‘Man of the People’ Buttigieg: “You Think Tucker Carlson Knows the Difference Between a T.J. Maxx and a Kohl’s?”

Keep talking, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. Keep talking because your words are gold and proof you’re out of touch.

Buttigieg admitted he should have visited East Palestine, OH, earlier instead of waiting three weeks after the train disaster.

Buttigieg unleashed one of the most tone-deaf attacks I’ve heard from a politician in a CNN interview (emphasis mine):

“It’s really rich to see some of these folks – the former president, these Fox hosts – who are literally lifelong card-carrying members of the East Coast elite, whose top economic policy priority has always been tax cuts for the wealthy, and who wouldn’t know their way around a T.J. Maxx if their life depended on it, to be presenting themselves as if they genuinely care about the forgotten middle of the country,” the Transportation Secretary said. “You think Tucker Carlson knows the difference between a T.J. Maxx and a Kohl’s?”

Guys, we’re so stupid. It has nothing to do with Pete’s competency or decisions. It’s all about where Tucker buys his clothes.

T.J. Maxx. Kohl’s. JC Penney. Non-luxury stores look the same inside, so Pete’s argument is moot. Am I also to believe Pete shops at places like Kohl’s and T.J. Maxx? I doubt it. The stores look similar to the old-school Wal-Mart and Target stores, too.

When was the last time Pete went to T.J. Maxx or Kohl’s?

Here’s another thing, buddy. Tucker Carlson doesn’t work for the government. YOU DO. You work for us. Tucker also isn’t a lifelong East Coast elite. He’s from California and has worked around the country.

Also, Pete admitted his critics were correct. Why the childish attack? Very unbecoming.

Tags: Biden Transportation, CNN, Pete Buttigieg, Tucker Carlson