As a defector from North Korea, Yeonmi Park knows what real oppression looks like. We should heed her warnings.
The College Fix reports:
Universities must change course ‘while time remains,’ North Korean defector warns AmericaOne of the very few North Korean defectors to become an American citizen wrote a new book warning our academic and other elites to correct their slide into dangerous woke ideologies, and encouraging ordinary Americans to resist.If we fail, human rights activist Yeonmi Park warned, our country may increasingly resemble the socialist dictatorship she escaped.“Because I love America so much, and because I’m committed to resisting any encroachments on its freedoms, I do draw on my knowledge and experience of North Korea to illuminate — not exaggerate — threats to liberty in America,” Park wrote in “While Time Remains,” her second book, released last month by Simon & Schuster.In both volumes, Park “attempt[s] with all her heart…to warn us here in our luxury and comfort not to fall prey to the same ideological temptations that doomed the Soviet Union and all its satellites and that still possess the billion-plus people in China,” Jordan Peterson, who interviewed Park on his podcast last year, wrote in the “Forward” to her new book.“While Time Remains” briefly recounts Park’s escape at age 13 and journey through sexual slavery in China and refuge in South Korea and then the United States, topics covered in greater depth in her first book, before shifting to the education in American privilege and leftist ideologies she absorbed in college at Columbia University. Park graduated in 2019 with a bachelor’s degree in human rights.She entered Columbia’s campus on the Upper West Side of New York with wonder and gratitude, its beauty and grandeur seeming to her even greater than the lights and skyscrapers of Times Square.“What an unbelievable honor to start my studies as an Ivy League student!” she described herself as thinking.