VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Talks About His Regrets Working in Media
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VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Talks About His Regrets Working in Media

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Talks About His Regrets Working in Media

“Defending the Iraq War, like I actually did that. Can you imagine if you did that?”

In this clip of Tucker Carlson appearing on a recent podcast, he talks about the things that he regrets about working in media. Interesting stuff.

RedState provides a partial transcript:

CARLSON: I’ve spent my whole life in the media, my dad was in the media. That is a big part of the revelation that’s changed my life, is that the media are part of the control appartus.


Yeah, I know, cause your younger and smarter, and you’re like “yeah.”

But what if you’re me and you spent your whole life in that world, and to look around and all the sudden you’re like “oh wow,” not only are they part of the problem, but I spent most of my life being part of the problem. Defending the Iraq War, like I actually did that. Can you imagine if you did that?…

CARLSON: For too long, I participated in the culture where I was like, “anyone who thinks outside these pre-prescribed lanes is crazy, is a conspiracy theorist.” And I just really regret that, I’m ashamed that I did that.

Watch below:

Featured image via Twitter video.


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Tucker’s had a good run. This could be his way of venting a little, leaving Fox and going independent.