on the other hand, merits firing. Of course, she won’t be fired, but simply won’t be rehired next year. It’d be amazing if she was fired this close to the end of school.

One thing to ponder: I think she is speaking de facto, not necessarily de jure.

At least if you look at it that way, she’s right. When you send your kid into the public school system (or Public Scruels, as Rush would call them) you de facto lose control of them for that period of time. Especially if your local school district has allowed the hedonistic culture run rampant there. But this has always been the case – groups of kids introducing other kids to whatever they’ve snuck about with, whether it be cigarettes, alcohol, pr0n mags, etc.

Which returns us to the issue of public schools – should you have your kids in them? My first answer is “Homeschool!” My second is “Bring control of the school down to your level, the community within which it operates, and operate it yourselves – conforming it to your morals and worldview and enforcing discipline.”

Are there people (and maybe she’s one of them – I can’t usually watch videos on this machine) who think your kids should belong to the administrators and teachers? Absolutely. It seems almost all of the teachers and administrators think so nowadays. Progressivism delenda est.

    CommoChief in reply to GWB. | May 17, 2023 at 11:42 am

    One thing She says is true, the kids have cellphones, the internet and they do find all sorts of shenanigans that Parents would rather they not to discuss among themselves. Middle school kids are sending each other nudes of themselves and passing them around as one example.

    None of that means the Parents surrender their authority over their Children by taking them to school. IMO, anyone who thinks that much less is stupid enough to say it out loud should be banished from the schools or in any capacity that works with children. If she wants to be a petty tyrant she can go work for the DMV.

      Martin in reply to CommoChief. | May 17, 2023 at 2:06 pm

      It is one thing for the “culture” such as it is to impinge on a parents right to safeguard a child for this stuff. She is not the “culture” she is an authority figure and is supposed to protect children. That children talk and that some are not protected doesn’t change what is right for the school and its teachers to promulgate.

        CommoChief in reply to Martin. | May 17, 2023 at 2:23 pm

        Yes indeed that’s correct.

        AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Martin. | May 18, 2023 at 1:40 pm

        Correct. In her mind, if a student has access to porn through a cell phone, or discusses their latest adventures amongst other students, then it gives her a right to show porn in class. Not permitted.

      GWB in reply to CommoChief. | May 17, 2023 at 4:42 pm

      None of that means the Parents surrender their authority
      Absolutely right. Unfortunately they are surrendering their power. And that was my point about de facto surrender.

        CommoChief in reply to GWB. | May 17, 2023 at 8:58 pm

        It’s a fair point to an extent about parental involvement. On the other hand, why should Parents not be able to trust the staff of the local public school to the extent they don’t have to come and sit in the classroom to preclude some weirdo lefty teacher doing inappropriate things?

        I don’t mind paying taxes to support public education but that’s a different animal than reflexive and unwavering support for public schools or public school teachers and staff.

        When the teachers are, in essence, telling the taxpayers and the Parents to come to the school and be a volunteer so that they can ‘stop me before I groom again’ we have reached a point where a great number of things need rethinking.

          Absolutely correct. But folks need to realize that no institution, ever, will go along virtuously without supervision. And that’s why I keep talking about reforming the electorate – so they do that vigilance.

I listened to her actual comment carefully. She makes a couple of excellent points:
1. Parents are not getting involved by actually coming into the classroom to see for themselves as volunteers. She sounds like she encourages this participation, and is disappointed that more parents are not coming to see things for themselves. That is a fair point: Put up or shut up. I would make that point myself in the same situation.

2. Her point about parental rights is being misconstrued, maybe deliberately. Her point is that children are working with individual computers as learning devices (one-to-one), and when one of these devices is in their hand, and the parent is NOT there to supervise, then they are not in a position to exercise parental rights. This seems to be obviously true. She is saying that as the teacher, even when present it’s a struggle.

3. Her point about the teachers struggling to shut down inappropriate content being accessed by students is a plea for help. She is saying that they cannot manage it. She is also saying that a single teacher in a classroom cannot shut down every student-to-student conversation, which is where at least some of the inappropriate content is being communicated. This is also a fair point.

