Wayne State U. Prof Placed on Leave After Suggesting Conservative Campus Speakers Should be Killed Not Shouted Down

These stupid comments were made on social media in response to the recent shout down at Stanford Law School.

Reason reports:

Professor Suggests Murder as Alternative to Shouting Down SpeakersAn English professor at Wayne State University apparently had an overheated reaction to the fiasco at Stanford Law School. He thought the protesters did not go far enough, and he took to Facebook to say so.”I think it is far more admirable to kill a racist, homophobic, or transphobic speaker than it is to shout them down,”he began, and he concluded with “The exemplary historical figure in this regard is Sholem Schwarzbard, who assassinated the anti-Semitic butcher Symon Petliura, rather than trying to shout him down. Remember that Schwarzbard was acquitted by a jury, which found his action justified.”The president of Wayne State has now announced that the professor has been suspended and his social media post referred to law enforcement.The professor’s post is almost certainly constitutionally protected as neither a true threat nor an incitement to imminent lawless action. Wayne State, like many universities, has adopted the language American Association of University Professors’ 1940 Statement on Academic Freedom.

Tags: College Insurrection, Conservatives, Free Speech, Social Media