Parents’ Rights Activist Andrew Gutmann Running for Congress in Florida as a Republican
“Successful democracy demands an educated citizenry that shares some common values and common purpose. Our education system has failed us, producing a populace neither knowledgeable nor appreciative of our country’s founding values.”

Back in the early days of the Tea Party, there was a lot of talk about getting ordinary citizens to run for public office. The parents’ rights movement that gained steam during and after the pandemic is causing a resurgence of that effort.
Andrew Gutmann gained fame for pulling his daughter out of the exclusive Brearley School over woke, anti-racist content in the curriculum, then writing a letter to the school which was published.
Now he is running for Congress in Florida as a Republican.
He announced at his Substack:
An announcement: I am running for Congress
Almost exactly two years ago, I wrote a letter and mailed it to every family of my daughter’s New York City private school, the Brearley School. In that letter I expressed a series of objections, most importantly, to the school’s obsession with race and identity, and to its sweeping mission change after the summer of 2020.
Brearley had been a school devoted to the highest levels of academic achievement, to free speech and open discourse, and to the development of intellectually curious and courageous girls. Seemingly overnight, Brearley transformed into a political institution determined to turn its students into progressive activists.
I never expected my letter to be read by anyone other than the parents of the 656 families to whom I sent it, but it went viral. My words were read by millions of people across America and they helped ignite what we now call the parent’s movement and the fight against woke education.
For those of you that have been following my story for two years, thank you for sticking with me. Many of you have become friends, and for that I am grateful. For those of you that have found this Substack in recent months, thank you for joining me on this journey.
Today, I announce a new chapter in this story we are writing together. I am running for Congress as a Republican in my new home state of Florida to help take this fight for our children and our country to the federal government…
Successful democracy demands an educated citizenry that shares some common values and common purpose. Our education system has failed us, producing a populace neither knowledgeable nor appreciative of our country’s founding values.
The New York Post picked up the story:
Dad who exposed woke infiltration at NYC’s elite Brearley School running for Congress in Florida
A former New York City resident who famously exposed woke manias at his daughter’s elite Manhattan private school is running for Congress in his new home state of Florida.
Andrew Gutmann, 47, roiled the exclusive Brearley School with a scalding letter to parents in 2021, and will now seek office as a Republican in Palm Beach County’s District 22.
“I wrote that letter to my fellow parents at Brearley out of a sense of duty,” Gutmann said of his decision. “Now I run for Congress out of the same sense of duty.”
The “political refugee” argued that slowing the woke infiltration of American institutions will require far greater political representation than currently exists — hence his decision to run.
“Very few of our national leaders or even state leaders understand that this is a fight for our fundamental values and for Western civilization,” he said. “We need people in federal government who can speak to these issues.”
The country needs more average citizens to step up, get involved, and run for public office.
Featured image via YouTube.

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He will most likely be running against incumbent Lois Frankel (D) who has been in Congress since 2013. Frankel was also mayor of West Palm Beach ,prior to Congress. She is a strict party line voter.
She won her last election by 11 pts or 27k votes. He has an uphill fight to win the district.
She is part of the still strong dem stronghold that runs in Palm Beach, Broward and northern Dade county in southeast Florida
I agree but keep in mind this is still likely a strong candidate so if Democrats have to spend 15k dollars defending this district instead of 0 dollars this is still a net positive and will help other parental rights activists face a weaker machine.
In sane times this story would be laughable. ALL politicians in a free society should be for parents’ rights. The truth is we no longer live in a representative republic. We live in more of an authoritarian or feudalistic state.
(I didn’t mean the story as reported here.)
We are newly registered voters in Florida’s 22nd District and will do all we can to help Mr. Gutmann’s campaign.
Might depend on how many parents with school age children are in the district. Even Democrat parents, usually, want their kids properly educated…
Like bartenders?
In principle I agree, but average idiots do exist on the other side.
Be assured that David Hogg is biding time, awaiting his constitutional eligibility.
Democracy can never be successful . What is needed is the type of Republic the founders envisioned. It just doesn’t work to let every moron have an equal say.
It can, if the government is designed to “withdraw certain subjects [“rights”] from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and to establish them as legal principles to be applied by the Courts… fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections.”
But that would require Constitutions to be written on magical, self-enforcing paper, because men simply will not hold themselves to that standard.
Even if it starts with “well-meaning” violations, such as the charity in the story of “Not Yours to Give,” eventually you get to the place we are today, where all of one party and most of another simply don’t give a damn what the words of the Constitution say.