Duke Students Want to Strip Former President’s Name From Residence Hall
“we are committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming community for all our residents”

Their objection has to do with the former president’s ownership of slaves. Once again, we must ask why no one is demanding that Yale change its name.
The College Fix reports:
Duke students want former president’s name stripped from residence hall
Some students at Duke University want to see the namesake of their residence hall canceled due to his past support for the Confederacy and his ownership of slaves.
The Craven Quad Council emailed the residents of the dormitory to inform them about Braxton Craven and his legacy. It also reportedly organized a meeting to share the concerns.
Craven (pictured) is a former president of Trinity College, which became Duke University, and originally supported the Union and opposed secession, according to the “Dictionary of North Carolina Biography.” However, he supported slavery and owned three slaves himself and came to support the Confederacy.
“As Quad Council, we are committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming community for all our residents and we believe that it is important to acknowledge and address the legacy of individuals who have contributed to our institution’s history,” the council wrote, according to a copy reviewed by The Chronicle. “We also understand the importance of this moment in our university’s history as we come together under the banner of QuadEx and invite everyone to develop a shared identity that unites us.”
Additionally, Craven Quad Council asked future and current Quad residents to fill out a survey regarding the name change, as well as take part in a public input meeting.
“The public input meeting and survey is meant to be a way for people to provide their opinions and see how most residents feel about it,” the Quad Council wrote, according to the student newspaper.
The Fix attempted to reach the Craven Quad Council on April 25 through an online submission form but there were technical glitches so it is not clear if it went through. The Fix also reached out to the student affairs office to ask if it could share questions on if a formal request had been submitted or to provide alternate contact information for the group, but no response was received.

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Dear demanders:
-s- Dean T G Grizzly
That’s not the Friendly Grizzly I used to know.
Washington Duke, after whom Duke University is named, was in the Confederate Navy. Should that be sufficient to change the name of the university?
Do the Dookies even study on campus, anymore? Lived in Durham in the early ’90’s and a friend told me that at the Law School there was a portrait of Nixon which was moved around often because the school was embarrassed that he received his law degree from there.
Well this is ridiculous. Washington Duke, founder of Duke dynasty, was a slave owner and Conferate veteran. They need to change the Universities name. And EVERYTHING with the Duke name.
And then there is Yale, named after a slave trader. The twits need to start drawing up those petitions.
Give the commies time. All vestiges of our country will be crushed under their steamroller.
But be encouraged. THIS time will be different.
THIS time the omelette will taste nothing like the death and destruction of past, failed attempts.
Don’t forget to change the name of the mascot while you are at it. An alleged Christian school that pays under the name “Blue Devils”?
This is like “anti niggardly syndrome.”
Literally, ‘craven” is a highly unfortunate word… yet up until now nobody apparently had any problem with it.
Erasing history, so Bolshevik…