Journalist Confronts Outgoing Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot: ‘Get the Hell Out of My City’
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Journalist Confronts Outgoing Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot: ‘Get the Hell Out of My City’

Journalist Confronts Outgoing Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot: ‘Get the Hell Out of My City’

“As somebody who was born and raised on the South Side of Chicago, I never thought in my life that I would ever see the city of Chicago brought down so low”

Lori Lightfoot is finally on her way out the door in Chicago. This week, she attended one of her last city council meetings, where she was confronted by a local reporter.

William J. Kelly is a journalist who tried to speak truth to power under Lightfoot and he was so good at it that she suspended his media credentials. He got the last word this week.

FOX News reports:

Lori Lightfoot confronted by reporter who was booted from press briefings: ‘Get the hell out of my city’

A Chicago reporter who filed a lawsuit against Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot for allegedly silencing him by pulling his city press credentials fired back at her yet again in a fierce exchange at a Wednesday city council meeting.

“You shut down our schools, you shut down the churches, you shut down the businesses. You did the one thing I thought could never happen: As somebody who was born and raised on the South Side of Chicago, I never thought in my life that I would ever see the city of Chicago brought down so low,” reporter William Kelly slammed Lightfoot.

“I hope that, after today’s city council meeting, you will pack your suitcase and get the hell out of my city.”

Kelly spoke out about the tussle Thursday on “Fox & Friends,” telling host Steve Doocy that the tense moment was his chance to speak out on behalf of the citizens of Chicago.

“Even if she didn’t pull my press credentials, I still would not have had the opportunity to ask her a question or speak for the people of Chicago after the city council meeting because Mayor Lightfoot canceled her post-city council meeting press conference,” he said.

Watch the video below:

Pollster Doug Schoen recently issued a warning to Democrats based on Lightfoot’s ouster.

From The Hill:

Lori Lightfoot’s defeat is a call to action for Democrats on crime

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) stunning loss in her bid for reelection should serve as a warning to Democrats: Even in the most liberal areas, a perceived failure by those in power to address surging crime will bring undesirable electoral consequences for the party.

It is essential to recognize that Lightfoot’s underperformance was not an isolated incident; rather, it was one of many instances over the last two years where voters in blue states and cities explicitly rejected ostensibly soft-on-crime Democratic candidates and policies.

Unless Democrats course-correct by assuming a tougher stance on the issue at the national and local level — akin to the positions Joe Biden adopted when he was in the Senate, as well as those of current New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) — the party could lose control of the Senate and the White House in 2024, while also solidifying their position as the minority party in the U.S. House.

It’s satisfying to see someone like Lightfoot booted from office. Someone who deserved to lose her job.


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“Even in the most liberal areas, a perceived failure…..”
How dainty. Doug Schoen as a Democrat pollster can’t bring himself to say the utter failure of blue city Democrats across the country.

“As somebody who was born and raised on the South Side of Chicago, I never thought in my life that I would ever see the city of Chicago brought down so low”

Really? Chicago has been one of the most corrupt US cities for many, many decades.

Four of the last Six IL governors are in prison for corruption.

People in Chicago actually pride themselves on the corruption of their system.

Proggie morons got a tingle up their leg when 0bama brought ‘Chicago Style’ politics to DC. Look how that’s worked out for us.

Proggie morons voted for all of this… it’s YOUR fault.

    guyjones in reply to Paul. | March 17, 2023 at 10:24 am

    I agree that this guy’s outrage rings hypocritical, and, hollow. Chicago residents have been voting in transparently incompetent, corrupt and dim-witted Dumb-o-crats for decades. Lightfoot is merely the latest in a long line of inept and corrosive Dumb-o-crats who’ve run Chicago into the ground. She deserves her share of blame, but, so do all of her predecessors in office, and, ultimately, the Dumb-o-crat voters who perennially and reflexively empower these idiots.

    healthguyfsu in reply to Paul. | March 17, 2023 at 2:55 pm

    Chicagoans aren’t as bad as NYers but they tend to have a very high opinion of themselves, most of it is unjustified as is NY.

MoeHowardwasright | March 17, 2023 at 10:42 am

Chicago is perhaps the most corrupt city in America. Decade upon decade of corruption. Alderman’s, Mayor, city services, they are ALL corrupt. Normally you would think a multi-agency federal investigation would be appropriate. Let’s face it, never going to happen.

Suburban Farm Guy | March 17, 2023 at 11:51 am

“… ostensibly soft-on-crime Democratic candidates and policies…”

We see that kind of garbage propaganda all the time and it makes me want to scream. OSTENSIBLY??? They blame us for pointing out that blue cities are hellholes? It’s a right-wing conspiracy theory? Eff you and the horse you rode to town on, Dougie poo. Bastidge.

Somebody explain to me how no-cash bail and all these Iimits on prosecutions are tough on crime. Thanks in advance.

Suburban Farm Guy | March 17, 2023 at 12:03 pm

I sincerely doubt that we and democrats can even agree on what crime is. How can this go on….

“…the city of Chicago brought down so low”

Well, when the mayor is a kneegrow who’s a self-confessed marxist and sodomite, this was
entirely predictable.

See: Detroit, Baltimore, Oakland, et al.

    diver64 in reply to LB1901. | March 17, 2023 at 3:45 pm

    Being a “kneegrow” has nothing to do with it and I hope you are banned for trying that little end run around the censors. She was utterly incompetent and wasn’t bright enough to realize that. Affirmative action got her the job and that is what’s to blame.

The really funny part is that Mayor Groot shut thus guy down cold — took his press credentials, totally refused to call on him for anything. He got this chance by applying for a “citizen speaking slot” by LOTTERY — something like only 3-5 people ever get chosen, per meeting, to have three minutes to speak to the Council.. And he got chosen!
Sometimes the gods smile.

“Job well-done, Lightfoot!:”
– George Soros
– Chairman Xi

It’s true Chicago has always had its share of corrupt grifters in politics. But until recently it worked. You could walk downtown without chancing a encounter a with a 15 yr old with a gun.

BierceAmbrose | March 18, 2023 at 10:20 pm

“As somebody who was born and raised on the South Side of Chicago, I never thought in my life that I would ever see the city of Chicago brought down so low”

If you don’t like it, don’t look.