No, the Texas Lawmaker Behind a Drag Bill Did Not Dress Up in Drag in High School
Stop changing language. Doing this is an insult to actual drag queens.

The left and the media changed the definition of abortion. Now they’re changing the definition of drag.
Texas Republican state Rep. Nate Schatzline’s bill restricts drag performances. Naturally, the left and the media pounced.
A video has circulated on social media of him supposedly in drag…except dressing like a woman for theater or even just a video is not drag.
Nate Schatzline has made his entire personality attacking the LGBTQ community, trans especially children, and vowed to ban drag shows in Texas.
Here is Nate… in drag. #txlege #iToldYouSo
— Michelle (@LivingBlueTX) February 28, 2023
Schatzline said he dressed up as a woman for a theater project.
Y’all really going crazy over me wearing a dress as a joke back in school for a theatre project? Yah, that’s not a sexually explicit drag show… lol y’all will twist ANYTHING.
Michelle, please find something better to do than look up old videos from when people were in school.
— Nate Schatzline (@NateSchatzline) February 28, 2023
NBC tried to use the dictionary definition to counter Schatzline. The network failed:
: entertainment in which performers caricature or challenge gender stereotypes (as by dressing in clothing that is stereotypical of another gender, by using exaggeratedly gendered mannerisms, or by combining elements of stereotypically male and female dress) and often wear elaborate or outrageous costumes
: the costumes worn by drag performers
especially : a costume used to impersonate a person or kind of person
Schatzline did none of that. It looks like he just put on a dress.
It’s why when you see a transgender female, you don’t say she’s in drag. Caitlyn Jenner doesn’t dress in drag. When you watch RuPaul or Trixie Mattel…they’re in drag. Monty Python dressed in drag most of the time when they portrayed females.
Patrick Swayze, Wesley Snipes, and John Leguizamo dressed in drag in To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar. That is a fantastic movie, by the way.
It’s like these people have never seen a drag show. Changing the language is an insult to actual drag queens. Yes, I love drag shows and watching RuPaul’s drag race. I’ve learned a lot about makeup from them!
This isn’t hard.
The legislation, HB 1266, seeks to amend Texas’ Business and Commerce Code to define a venue that hosts a “drag performance” and “authorizes on-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages” as a “sexually oriented business.” Such businesses, according to the state code, “may not allow an individual younger than 18 years of age to enter the premises of the business.”
The measure defines a drag performance as “a performance in which a performer exhibits a gender identity that is different than the performer’s gender assigned at birth using clothing, makeup, or other physical markers and sings, lip syncs, dances, or otherwise performs before an audience for entertainment.” It also states that sexually oriented businesses can be categorized as “a nightclub, bar, restaurant, or other commercial enterprise that provides for an audience of two or more individuals a drag performance.”
The media tried to do this to Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee. The yearbook caption says, “Governor Bill Lee in drag (1977 high school yearbook).”
Lee’s costume is more like drag than Schatzline, but something tells me he only did this once. Plus it’s not extravagant or loud. At my Texas high school, the juniors and seniors had an event where the girls played football and the boys dressed as cheerleaders. Ladies dressed as men would escort the “homecoming court,” similar to the Lee picture. It’s not a biggie.
More importantly, when Schatzline and Lee dressed as a woman they weren’t throwing sexuality in a child’s face or trying to talk about sex to said child. Those people are also a disgrace to drag queens.
Grow up, leftists and media. Stop changing the language to fit your narrative.

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The left, truly, has no sense of humor whatsoever and has to be some of the most sour people to be around. I’d love to see a theater full of leftists get the movie “Blazing Saddles” sprung on them unexpectedly and then watch the mayhem…..
And lock the exits so they can’t leave….
“What am I hearing? It sounds like steam escaping!”
And, the original, not the one edited for cable.
The Left: when they have nothing to say, they say it.
I guess Tony Curtis and Jack Lemon were both drag queens because of the movie “Some Like It Hot”. It was a funny movie but I don’t believe the msm back then was woke and the democrats were still pro-American..
Remember Bosom Buddies? Guess Tom Hanks is now a tranny. The entire cast of Monty Python, all trannys.
Remember Mrs. Doubtfire? Guess Robin Williams will now have to be classified as a tranny. An old one. But a tranny nonetheless.
A dead one.
Dustin Hoffman, too, for Tootsie…
Don’t forget Milton Berle
And Alistair Sims and Peter Sellers…
Flip Wilson, too.
Almost 40 years ago a friend made a comment that “ALL humor is thinly veiled aggression towards women.” Not his viewpoint, just an observation he made about a radical feminist we both knew. Everyday those 8 words take on even more significance.
Q: “How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?”
Variation: “We don’t HAVE a humor section. This is a FEMINIST bookstore!”
I thought it was towards an Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman!
Burn the witch!
The witch, the warlock, the baby… fetal-baby, too. Forward!
That said, there has been progress to exclude trans/homosexuals from the transgender spectrum, including the development of a novel banner to complement its albinophobic (“Rainbow”) inspiration.
… there has been progress to socially distance trans/homosexuals from others in the transgender spectrum.
A baby if she is deemed worthy of life. A medical term of art, “fetus,” for social distance, and celebration of a wicked solution. Levine’s personal affirmation through medical, surgical, and/or psychiatric corruption of boys and girls.
Bennies for babies to tamp down the commotion.
Ugh, I can’t even watch Stalag 17.
“Michelle, please find something better to do than look up old videos from when people were in school.”
I’m so old, I’m happy there were no videos when we were in school.
I’m so old we had 8mm movie cameras.
But you actually had to get the film developed first, which was where a good number of our recorded transgressions met oblivion.
Cosplay and gender disnorming are not even close to the same universe.
Oh, snap!
victor-victoria was brilliant–andrews, garner and preston(who absolutely stole the show)–karras was great as garner’s sidekick as well
funny without being vulgar and the music was exquisite
Doing this is an insult to actual drag queens.
I’m not seeing your point.
Accusing a liberal of this may result in it being cancelled by its hive.
That definition would include what he did in high school. Or any play in which an actor plays a character of the opposite sex, and dresses for the part. “Exhibits a gender identity”, check; “using clothing”, check; “or otherwise performs”, check. By this definition Shakespeare’s plays at the Globe were all drag shows.
You skipped the firs paragraph.
The first paragraph is irrelevant. The definition is entirely in the second paragraph, and by that definition what he did was indeed a drag performance.
No, he didn’t.
I’ve done a lot of stupid shit in my lifetime, but I have never put on a dress, pretended to be a woman, danced with a gorilla, have someone chase me down the road and hit me with a plastic inflated hammer, and then have it all filmed. I guess I have lived a sheltered life.
I’ve never done any of those things, either (with the exception of putting on a dress, but I am a woman, so it’s kind of what we do). Well, okay, maybe that ONE Halloween I did dance with a gorilla . . . .
I think theater people are just into stuff like that–acting out, having fun. It looks pretty harmless to me and certainly not a “drag show.”
Danced with a gorilla? Or, a guerilla?
When our son was extremely young, we dressed him up as a little girl for Halloween. It was the best costume ever, because absolutely NOBODY could identify him until we showed ourselves at the door. World-class misdirection. Well, back in the ’80s, anyway… maybe not today.
Are women who dress as men considered Drag Kings?
Yes, they are
Do they compete for pink slips?