Biden: ‘I Plan on Running’ in 2024, But ‘We’re Not Prepared to Announce It Yet’
You literally just announced it, dude.

President Joe Biden is running in 2024. His campaign is not ready to announce it yet but Biden announced it on The Today Show:
“I plan on running Al, but we’re not prepared to announce it yet,” Biden said alongside first lady Jill Biden.
Biden, 80, let the news slip early Monday after Al asked how many more White House Easter egg events he planned on participating in, nudging the president to say whether he had eyes on a second term.
“I plan on at least three or four more Easter Egg rolls,” Biden said as the two chatted on the Truman Balcony. “Maybe five. Maybe six, what the hell.”
"I plan on running, Al, but we're not prepared to announce it yet," President Biden told @alroker.
— TODAY (@TODAYshow) April 10, 2023

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I guess the Big Guy won’t “formally” announce until Xi says so.
“Maybe five or six…”
I find that odd. Is he saying the quiet part out loud?
Dude will be lucky to make it 9 more weeks.
He can barely speak a coherent sentence as it stands now but he’s the Commiecrats man for 2024,81 million votes and all.
You’d think all the drug cocktails they pump into Biden on a regular basis to make him even semi-coherent would start to catch up with him by now.
On the other hand, if only the good die young, then Biden is bound to live forever.
He will be embalmed by all the drugs and potions before he is dead.
“I’ll either be rolling egg or being you know the guy pushing them out.” –Joe Biden 2024 Easter Egg Roll
What in the world?!?? Joe might be laying eggs? And this guy is allegedly in charge of the United States. Amazing. Just amazing.
Oh he’s runnin’. You betcha. If he can’t move in his running shoes they will just stand up a cardboard cutout in his basement before the Zoom camera and call it good. That is what they did in 2020 and it worked.
The only way he ain’t runnin’ is if he reaches room temperature first. And by then, the field will have been frozen, and that might compel the DNC to have an open convention to pick the nominee.
Yeah he is likely to run. Not sure that he can get traction on the basement strategy again. Despite the relative unavailability of Biden to the press he has had to do some appearances and they aren’t painting the image of a healthy guy. Too many people have seen the falling down memes and falling off a bike memes to try and hide it. Whether voters care that the Commander in Chief isn’t physically robust or might not retain the mental acuity to perform is another issue.
That’s our Brandon. What’s a little FEC campaign violation to the guy who blocks up his muscle car on Top Secret file folders and has his bagman kid accept millions of dollars from our country’s greatest enemy?
Clearly, not clear on the concept.
Shovel-ready=son-of-a-bitch needs to git’r’dun and Aneurysm in front of the whole world.
Buy-Here, Pay-Here, Biden is the minimum standard for elected putrification. Even in the afterlife he will never amount to anywhere or anything in Dante’s scheme.
Joe’s existence has been as caged snake, slithering about in its own excrement until the next victim comes along.
Joe did pick his perfect running mate in Kamala…they both speak ‘Word Salad’ as in
“I plan on running Al, but we’re not prepared to announce it yet,”
So where does this statement differ from a declaration of running?
Other than in is own mind.
His brain is tapioca.
Except that tapioca serves a useful purpose.
IMO this may be a case of “thou doth protest too much”. If he has an ounce of brains (admittedly a questionable proposition), he must sense that many in his own party don’t want him to run. And if he’s learned nothing else in his 50 years at the public trough, he knows that no politician wants to be a lame duck for any extended period of time. And if my sense of his personality is correct, this shtick is about as truthful as anything else he utters. Connecting the dots, if I were a betting woman (which I’m not), my money would go on the “won’t run” option. But we shall see……