LIVE: Trump Arrives at Manhattan Court for Arraignment
Scheduled in Manhattan at 2:15 P.M. ET. Trump to give speech from Mar-a-Lago tonight.

Former President Donald Trump’s arraignment has begun.
I’m going to post a lot of tweets with pictures and videos.
It’ll be easier that way because I don’t expect a lot of action.
Second pic of Trump being arraigned.
— Justin Hart (@justin_hart) April 4, 2023
Former Pres. Trump enters the courtroom:
— Alex Salvi (@alexsalvinews) April 4, 2023
BREAKING: Donald Trump is now under arrest in New York City ahead of his arraignment in court
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) April 4, 2023
A likely timeline of what will happen:
The former president will likely use a side entrance to the courthouse at 1 Hogan Place that is not accessible to the public around 1 p.m., roughly an hour before legal proceedings are set to begin.
The arraignment, which will be presided over by Justice Juan Merchan, will take about 15 to 30 minutes, while Trump is expected to plead not guilty to charges revolving around alleged hush money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels.
Heavy security is expected around the building with a limited amount of press, who will be thoroughly searched, allowed into the facility. The former president will be escorted to the courtroom for the arraignment, then is expected to leave the same way he came in.
From there, Trump plans to fly back to his Florida home to deliver remarks later this evening, though a potential gag order could limit what the former president is able to reveal about his case.

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So very tired of this story already. We know Trump will milk it for all its worth.
“It’s worth” , not “its”
It’s is a contraction of it is. Its is possessive. The only if not one of the only nouns in English where the apostrophe for possessive rule is reversed.
Deep state voodoo!
(Cue Theramin music)
*thick German accent*
“The only if not one of the only nouns in English…”
Probably the one noun, if not the only noun in English, …
Is the statement incorrect or is the concept incorrect?
What are its pronouns? Excuse me, “it’s”…
“It” is not a noun.
None of the downticks are mine.
All of my ticks are down — we only let the cool ones in.
Be careful of Lyme disease
OTOH, all your ticks are belong to us.
IT is garbage either way. I want to see those pricks behind this brought to justice.
How dare you presume their gender? Report to gulag!
He isn’t. Pricks come in all genders.
Either way works. “Worth” can be a noun (“its worth”) or a preposition (“it’s worth”).
… and “worth” can be whatever it identifies as.
So I realized after I spoke up.
/bad bear! No blackberries!
Yeah, that Trump! How dare he. It’s all his fault. Let’s charge him with a crime for “milking” it, too, eh? Yeah, the Witch Hunt is tiring, as is the demonization.
Yeah, what was Trump thinking, telling the Democrats to try and throw him in jail! The nerve!
Seriously what the hell is wrong with you.
This is a Dem feeling their house of cards on the verge of collapsing. We need to be thinking about were all Dem criminals are going to be incarcerated. Scope of Dem criminal activity is staggering.
Never fear… Trump will be found guilty on all 79 counts of felony. But you say that wasn’t the number…. oh…but he is so guilty they voted for more!
Who is milking what?
Cows or Soros Democrats: both or neither?
Wasn’t that what started this whole thing?
Look what Trump made them do, amirite?
Like Ronna Romney raising funds for the GOP with her text number?
We’ve come this far in this circus, so why not go whole hog?
Gag orders, bar the press, argue for Trump to be held without bail.
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
Bragg probably wears one of those wrist bands that says “What Would Beria Do?”
Bragg is filth, but Beria was filth cubed.
Bragg is playing to a very narrow peer group. In his lane he will be immune.
I hope that Bragg dies the same way that communist filth did
“…one of those wrist bands that says “What Would Beria Do?”
In the original stainless steel.
If the judge imposes a gag order on Trump, Trump should immediately respond with; “Respectfully, your honor, I don’t recognize your authority to impose such an order. It is in violation of my first amendment rights, and more importantly, the first amendment rights of the millions of my supporters who want to hear my message. I do not intend to observe such an order. “
He should tell them that after he is out of their jurisdiction. Trump should also liquidate all assets in New York, the city is in a downward spiral In fact, most cities are doomed, in that they no longer have a good reason to exist.
Everything but Trump tower. One single vertical extension to the sky.
As much as I’d like to see that happen, the judge would most probably order him held in contempt of court at that moment and send him directly to jail. Far better for his lawyer to say something on the order of “Your Honor, since the prosecution has already begun leaking like a sprinkler before my client was even arraigned, all a gag order does is prevent him from exercising his First amendment right in return. With that in mind I would encourage Your Honor to reverse your decision, and if not, I will appeal it to (fill in court here.)”
But I’m not a lawyer.
If Trump were truly serious, that is exactly what he should be hoping for.
There is no doubt that the judge does have the authority. Gag orders are common throughout the justice system and the supreme court says they’re constitutional, but they’re subject to strict scrutiny. Judges can’t just impose them because they feel like it;
The drama is most certainly tiring. And disturbing. This level of legalistic Twister makes them look like they’re pursuing Capone. And, so far, every time it’s tried, they just come up with Capone’s Vault.
Can we get a better class of persecutors, please?
As Trump said, it IS surreal that this is happening in America. The glass ceiling is shattered. Will America be able to pick up the pieces?
Dershowitz says that he will be in court with a lawsuit if the judge dare issue a gag order,…IMO he will seal the indictment
Alvin Bragg is cut from the same cloth it’s Levrentiy Beria was, and I hope he dies the same way that communist filth did
It would be the height of hypocrisy for the judge to require the arraignment to be televised, but yet keep the charges sealed and/or issue a gag order on the defense.
