Democrats Vastly Outnumber Republicans as Graduation Speakers, Once Again

If you needed further proof that the left owns higher education, here you go.

The College Fix reports:

Democrats outnumber Republican graduation speakers: College Fix analysisAttendees at graduation ceremonies this spring for an Ivy League, Southeastern Conference or Big Ten university are far more likely to hear a liberal or Democratic speaker than a conservative or Republican one, according to an analysis conducted by The College Fix.At most there are only three Republican or right-leaning speakers, while there are 19 Democratic or liberal-leaning speakers, the analysis found.The Fix looked at the three conferences that cover schools in the South, East Coast and Midwest. The review only included speakers at either the main ceremony or the undergraduate one. The Fix used past statements, news stories and political donations to establish the views of speakers.Among the few right-leaning speakers is Mississippi State University President Mark Keenum. The former political appointee of both President George W. Bush and President Donald Trump is speaking at his own institution.Another potential Republican speaker is Olympic swimmer Rowdy Gaines, who is speaking at Auburn University’s ceremony. He was reportedly recruited in 1998 by Republican leaders to challenge a Democratic state senator.One other possible Republican is University of Nebraska Chancellor Ronnie Green, who is speaking at the flagship Lincoln campus ceremony. However, Green has clashed with Republican Gov. Peter Ricketts over the university’s “anti-racism” plan. The only source for Green being a Republican is an uncited claim by Wikipedia for his profile.Democratic and liberal speakers otherwise dominate the main stage, including former Attorney General Eric Holder, who served under President Barack Obama, and longtime federal bureaucrat and COVID lockdown supporter Anthony Fauci. The University of Wisconsin-Madison chose Holder to speak, while Fauci was the keynote for Michigan State University’s commencement.In a recently released PBS clip, Fauci can be heard fretting about low COVID vaccination rates in Republican states, which he blamed on politics. He said conservatives “don’t like being told what to do” and “we need to break that” in comments to D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser.

Tags: College Insurrection, Democrats, Republicans