Don’t get me wrong – sex / gender / diversity crap should be OUT of the curricula, and enforcement of these principles, protecting the innocence of the young, should be ruthless for the younger ages. They should not be showing ‘queer’ material to children. That is Grooming.

    CommoChief in reply to Aggie. | May 17, 2023 at 1:23 pm

    Ok those are fair points but the baseline expectation of Parents is that their children will be taught to read, write, mathematics, history and so on by the staff. There cannot be a valid argument that suggests it a Parent isn’t in the classroom their 10 year old child is going to be learning about sexual kink, an extensive sexual vocabulary, how/why to perform anal sex and so on. Cameras in the classroom live streaming so Parents and other interested parties can monitor WTF is going on is gonna be the next thing the ED establishment is gonna cry about.

      GWB in reply to CommoChief. | May 17, 2023 at 4:47 pm

      But, CommoChief, like so much else, they may have that baseline expectation, but no one is actually enforcing it. And they (a great multitude, anyway) have offloaded all responsibility for it to the establishment – the “experts.” It’s when they start stepping in (see Virginia, 2021) that it can be cut out and tamped down.

        CommoChief in reply to GWB. | May 17, 2023 at 9:03 pm

        True in many places but many never went over the cliff of the wokiestas and many more are now pushing back hard to drive the wokiestas out.

        Lets get cameras in the classroom, multiple angles, live streamed, saved for viewing later by Parents and the taxpayers and the local Sheriff for that matter.

    GWB in reply to Aggie. | May 17, 2023 at 4:45 pm

    I think you might be right.
    And why I hedged what I said is because she is obviously a progressive – consciously or not – and would show that movie to kids. This is where the culture and the public schools overlap.
    /goes on vice-presidential rant about Venn diagrams/

    henrybowman in reply to Aggie. | May 17, 2023 at 6:59 pm

    “1. Parents are not getting involved by actually coming into the classroom to see for themselves as volunteers. She sounds like she encourages this participation, and is disappointed that more parents are not coming to see things for themselves. That is a fair point: Put up or shut up. I would make that point myself in the same situation.”

    And it’s bogus, a total cop-out.
    We pay her to do a job. We also have to do some of that job for free?
    We have paying jobs, too. We’re not your interns.
    I never asked homeowners to come up on the roof and help me mount their dishes.
    If you can’t do the job for the pay offered, quit. It’s not our fault.

      CommoChief in reply to henrybowman. | May 17, 2023 at 9:09 pm

      That and I don’t work for anyone anymore so that sort of narrows down the role I will be filling. If some teacher or ED staffer or administrator really think it’s necessary for me to come down to the school to ‘be involved’ well OK. I am very well able to provide purpose, motivation and direction to the staff who, let us never forget, work for us, not the other way around.

      We pay her to do a job. We also have to do some of that job for free?
      Yes, you need to supervise to make sure she actually does that job.

        CommoChief in reply to GWB. | May 18, 2023 at 5:46 pm

        I don’t think you want me in the school to supervise. Perfection will be the goal, excellence the standard and I am prone to using intemperate language in an extremely sarcastic manner to those who fail to measure up to the standard.

        I think you are conflating monitoring with supervision. If I’m there to supervise then I’m in charge. I get to fire folks and for those who don’t quite deserve to be fired but still fall short I get to provide motivation in the form of a running commentary about their shortcomings bordering on bullying.

She is a reason why DeSantis got involved in school board elections here in Florida. She along numerous other teachers need to be shown the door.

Perhaps she was inarticulate in making her point about parental involvement, which is near zero in many communities and I can forgive that easily enough.
However this film has little to do with the subject matter. As I remember Earth Science, which I took in the 7th grade, not the 5th, there were texts and discussions on geography, the atmosphere and the weather, including the various types of storms, clouds, the continents and the oceans and seas.