Therefore that is exactly what I predict will happen.
Alvin Bragg is an affirmative action moron. He only got elected due the Soros funding and the idiocy of the Democrat Marxist voter who wanted to Get Trump.
My only regret about Trump was that he failed to indict and prosecute Cankles.
He never intended to. I believed then and still believe that he intended, win or lose, to make up with the Clintons after the election. They were BFF until he entered the race, and he intended to go back to that after the race was over, regardless of the result. And had they had the grace to accept his overtures it would have been a very different administration, with them close to him and giving him advice. Thank God for their wounded feelings that caused them to reject him and demonize him, and thus drove him into the hands of the conservatives he was ready to ditch. Their vicious hatred made him the good president he was.
Exactly this, even more so…
“Thank God for their wounded feelings that … drove him into the hands of the conservatives he was ready to ditch. Their vicious hatred made him the good president he was.”
The Orange Crush was the easiest prezzy to manipulate that we’ve had in a long time — at least since Kennedy. The Screaming-D’s coulda gotten any policy, any behavior they wanted, if they could only bring themselves to let him think that was a win for him. Literally every policy they hate, hate, hate is entirely understandable as “You think I can’t? Screw you.” It’s not like The Feckless R’s coulda given him oppy to seem to win.
Also how we wrangle The Donald as political presence, candidate, nominee, or prezzy. He gets to think he won when he does what we want.
Jared Kushner said Trump wanted to establish a “cordial relationship with Hillary to unite the country” and show that he “had no intention of looking backward,”
So terrible to put country in front of personality.
Clinton said Feb, 2016 that they were “not friends,” but “knew each other, obviously, in New York.”
Buyer beware! Speculation about what was intended, from an unreliable source with an anti-subject bias should be viewed with a skeptical eye. Especially comments that Trump would “ditch” conservatives, as if he was simply a Trojan horse, or he and the Clintons were “BFF,” and he “intended to go back to that after the race was over, regardless of the result.”
Even on a day of infamy, some people cannot help themselves.
Milhouse. I am happy to say that there are some things we agree on. Nice response.
Perfect timing
You know this case will be dragged out as long as possible for maximum drama.
Very sad day for America, President Trump and his family
We’re not voting ourselves out of this
So, the indictment looks to me like it facially violates due process, inasmuch as it is extremely vague. Has anyone heard someone who has some familiarity with New York criminal law and procedure commented on it?
Misdemeanors that have run statute of limitations + prosecutor twisting interpretation to escalate to federal felonies + several major players in DAs office suffering from extreme TDS = catastrophic failure of case and possible disbarment of bragg and others.
AND Trump gets a big boost in ratings and political capital for next year’s election. Thank You Liberals!
Not federal felonies. He can’t charge federal felonies. These are all state charges. Falsification is a misdemeanor, unless it’s in furtherance of another crime. That makes it a felony. So that’s what he’s relying on. He’s saying that Trump falsified the records in furtherance of a federal crime; thus the falsification becomes a felony and the base statute is five years.
The five years is interesting in that the country required him to base out of Washington. He did not choose on his own to go. The indictment could have been made at anytime. within that 5 years but only instigated as campaign promises at this time by new officials. Yes..yes..the letter of the law as presently interpreted. Some say Pandora’s box has been opened… but I posit that by 2024 the box and its contents will go missing.
Per FBN, the fact that no actual felony was specified is the telling point. They’ve got a bunch of misdemeanors (essentially 34 instances of the same misdemeanor), but no specified underlying crime, which is (per Fox) a violation of due process by not notifying the defendant of the (actual felonious) charges against him.
That makes no sense. The felony is the 34 falsification counts. That is the only thing he’s charged with. That it was (allegedly) done in furtherance of some other crime is what makes it a felony rather than a misdemeanor. But the other crime doesn’t — at this point — have to be specified. Obviously it will eventually have to be specified because how can you discuss it at trial without saying what it was? But since he’s not being charged with it it doesn’t have to be specified now.
If not now, when?
“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;
If you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly;
You may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
So the indictment is out, and it’s exactly as a bunch of people predicted.
Their ’34 counts’ are literally the recurring monthly payments that they made to Cohen, while he was employed.
These people are simply pathetic.
If it was for services. If it was really reimbursement, and it was hidden as services, then that’s a falsification. Pay it in installments, each of which is falsified, and you get multiple counts. It all rests on the claim that these payments were not really for lawful services rendered.
More surreal:
The 9th Circuit today awarded Trump an additional $121,962.56 in attorney fees Stormy Daniels, in addition to the $500,000 she already owes.
2017? Really it took this long to find something?
Required content in NY indictment
For example, if charged with a hate crime
A statement in each count that the grand jury, or, where the accusatory instrument is a superior court information, the district attorney, accuses the defendant or defendants of a designated offense, provided that in any prosecution under article four hundred eighty-five of the penal law, the designated offense shall be the specified offense, as defined in subdivision three of section 485.05 of the penal law, followed by the phrase “as a hate crime”, and provided further that in any prosecution under section 490.25 of the penal law, the designated offense shall be the specified offense, as defined in subdivision three of section 490.05 of the penal law, followed by the phrase “as a crime of terrorism”;
What is your point?
New York’s arraignment law seems archaic. I spent most of my legal career as a state prosecutor. When there was an arraignment, it was all done in writing or filed electronically. No one ever showed up in court, unless they were pro se.