‘Man of the People’ Buttigieg: “You Think Tucker Carlson Knows the Difference Between a T.J. Maxx and a Kohl’s?”
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‘Man of the People’ Buttigieg: “You Think Tucker Carlson Knows the Difference Between a T.J. Maxx and a Kohl’s?”

‘Man of the People’ Buttigieg: “You Think Tucker Carlson Knows the Difference Between a T.J. Maxx and a Kohl’s?”

It’s totally about where Tucker shops for his clothes. Keep digging your hole, Petey.

Keep talking, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. Keep talking because your words are gold and proof you’re out of touch.

Buttigieg admitted he should have visited East Palestine, OH, earlier instead of waiting three weeks after the train disaster.

Buttigieg unleashed one of the most tone-deaf attacks I’ve heard from a politician in a CNN interview (emphasis mine):

“It’s really rich to see some of these folks – the former president, these Fox hosts – who are literally lifelong card-carrying members of the East Coast elite, whose top economic policy priority has always been tax cuts for the wealthy, and who wouldn’t know their way around a T.J. Maxx if their life depended on it, to be presenting themselves as if they genuinely care about the forgotten middle of the country,” the Transportation Secretary said. “You think Tucker Carlson knows the difference between a T.J. Maxx and a Kohl’s?”

Guys, we’re so stupid. It has nothing to do with Pete’s competency or decisions. It’s all about where Tucker buys his clothes.

T.J. Maxx. Kohl’s. JC Penney. Non-luxury stores look the same inside, so Pete’s argument is moot. Am I also to believe Pete shops at places like Kohl’s and T.J. Maxx? I doubt it. The stores look similar to the old-school Wal-Mart and Target stores, too.

When was the last time Pete went to T.J. Maxx or Kohl’s?

Here’s another thing, buddy. Tucker Carlson doesn’t work for the government. YOU DO. You work for us. Tucker also isn’t a lifelong East Coast elite. He’s from California and has worked around the country.

Also, Pete admitted his critics were correct. Why the childish attack? Very unbecoming.


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I’ve always thought TJ Maxx and Kohl’s sold women’s clothes… don’t they?
(Maybe it’s just because I’m one of those East Coast Elites who can’t shop off the rack because he’s 6’8″, 300 lb., and 16 shoe, so I’ve never been in one.)

    gonzotx in reply to henrybowman. | March 6, 2023 at 11:17 am

    You are a big man!

    Milhouse in reply to henrybowman. | March 6, 2023 at 11:21 am

    I’ve never been to T.J. Maxx, but Kohl’s sells everything. Including clothes for everyone, and also including high end clothes if that’s what you like, but plenty of other things too. Like Target, Kmart, or Walmart.

      hrhdhd in reply to Milhouse. | March 6, 2023 at 1:03 pm

      High-end clothes at Kohl’s? Nah. Some high-end designers (e.g., Vera Wang) have lines at Kohl’s, but they’re Kohl’s quality. That is to say, mediocre.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to henrybowman. | March 6, 2023 at 4:52 pm

    Being only 6-1 but with short limbs makes clothes shopping a nightmare.

    diver64 in reply to henrybowman. | March 6, 2023 at 5:20 pm

    Nah, Kohls actually had some nice mens sweatshirts on sale and the kitchen section was surprising.

    Petrushka in reply to henrybowman. | March 6, 2023 at 5:46 pm

    It’s been thirty years since I saw anything my size in a retail store, and I’m not unusually tall or heavy. Just long waisted and long armed.

2smartforlibs | March 6, 2023 at 11:06 am

I know the difference between a Kety train a manifest and a local and I didn’t need all of Websters to tell you that Alfred.

E Howard Hunt | March 6, 2023 at 11:15 am

Coming from a man who doesn’t know the difference between the up and the down staircase.

The more this fool speaks , the more he reveals his ignorance, arrogance and ineptitude. It’s almost like he’s unqualified for his job?