‘Florida 5th grade teacher who showed students an LGBT-themed Disney movie: “Ignorant” of parents to complain.

Your “rights as a parent, those rights are gone when your child is in the public school system”‘

Mike, You have the wrong take on this. This teacher is being admirably honest. When parents outsource their educational responsibilities to a government school, it is ignorant of them to complain about what happens. The problem is leftist teachers and administrators, and the debased peer group.

Conservatives/Christians should not be trying to “take control” of the government schools. They should be working for school choice. Education and worldview are inseparable. Indoctrination of some people’s children in other people’s world view using the former’s taxes is evil – no matter which side is doing it.

People are addicted to “free” child rearing, K-12. You can pay attention now, or you can reap the consequences later.

    GWB in reply to gibbie. | May 17, 2023 at 4:51 pm

    Conservatives/Christians should not be trying to “take control” of the government schools.
    Disagree. They should be working for both. They should be working to take over the schools so they can help bring a proper morality and worldview back to the children, AND working toward school choice so people can walk away if they want.

    Indoctrination of some people’s children in other people’s world view using the former’s taxes is evil
    I disagree. Because some worldviews support civilization and freedom, and others don’t. They should be taught the worldview that was predominant in building America. As you said, education and worldview go hand-in-hand. And so does civilization.

      Othniel in reply to GWB. | May 17, 2023 at 5:21 pm

      Well said. I would like to see a future end to government-run schools, but in the meantime we (conservative Christians) should work on taking control.

        CommoChief in reply to Othniel. | May 17, 2023 at 9:25 pm

        If you mean by rooting out the wokiestas sure. If you mean mandatory teaching of religion then hell no. Western Civilization is deeply influenced by various religions and the secular result was just fine. It began to brake down when some folks began demanding their brand of religion be predominant.

        Push ‘Christianity’ is a cop out. Which version? Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox? Methodist, Episcopalian, Anglican, Baptist, Pentecostal, another? How about Judaism? They have separate denominations b/c they don’t believe the same things.

        Given the many wars, purges, crusades, inquisition, test acts and so on please don’t tell us the differences are not important. How about; Hinduism? Islamist? Zoroastrianism? Pagans? Druids? Satanists? Don’t forget that everyone gets to play in the sandbox once we introduce a particular region into it. Some places are learning this the hard way with Satanists allowed to hold clubs and activities just like the watered down ecumenical ‘Christian’ club does.

          Western Civilization is deeply influenced by various religions
          We’re going to strongly disagree here, you and I. Western Civilization was almost exclusively influenced by Christianity, with filtered inputs from certain ancient civilizations (Greece and Rome). Almost no other religion had any influence on what we call Western Civilization.

          the secular result was just fine
          No, “secularism” is ultimately the Progressive religion. And it warps what did support Civilization into things that tear it down. Removal of Christian morals has done much to destroy our society.

          They have separate denominations b/c they don’t believe the same things.
          Not really. While there might be differences in the understanding of works in salvation and some esoteric doctrinal differences, all of them accept the Ten Commandments*. All of them have an understanding of responsibility to a Creator (Founders often called it Providence to avoid factions) – something above and beyond the State.

          Don’t forget that everyone gets to play in the sandbox once we introduce a particular re[li]gion into it.
          Yes. And this is the flaw in the idea of “multiculturalism”. Honestly, it’s the weakness in our country’s founding, in general. Adams noted that our Constitution only worked for a moral and religious people – and he meant Christianity when he said that.
          Only Christianity brings the ideas (like self-governance and non-coercion) that allow the freedom we enjoyed in America. And, no, we can’t simply impose it and still have those freedoms – we might get the version of Western Civilization that Europe had in the 1500s, but it wouldn’t be America. But the people have to be evangelized out of Progressivism and back into Christian morals and the American ideals that flow specifically from primary Christian doctrines.

          (* Yes, there are different versions of the Ten Commandments. But, no matter how they’re divided, the commandments are the same. And all of America accepted, at one point, the Second Table which starts with You shall not murder.)

