California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Reparations Experiment Completely ‘Backfires’ on Him

As I noted last week, California Governor Gavin Newsom was less than enthusiastic about writing massive reparations checks recommended by the racialist panel he was responsible for forming.

The governor’s response can be partially attributed to an ever-expanding state budget deficit, estimated at $31.5 billion.

If the state legislature fails to approve the California Reparations Panel suggestions, proponents have called on Newsom to use his authority as governor to enact the panel’s proposal unilaterally. This means that Newsom is in a lose-lose situation as the presidential primary season is beginning to heat up.

Newsom’s actions have also given California Republicans a rare opportunity to pounce. And they are pouncing, like Tigger on Winnie the Pooh.

“This futile reparations exercise exposes the non-serious nature of Governor Newsom‘s leadership,” Republican Assemblyman Bill Essayli told Fox News Digital. “Rather than dealing with the problems of California head on he prefers headlines and do-nothing commissions. It might work in a Democrat super-majority state like California, but the rest of America will see right through him.””Creating this committee was yet another half-baked ploy for votes & accolades that has landed him in dangerous waters with no path to safety,” said Elizabeth Kolstad, Chairwoman of the Fresno County Republican Party. “What is clear, is if Gavin’s committee’s recommendations are implemented, CA is going to financially sink faster than the Titanic; only the Titanic’s lights were on when it went down.”The debate comes as Newsom continues to be floated as a possible 2024 Democrat alternative to President Biden, whose job approval ratings have sunk to a career low. Newsom has publicly backed Biden for re-election, but his actions have sparked questions about how committed he is to the president.

Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher also noted Newsom’s predicament.

“No matter what he does, he’s going to anger part of his base,” Gallagher told Fox News Digital.“It will take an absurd mental gymnastics to require California taxpayers, including new immigrants, low-income workers, and even some African Americans to pay for a wrong committed by other states more than 150 years ago, but that’s the position Newsom put himself in,” Gallagher said.The Republican leader then slammed Newsom for making “big promises he can’t or won’t keep.”

Tags: California, Gavin Newsom, Republicans