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Top DEI Official at University of Alabama Birmingham Earns Approximately $34K Per Month

Top DEI Official at University of Alabama Birmingham Earns Approximately $34K Per Month

“a nationally recognized leader in health disparities research”

This person’s annual salary is on par with the president of the United States. This is absurd.

The College Fix reports:

DEI official at U. Alabama Birmingham earns $34,000 per month

One of the top diversity, equity and inclusion officials at the University of Alabama at Birmingham earns $407,749.08 annually, or $33,979.09 per month, 1819 News recently reported.

The nonprofit Alabama news outlet reported that it calculated the salary of Mona Fouad, associate vice president in the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at UAB, based on public records and assuming she did not receive a raise or deduction recently.

1819 News reported Fouad’s salary as well as the other top-paid DEI officials across Alabama’s three largest public universities.

Fouad (pictured) is a professor, medical doctor and “a nationally recognized leader in health disparities research,” the university stated July 2022 when it announced Fauad’s new position.

“In her expanded role, Dr. Fouad will work with [UAB’s Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion] to broaden and strengthen the links between the university and UAB Medicine,” the university stated, adding she was the founding director of the UAB Minority Health & Health Disparities Research Center.

Fouad is by far the highest paid DEI administrator across Alabama’s three flagship universities: the University of Alabama, Auburn University and the University of Alabama Birmingham, 1819 News reported.


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The Gentle Grizzly | April 26, 2023 at 1:12 pm

Taxpayers not available for comment.

And she’s the “Associate Vice-President.” I wonder what the President of that department makes?

Not sure why, but her photo does not appear.

Many aspects of the USA education industry is an immense scam costing We, the People billions of dollars yearly. The return on our “investment” is minimal in many, too many, areas. Several lengthy books are needed to describe the multitude of ways that all of us are being screwed in a most heinous manner,

BierceAmbrose | May 1, 2023 at 5:05 pm

Considering the scale of risk having this position mitiigates, it’s a cheap insurance premium, really.