          CommoChief in reply to CommoChief. | May 18, 2023 at 11:48 am


          The basic values of Western Civilization in a secular sense is all we need from our educational institutions. Freedom of speech and debate, academic freedom and academic rigor. A culture that values the accomplishments of individuals v group or tribe.

          One that puts emphasis on consequences good and bad that flow from the choices we make as individuals exercising free will. A culture that is grounded in logic and the scientific method. A culture that elevates facts and evidence over feelings.

          As you say western civilization itself has enough influences from religion both direct and indirect to form the ethical and moral limits of a civil society.

          When we begin putting religion directly into the classroom or school house that’s where things get dicey. Please don’t make the mistake of falling for the ecumenical bs. There is a reason, probably more than one, that you attend services at X denomination v Y or Z or A, B, C for that matter.

          The differences in beliefs among the various sects or denominations of Christianity are deep and meaningful. As an example every Methodist Church congregation in my County voted to split off from United Methodist Church just this week over longstanding doctrinal disagreements.

          The differences matter and when some lesbian Anglican Priest shows up to lead your ecumenical prayers and religious discourse at school don’t be mad when she brings in liberation theology, blanket support for trans, illegal immigrants and so on into her service.

          Throwing a flag on this play!
          The fact that certain denominations (that is, their organizational hierarchy) is actually leaving Christianity is a whole other subject from the actual doctrinal differences in their creeds and founding documents. In reality those denominations are no longer in accord with their very own writings, nor with Christianity in general.

          And this happens precisely because they went “secular”. They stopped adhering to the Word of God and began adhering to progressivism – which is the very definition of “secular”. It’s exactly the war they won in the minds of the people: convincing them they were not even a religion because they didn’t worship a “mythical” being. It’s still a religion.

          And, to your first paragraph, secularizing those things is what removed the governor from them. An absolutist position on freedom of speech (I’m not talking gov’t censorship here) is actually impossible – it has to be governed, or you end up with … well, chaos. And, people advocating pedophilia in the schools. After all, you can say anything, right?

          “A culture that values the accomplishments of individuals v group or tribe.” Well, you said it right there: values. That means basically religion.

          And, I think you’re getting me wrong on one point: I am not advocating requiring students to worship God.
          However, they must acknowledge that all of those things come from the people who DO worship that particular God, and the doctrines of that God.

          Lastly, I am an ecumenicist. I always will be. If you are united with me in fundamental beliefs about Christ, then no matter what you call yourself, you’re not a Christian. All those who believe those things are Christians. (And, no, it doesn’t count if you redefine what the words mean, then claim them.) I think my denomination better understands the Word than other denominations, but all those who proclaim the basics I welcome as brothers. We can debate the rest over brats and beer.

          GWB in reply to GWB. | May 18, 2023 at 12:21 pm

          Let me clarify, too. When I say that things like speech must be governed, I mean to say they will be, in one way or another. To have real freedom, you have to govern it yourself, and with your community, in informal ways. What we used to call societal mores. If you don’t govern it informally, it will end up being governed formally by others – IOW, speech laws. And they will set boundaries you might not like.

          CommoChief in reply to CommoChief. | May 18, 2023 at 12:47 pm

          By referring to ‘that God’ aren’t you then eliminating or downplaying the clear influence of the Greeks and Romans? The influence of the Islamic world which in many ways kept alive the work of those Greek and Roman scholars preserving them for later rediscovery by the Christian west? How about the influence of Judaism? That doesn’t leave room for the other religions which will want their turn at bat and rightly so b/c we don’t have an established church or an established religion in the USA.

          The reality is if our institutions had maintained their focus under the influence of Western Civilization and rejected multicultural BS we would be in a much better place. I am not saying that religion isn’t important. I am saying that it is important enough to remain true to the doctrinal beliefs and an ecumenical bleeding is IMO a watered down weak tea.

          Put ethics and morals of western civilization into the school house? Absolutely. Teach the history of how and why those ethical and moral values came to be adopted from religion and classical Greek, Roman and Judaic philosophy into secular society? Absolutely.