Buttigieg does not know the difference either. You can’t buy those boots in either store. What a fraud he is, except to progressives, who swoon.

Less about Buttigieg, please, unless it actually relates to his duties.

I like Levi’s jeans and Kohl’s usually has the best variety. It’s completely different from JCPenny’s.

No idea why we’re even talking about this, other than the fact that our Transportation Sec’y is an entitled little prick who, as a man, felt he needed to take paternity leave for an adopted baby. Jesus

Tucker’s wardrobe looks like Brooks Brothers to me, at least the shirts anyway. They have a line called the Friday Shirt which seems to be a spot on match for his.

Geez, if you want to gage the economic health of a community, don’t use Kohl’s as a benchmark – instead count the Dollar Tree, Dollar Store, Dollar General type stores. We just returned from a road trip to southern Indiana, taking IL Rte 1 most of the way, and the numbers of them was startling. Nothing says “we’re prosperous” like a Dollar store every few miles.

    henrybowman in reply to MrE. | March 6, 2023 at 12:15 pm

    NYT is right on that:
    As Dollar Stores Proliferate, Some Communities Say No
    And they want you to know — it’s all Republican NIMBYism.

    Ironclaw in reply to MrE. | March 6, 2023 at 3:27 pm

    The thing is, we selectively shop at the local dollar stores. Some things you can get a much better deal on than at a wal-mart or a normal grocery store. Would I want it to be my primary choice? No, but for a few things it works very well.

      Dathurtz in reply to Ironclaw. | March 6, 2023 at 4:00 pm

      Dollar stores are the new Wal Mart.

      Not turning my nose up at them – just observing a trend of catering to the cheap and what that does to quality and choice of goods and services … if a person wants something different or of higher quality, they take their money out of the community …

I used to be a big Banana Republic fan, and, their stuff is nice, but, I bought so much stuff from them, and, take such good care of those things, that I stopped shopping there.

Now, I buy most of my clothing at Macy’s. Their house-branded short-sleeved, buttoned shirts made of linen, silk, or, linen-silk blends, are great for humid summer weather. I really like Tommy Hilfiger’s “Flex” line of pants — very comfortable. Socks, undies, hats, etc., I usually buy at Walmart or Target. I did buy a few Panama hats at JCPenney and Kohl’s, last summer.

On another note

Remember The Alamo!!!

Today is the 187th year Since anniversary of the day in Texas when the heroes of the Alamo gave their lives

Wow how things have changed

And not for the better…

“Non Sequitur” alert

    gonzotx in reply to Neo. | March 6, 2023 at 1:25 pm

    So what, I think the Alamo is important in many ways
    So you think little Peter or Biden, McCarthy or McConnell would have died there for Texas freedoms?

    It’s all relative

      Close The Fed in reply to gonzotx. | March 7, 2023 at 8:32 am

      This ^^^^. I would like to upvote you 320 million times.

      The caliber of our politicians are merely shadows of the men at the Alamo.

LukeHandCool | March 6, 2023 at 12:36 pm

“Man of the people” is my nickname, and I’ve never been to either store.

This infuriated the supervisor, so he went and got Volume 14 of the Kinsley manual. He reads to him, “The Langstrom 7″ wrench can be used with the Findlay sprocket.” Just then, the little apprentice leaned over and said, “It says sprocket, not socket!”

I’m sure Pete Buttigieg can tell us the difference between a sprocket and a socket

Are those stores that supply strap on ManBoob so the husbands can share natural feeding of infants with fully functioning mammary glands?

Thrift store clothes for me.

healthguyfsu | March 6, 2023 at 1:45 pm

A great follow up question would be what is the difference?

I bet you a speechwriter wrote that and he has no idea either.

“You think Tucker Carlson knows the difference between a T.J. Maxx and a Kohl’s?”

Asks a male who pretends to be a female by strapping on artificial teets to “breastfeed” his adoptive child as his adoring “husband” looks on. All while he is on “maternity leave” recovering from adopting two children.

