D.C. Public Schools Requiring Students, Staff to Have Negative COVID Tests to Return From Spring Break
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D.C. Public Schools Requiring Students, Staff to Have Negative COVID Tests to Return From Spring Break

D.C. Public Schools Requiring Students, Staff to Have Negative COVID Tests to Return From Spring Break

Let it go…

The Washington D.C. Public School District requires students and staff to submit a negative COVID test to return from spring break.

It’s been three years. It’s also the fourth time this year that DCPS has required a negative test.

The schools handed out the tests before school was let out for spring break.

Staff and students must upload a negative result online. If positive, they must alert the school and “quarantine for a minimum of 10 days.”

Look at these numbers:

According to DCPS data, the week before students left for Spring Break there were only nine positive COVID cases across all elementary, middle, and high schools.

During the first two weeks of April, there were 25 positive cases reported. Barnard Elementary and Bancroft Elementary had the highest positive rates during the month with both schools reporting three positive cases between April 3 – April 14.

Those numbers reflect a steep decline in positive cases in comparison to the data recorded in 2022. Last year, the two weeks prior to students leaving for Spring Break there were a total of 102 positive tests reported as the Omicron variant led to a surge in cases across the country.

DCPS claims it follows CDC guidelines.

But the CDC doesn’t require or recommend COVID screening at schools. Schools can implement testing after “high-risk” activities like school breaks.

But hardly anyone had it after winter break:

School records show that when students took the tests before returning from Winter Break in early January, less than 1% of the 31,882 who submit their status tested positive. And less than 2% of the 6,133 DCPS staff members who sent in their results tested positive.

Insanity. Let it go.


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Isn’t it bad medical practice to test non-symptomatic people, because of the high rate of false positives?

I wonder who has the contract to supply those tests?

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Valerie. | April 24, 2023 at 9:32 am

    That was my first thought.

    This is merely a payback for support from the cabal of teachers unions, the pharmaceutical medical complex, liberals politicians, and the liberals.

    Money laundering through government spending, followed by political donations to their coffers.

    Camperfixer in reply to Valerie. | April 24, 2023 at 10:16 am

    These snap tests are notoriously false positive/negative, which any rational person reading proper data knows….yet officials” believe their own Wag the Dog propaganda so continue pushing the lie. Bottom line is “Who cares?…colds (coronavirus), flu, and any other petri dish thing kids contract regularly help build natural immunity,

“Insanity, let it go”. They can’t let it go. It keeps the people in charge sane and still in charge.

Will they be doing forehead temp checks too while the kids pass through the metal detector? Will they also demand a negative flu test or do these same morons believe that flu has been eradicated as the CDC propaganda indicates?

Can’t fix willful stupidity among HOA-level “officials” who either get paid to continue this bravo sierra or are so mindlessly brainwashed they can’t know truth if it hit them in the face.

Antifundamentalist | April 24, 2023 at 10:25 am

The DC Public School system should be supplying the tests then, because they aren’t “free.” Someone is paying for them – be it insurance companies, or the families themselves.

At this point, since Covid is endemic, it makes no more sense than requiring a negative flu test or a negative HIV test, or a negative TB test. It’s waste, fraud, and abuse is what it is.

2smartforlibs | April 24, 2023 at 11:37 am

Jokes over son.

The American Academy of Pediatrics reports covid vaccine uptake using CDC data. According to the AAP, 100% of DC children age 12 – 17 have received one shot (96% have rec’d 2 shots). Is this AAP and CDC claim credible???

Link to AAP April report: https://downloads.aap.org/AAP/PDF/Child%20Vaccinations%20Report%20US%20Cumulative%20and%20Weekly%204.5.2023.pdf?_ga=2.54815275.1866583569.1682294638-1713316580.1682188932

Subotai Bahadur | April 24, 2023 at 3:07 pm

Since the main product of the illiterate and innumerate DC school staff is illiterate and innumerate students and eventually graduates or dropouts; what is the down side if them being barred from school after spring break?

Subotai Bahadur

E Howard Hunt | April 24, 2023 at 6:44 pm

Well, at least it’s being consistent. They test negatively for everything else- math, grammar, history, reading geography ……….

Oh, let the kids have their COVID test.
It may be the only test many of them will ever pass.