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Grand Canyon University, a Conservative Christian School, Sees Boom in Enrollment

Grand Canyon University, a Conservative Christian School, Sees Boom in Enrollment

“When families hear that there’s an affordable private Christian university in Phoenix, Arizona, it’s very attractive to come and visit”

This is amazing, considering that enrollment is down at so many other schools.

FOX News reports:

This Christian college is booming as campus enrollment has more than tripled in the last decade

A conservative, Christian college has tripled its enrollment in the last decade by establishing a “new model for higher education” that makes college affordable to all socioeconomic classes, the university president told Fox News.

“When families hear that there’s an affordable private Christian university in Phoenix, Arizona, it’s very attractive to come and visit,” Grand Canyon University president Brian Mueller said. “Core competency, we think, is to understand where the economy is going, where the jobs are going to be, how people can build great careers and how they can do it without taking on large amounts of debt.”

Grand Canyon University, a private Christian college in Phoenix, Arizona, founded in 1949, has grown from 7,602 on-campus students in 2012 to 25,350 in 2022, according to a university spokesperson. Online enrollment also doubled in the last decade.

“Every class is another record-breaking class in terms of numbers,” Mueller said. “In the next 10 years or less it will grow somewhere around 50,000 students. We have acquired the land and have the building process in place to do that.”

In 2008, Mueller joined GCU as their president when the college had only around 1,000 students. Since then, GCU has invested billions into the campus and grown its academic programs from 100 to 300 for on-campus and online students as students flooded in, the university president said. Mueller attributed some of the university’s growth to the college building up the campus in a disadvantaged neighborhood, freezing tuition costs and offering generous scholarships.


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Nice to hear they’ve changed their ways from a few years ago when they banned Ben Shapiro from speaking on campus.