Yeah Pete, it’s other folks who have difficulty with their grasp on reality.

Tucker should do a show inside Kohls and TJ Max ( which is a sh!t hole)

Well, I also don’t know the difference. But, now I know they are clothing stores.

Victor Immature | March 6, 2023 at 4:06 pm

The boots Mayor Pete wore for photo ops in East Palestine were by Berluti. I took a quick look at their web site and a pair that looked similar listed for $2,440.

    diver64 in reply to Victor Immature. | March 6, 2023 at 5:22 pm

    maybe but those goggles and hardhat were legit. Why he was wearing them is unknown but combined with the useless safety vest he was a stud handing out orders on the jobsite with clipboard and all.

      Gosport in reply to diver64. | March 6, 2023 at 8:40 pm

      They were part of his cosplay outfit. His minions would have grabbed them from a real worker when they rushed in ahead of him to stage the scene while he was getting his makeup done.

BierceAmbrose | March 6, 2023 at 4:16 pm

But, how’s his bow tie looking these days?

Comanche Voter | March 6, 2023 at 5:26 pm

Well Petey may (or may not) know the difference between Kohls and a T J Maxx. But the more interesting question is whether Petey knows his backside from third base? And I think the answer is “No”. He’s one of the more clueless twits to ever have arrived in a President’s cabinet. And that’s saying something because there have been some spectacular floperoos in the past.

Dliefsarb Yrral | March 6, 2023 at 7:34 pm

I would not have believed, before seeing this quote, that Petey could demonstrate empty-headedness so thoroughly and succinctly. I have joked that his only job qualification is his preferred means of genital rubbing, but that has been shown too true to be funny any more.

George_Kaplan | March 6, 2023 at 8:06 pm

Buttgig, reinforcing the stereotype that homosexuals care more about clothes than normal men.

As a TV host, does Tucker even pick out his own outfits? Or is he dressed by others?

And while I’ve never heard of Kohls, T.J. Maxx has a wide array of goods – not just clothes, and probably isn’t the sort of store you’d find too many guys since normal guys don’t care about clothes shopping.

Maybe Mr. Secretary could enlighten the non-woke masses what the difference is between those two stores from the gay, woke, communist, male perspective. Sounds like he might know.

Tucker isn’t the problem here.

The problem is that Mayor Buttplug’s only knowledge of the railroad industry, prior to his diversity posting, came from playing with a model railroad as a toddler.

Same problem with the supply chain issues.

Same problem for the year’s long backlog of container ships waiting to unload in LA.

Like Kamala, he is completely incompetent.

Steven Brizel | March 6, 2023 at 9:44 pm

Kohl’s sells everything When was the last time Pete was in a Kohl’s?

It was a pointless comment from Pothole Pete. Does he think saying this, whether he’s shopped at Kohl’s or not, somehow helps him to connect to all the Average Joes? The fact that he even thinks that way shows how clueless he really is.

He mentioned “the former President” as well as Tucker. Trump’s base knows he’s never shopped at those places. They wouldn’t expect him to nor do they care. When Trump speaks to them he addresses their heartfelt concerns, and unlike Obama, Trump doesn’t talk down to them.

Regular” People” use their backsides for defecation only. This think is NOT our man.

who wouldn’t know their way around a T.J. Maxx if their life depended on it
I don’t. Does that make me an “East Coast elite”? Oh yay. I have arrived.

Tucker also isn’t a lifelong East Coast elite. He’s from California and has worked around the country.
So he’s a West Coast elite, and that makes him better? Pfft.
(I don’t think Carlson is of the same mindset as our so-called ‘elite’ are. But claiming because he’s from California makes him not one of the coastal elites is silly.)

Apparently, Mark Zuckerberg is taking a page out of Mayor Pete’s book, seems Meta wants to complete all of the most recent layoffs before Mark Zuckerberg takes some personal time to greet his 3rd child.