          Hold classroom conversations about religion with Students? No. Hold an ecumenical prayer? No. Have a moment of silence in which individuals could choose to pray? Sure.

          gibbie in reply to CommoChief. | May 18, 2023 at 2:58 pm

          “We’re going to strongly disagree here, you and I. Western Civilization was almost exclusively influenced by Christianity, with filtered inputs from certain ancient civilizations (Greece and Rome). Almost no other religion had any influence on what we call Western Civilization.”

          Absolutely correct.

          “No, “secularism” is ultimately the Progressive religion. And it warps what did support Civilization into things that tear it down. Removal of Christian morals has done much to destroy our society.”

          Absolutely correct.

          And I agree with the rest of GWB’s response.

          On the other hand, I agree with CommoChief that religion should not be taught in government schools. But contrary to him, the current government schools are permeated with religion – it’s just not my religion.

          A good discussion of “religion” is here:

      gibbie in reply to GWB. | May 18, 2023 at 2:37 pm

      The government schools are America’s best example of totalitarian socialism – and always have been. It is shameful to want to take control of them.

      Do you think the ability of parents to choose what kind of education/worldview their children get should apply only to those who agree with you?

      I think what DeSantis is doing is necessary in the short term to give the market time to provide sufficient choice, but it is not an acceptable long term solution.

“Jenna Barbee, a Hernando County fifth-grade teacher, defended her decision to show her class the 2022 Disney animated film “Strange World” for an earth science lesson.”

She must be under the impression that turnip trucks are jettisoning parents one after another. No doubt she will soon make the book “This is Gay” available so that students can read about what late 19th century Paris was like.

henrybowman | May 17, 2023 at 6:53 pm

“These conversations, these doors, they’re open. These students have one-to-one devices. The amount of things they’re able to pull up that we have to shut down – these conversations, these doors that she’s talking about – that’s telling you I’m stripping her rights as a parent, those rights are gone when your child is in the public school system because there are students talking about these things.”

See, I read this differently.

In her confused little mind, the issue is that the parents want to prevent their kids from talking about sex, and when the kids are in school and the parents are not there, there’s nothing they can do about it.

Since she’s entirely unclear about the important distinctions between rights, powers, and privileges, when she points out that the parents don’t have the power to control their kids’ speech when the parents are not there, she erroneously phrases it in terms of “rights.”

But that’s not the issue at all. The issue is that it’s her JOB to “shut down these conversations,” as she admits — not to indulge them, and sure as hell not to actively promote them.

The kids are going to do what kids do, which is precisely why we need an adult in the room who does what SHE is supposed to do — what parents want her to do — not what the kids want her to do.

The fact that students are discussing these subjects among themselves is irrelevant. I’m sure the high schoolers are having sex with each other, that doesn’t mean it’s all right for the teachers to do it, too.

Steven Brizel | May 18, 2023 at 11:01 am

This is another example of woke brainwashing and attempted destruction of the family and traditional moral values

Steven Brizel | May 18, 2023 at 11:06 am

Presumably, this so called “teacher” thinks teachers have and/or should have the so called “right” or “freedom” to engage in conduct such as this which happens and is reported to occur on a fairly frequent basis. One wonders whether the teachers; unions have defense funds for such cases

texansamurai | May 18, 2023 at 11:12 am

she needs to be suspended/fired–don’t care that students have access to internet all around them–that’s an excuse–don’t care about her take on parent’s responsibility–also an excuse–she wasn’t hired to change the world, she was hired to perform a service only–if there is in fact an established curricula /protocol to follow, she was hired to follow it not wax eloquent on her PERSONAL agenda / worldview(regardless what that may be)

have hired / trained hundreds of people in our industry and a couple of things we always made crystal clear: these are the responsibilities and the tasks required of your position–do the job the way we want you to do it or WORK SOMEWHERE ELSE

and that mantra held, from our lowest-paid employee all the way up to me as the gm

EVERYONE knew it–EVERYONE understood it