Stanford Black Law Students Association Takes Itself Hostage, Will Boycott Black Student Recuitment To School Over Dean’s Apology To Judge Duncan
“We cannot, in good faith, participate in recruiting Black students into a community more concerned with palliating wealthy, White conservative donors”

Following the shout down of Judge Kyle Duncan at Stanford Law School, Dean Jenny Martinez apologized to him.
Now the school’s Black Law Students Association is refusing to help the school recruit minority students, claiming that the apology was aligned with white supremacy.
Aaron Sibarium reports at the Washington Free Beacon:
Stanford Law School’s Black Students’ Group Will No Longer Help Law School Recruit Minority Students in the Wake of Duncan Apology
Stanford University’s Black Law Students Association will no longer help the university recruit black students after the law school’s dean, Jenny Martinez, apologized in early March to Fifth Circuit appellate judge Kyle Duncan.
The students cited what they described as the “scapegoating” of the school’s diversity dean, Tirien Steinbach, for an incident last month in which students disrupted Duncan’s remarks and Steinbach egged them on.
“The apology was intimately aligned with White supremacist practices,” the group’s board wrote in a letter to the administration, which was posted on Instagram earlier this month. “We cannot, in good faith, participate in recruiting Black students into a community more concerned with palliating wealthy, White conservative donors than the ‘student-focused and community-inspired’ legal education [Stanford Law School] promotes.”
As such, the group said it would “boycott official admit events” for the class of 2026 and encourage prospective students to go elsewhere.
These students know how much the school values diversity, so they think this is going to hurt Stanford. In truth, they’re only doing a disservice to themselves.
Two federal judges have already said that they won’t hire clerks from Stanford Law over this incident.
Professor Jacobson commented on Twitter:
That'll teach 'em!
— William A. Jacobson (@wajacobson) April 21, 2023
Here are some other reactions:
If the school had any balls, they'd expel every one of them.
— MidnightChrome (@midnight_chrome) April 22, 2023
Will they lead by example and drop out of SLS? Or is this empty, performative posturing, in furtherance of the sort of profoundly illiberal radicalism that is becoming increasingly common within “elite” institutions?
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) April 21, 2023
Apologies are racist. Everyone knows this.
— Jason Rantz on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) April 21, 2023
They're still crying about the judge not taking their crap
— Sean Fitzgerald (Actual Justice Warrior) (@IamSean90) April 21, 2023
Insane, but predictable. Wokeness is authoritarian communism. It knows no boundaries.
— Mythinformed (@MythinformedMKE) April 21, 2023
The performative outrage of progressive students has become so tiresome.
People have had enough.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Cutting off the nose to spite the face. Not very smart people. Pity the client that loses because his lawyer wanted to prove the opposite point for “principle.”
The diminished value of a degree from Stanford Law should be enough to keep any serious law student away. This dumb reflexive “statement” illustrates how far it’s fallen.
Group ritual suicide would send a far stronger “message”, and solve a larger problem. A “two fer”!
What’s funny is that many (maybe all) of these black students are there only because of AA.
Why not? They’re the same idiots who riot and burn down their own communities as a form of ‘protest’.
Actually it may be a smart response. Stanford needs to advertise that they have a diverse student body. This hurts Stanford and it helps the current black students. They won’t have young smart AA students who will compete with them for jobs.
I’m reminded of the scene in Blazing Saddles where the black sheriff takes himself hostage.
“Isn’t anybody gong to help that poor man?”
Cleavon Little! I was thinking of the same quote.
I also hope the TX Bar gets a list of the groups membership.
Haha I was going to make the same comment but someone beat me to it.
“Hold it, men, he’s not bluffing.”
LOL! The townspeople precisely represent the intellectual level of the wokerati.
A movie that could not be made today.
The modern bleeding hearts would only focus on the constant use of the N-Word, not able to fathom that by its very constant use–always in the service to irony, sarcasm, or just simple humor–the movie deprives the slur of its power.
“Well, to tell a family secret… my mother was Dutch!”
I’ve seen it on one of the free movie channels recently.
It’s been emasculated. It’s hardly the same movie.
It’s the original, or nothing.
This is what Affirmative Action looks like when black radicals design it.
Moar! Moar!
Zulu or Mandela’s Xhosa?
Hutu or Tutsi?
Obama’s Kenyan elite or deplorables?
That said, there is a not so fine distinction between affirmative action and affirmative discrimination. Be wary of semantic play in progress. Meanwhile, Spring — not Obama/Biden’s ethnic [World] [War] Spring — is in the air, let’s have a gay old time.
