Flyers at Pepperdine University “Compare Opposing Trans Ideology to ‘Genocide'”

Craziness On Campus

Lot of people are speculating that this type of messaging may have driven the Nashville shooter to murder.

Campus Reform reports:

EXCLUSIVE: Flyers at Christian university compare opposing trans ideology to ‘genocide’“How far has the anti-trans movement advanced along these stages [of genocide]?” a flyer posted to a Pepperdine University bullet board, called the “Freedom Wall,” questions.Sometime between Mar. 27-28, a series of flyers addressing conservatives who object to transgender ideology were anonymously posted to a community bulletin board at the Christian university in California. The postings coincided with “Trans Week of Visibility.”Every flyer featured one of the ten stages of genocide, relating each to the “anti-trans movement”; seemingly comparing the Holocaust to the conservative movement to oppose transgender ideology, irreversible surgery and hormone blockers for minors, and related ideas and practices.Step 7 details how genocides are planned events. The flyer then states that “[m]any right-wing political figures share … violent views on trans people,” and proceeds to link a clip from The Charlie Kirk Show as evidence, where he said that “there are a lot of sick people in the world, unfortunately,” emphasizing that Americans need “the strength to go against them.”Another flyer highlights alleged “dehumanization” of the trans community, arguing that such dehumanization occurs when trans individuals are denied certain kinds of medical procedures or intervention from “ill-informed medical professionals.”On the flyer for Step 10, “Denial,” conservatives denying that men can be women, or vice versa, is compared to people denying that a genocide (such as the Holocaust) has occurred.The Daily Wire‘s Michael Knowles is quoted on this flyer as saying, “There is, of course, no such thing as the trans community, ultimately, because the anthropology of transgenderism is false. So, the very notion of the trans community is a deception.”Senate Bill 480 is cited as an example in Step 8 of genocide, “Persecution.” The flyer states that “this bill [would] ban life-saving medical care.” The bill itself would only prohibit “gender transition procedures for minors.”

Tags: California, College Insurrection, Transgender