There’s no distinction; racism is racism.
The contrived, fallacious and self-styled “victimhood” act and perennial grievance/outrage posture of coddled, entitled and narcissistic black student ingrates at so-called “elite” undergraduate and graduate schools is becoming exceedingly tiresome.
Wait, you mean students might have to be admitted based on merit instead of the color of their skin?!?! NOOOOO!!!!! Anything but that!!!
Rabid diversitism (e.g. racism).
Hopefully, they’ll shoot the hostages.
As if getting law degree from a rogue renegade law school is a professional career enhancer.
“a community more concerned with palliating wealthy, White conservative donors”
LOL. That’s not how the word “palliate” is used. How weird. This is kind of “ghetto”, where a girl learns a new word and then misuses it in every sentence for the next week, so proud that she is demonstrating her mastery of her new word …
This really sums up the whole situation in a nutshell.
I think the correct term is “malapropism”…not to be confused with priapism. Them’s big words bro! Remember all those elegant words that sounded “racist” or “homophobic” but just exposed the lack of education by those “offended”?
“I think the correct term is “malapropism”…not to be confused with priapism.”
It happens to us all. Ten minutes ago, I read an article about Andrew Gillum’s “male hooker date” arrest, where one of the drugs in the room was a vial of papaverine. I couldn’t understand why meat tenderizer was an issue. Nope — priapism!
Please don’t belittle her: she was only taught Ebonics in high school. English had been placed in the “Foreign Language” section and, there being little to no interest amongst the student body, has now been removed from the curriculum
In related news, putting your pronouns on your resume will get you NOT HIRED.
I think linked in’s racist move will not play out well.
Go ahead, do it. Who gives a shit whether you want to recruit more black students or not? That’ll just be less affirmative action carries and it’ll probably raise the average GPA.
How incredibly personally brave of them to risk… absolutely nothing.
This is what using prospective black students as ideological pawns looks like.
We used to call this “I got mine, now pull up the rope”.
Good grief.
I read The 2022-2023 SLS Black Law Students Association Executive Board’s statement.
A real depressing document.
I noticed that no one placed their name on the statement.
This DOES NOT REMIND me of the Declaration of Independence’s signers.
It is clear this organization has no problems with how the judge was treated by the hateful mob.
The mob’s conduct prevented anyone from having a polite conversation with the Judge.
In the real world, a judge would throw the mob in jail!
SLS should discipline this hateful organization. Perhaps, this uncivil group should be closed down.
“‘student-focused and community-inspired’ legal education [Stanford Law School] promotes”
This explains a lot about modern legal practices.
I’m just a simple ol’ bear but, this seems like the mentality that leads to burning down one’s own neighborhood to protest something.
What am I missing?
Black fur.
I’m a grizzly. No black fur here…
If you were a polar bear you would have had your order taken already.
I knew a polar bear years ago. He was merely a Cartesian bear with different coordinates.
A very good analogy.
Fur shure.
And then complaining about there being nowhere to buy groceries. (And if you point out that it’s because they just burned those places down, yer rayciss!)
Not to mention the closed chain store that was flash-mobbed and picked clean just that one time too often.
This situation has the look and feel of a distasteful joke about MLK Jr’s holiday and how they could have made it an entire week
MLK Jr.? He and his teachings were kicked to the curb in favor of St. George Floyd.
This could work out very well for SLS. After all, the kind of students that anyone associated with a ‘Black Law Students Association’ are more likely entitled and undeserving who will smear the reputation of any black SLS graduate.
Good! Perhaps Stanford will admitted qualified students in their place who can read think and write
Not seeing a downside here.
Well, I bet that will raise the graduation rate.
This is hilarious. The only law professor man enough to lay it on the line is Amy Wax of U Penn. Not a single black student in the history of Stanford law school would have been admitted based on academic merit- not a blasted one!
“The students cited what they described as the “scapegoating” of the school’s diversity dean”
“It’s not a cancel culture, it’s an accountability culture.”
Your canned response. Now choke on it.
Time for EMC; Equality, Merit and Colorblindness.
Just saw this on a John Stossel video about the failures of DIE.
We need “EMC Squared” these days.
}}} If the school had any balls, they’d expel every one of them.
If you’re at all familiar with Thomas Sowell’s experiences there as a professor in the 60s, you’d know that Stanford hasn’t had any balls for over 60 years.