House Weaponization Committee Investigating Air Force Records Leak to Democrat-Aligned Firm
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House Weaponization Committee Investigating Air Force Records Leak to Democrat-Aligned Firm

House Weaponization Committee Investigating Air Force Records Leak to Democrat-Aligned Firm

“Subsequent reporting indicated that the OSAF’s dissemination of sensitive personal information may have affected more than just these 11 individuals.”

The House Judiciary Committee and its select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government launched an investigation into the leak of Air Force records of former GOP House candidates and current GOP House members to Due Diligence Group, a Democrat-aligned firm.

Chairman Jim Jordan and Rep. Christ Stewart (R-UT) alerted Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall of the investigation, asking for all documents about the leaks, The Daily Wire learned.

“In late February 2023, media reports highlighted how the OSAF improperly disclosed Official Military Personnel Files (OMPF) of 11 servicemembers without appropriate authorization or lawful consent,” wrote Jordan and Stewart. “The OSAF [Office of the Secretary of the Air Force] reportedly released the personnel files of at least two Members of Congress to an opposition research firm that received money from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC). Subsequent reporting indicated that the OSAF’s dissemination of sensitive personal information may have affected more than just these 11 individuals. In doing so, OSAF may have violated Department of Defense policies and federal law.”

Politico revealed Due Diligence tried to get former GOP House candidate Colin Schmitt’s National Guard records, showing the group didn’t just target the Air Force.

Schmitt is still an active member of the National Guard.

Due Diligence’s Abraham Payton asked for the records:

Payton indicated on the form requesting Schmitt’s records that he sought them for benefits and employment purposes. The form also indicates that Payton had Schmitt’s social security number at the time of his request.

According to a copy of the military records request Payton filed, he sought to obtain Schmitt’s “releasable/redacted copy of Official Military Personnel Files (OMPF)” in August of last year.

Payton sought the information for the stated purpose of “Benefits,” “Employment,” and “Other,” to which he explained in the line below: “Services, awards, disciplinary history/records relevant to applicant’s qualifications for (potential) position’s duties, pay, and benefits.”

Only five of the 11 people have been named:

The saga began with Politico when it ran a hit piece on Ruth-Green. The author mentioned the sexual assault that happened when she served in Iraq.

No one knew about the incident. It was a confidential record.

The Air Force took responsibility for leaking the records: “On yesterday’s call, the Air Force took full responsibility for improperly releasing Lt. Col. Green’s confidential personnel records to an opposition research firm just weeks before the midterm election. Lt. Gen. Davis informed us that the leaker has been identified and will be held accountable.”

Jordan and Stewart asked for numerous documents by March 30.

Weaponization Airforce Leak… by Danny Chaitin


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“Lt. Gen. Davis informed us that the leaker has been identified and will be held accountable.”

How much does anyone want to bet that no one will face jail time?

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to Geologist. | March 16, 2023 at 9:19 pm

    This is the Air Force under a leftist government. How surprising would it be to hear that the leaker was promoted?

    Subotai Bahadur

    Gosport in reply to Geologist. | March 16, 2023 at 11:12 pm

    “Based on the preliminary findings of an investigation, it appears information was released to a third party by a junior individual who didn’t follow proper procedures and obtain required consent.”

    Junior individual went rogue. Yeah, great story brah.

    Once upon a time (like a generation ago maybe) commanders were responsible and held accountable for everything their unit did or did not do. Somehow I don’t see anyone over the rank of E-5 getting hung for this.

    Durwood in reply to Geologist. | March 17, 2023 at 10:29 am

    Jail? What are the odds anyone is even stripped of rank or any other punishment.

    CaptTee in reply to Geologist. | March 17, 2023 at 11:17 am

    My definition of held accountable in these cases would be the leaker actually paying the persons who records were leaked the total amount of salary they would have received if they won election.

    Irony: The leaker has been identified, but the identity of the leaker will not be made public, quite unlike the military records they leaked. And of course God help anybody in the military who leaks the identity of the leaker, because *they* will be hammered flat.

    In short, the leaker will get a official-looking but meaningless punishment, possibly with a transfer to an area that is supposed to be a demotion but in actuality comes with higher locality pay. All parties will simply stay silent, no records will be released on the process, FOIA or otherwise, and the press will not push beyond a few clickbait articles this week. Next week, it will vanish like all Dem scandals, and the re-election of the current administration will continue to claim “No scandals on my watch!”

This Dem oppo firm also requested at least one set of records from the Army National Guard.

So the committee suspects that the Democrats have weaponized the OSAF?
They should have the FBI investigate this.
I hear the FBI has some available agents based in their full-service “branch office” SCI facility located inside the offices of the Democratic National Committee’s law firm.

Shades of Lois Lerner sauntering off to retire after interfering with an election with nothing but a mild chastisement.

Republicans either need to learn to weaponize government or get used to being its victim; democrats will never stop weaponizing it because it works.

William Downey | March 17, 2023 at 10:56 am

The AF often announces the relief of senior field grade and general officers for lack of confidence. Note that the general officer in this story has not been.

How was the “junior individual.” handled? A stern talking to? A letter of reprimand? Or the favorite move for screw-ups transferred to a remote (Arctic) base?

We should not believe anything that the Air Force says we can not verify.

Let them prove it was a rogue junior level person who had no authorization or permission or approval of anyone else.

Let them prove it to us.

If a civilian department had something like this happened the public prosecutor would have to prove his/her case in open court where we could all transparently see justice.

The uniform is not magic and we need to stop letting them go unaccountable.

The military is taking sides in the culture war with CRT and radical gender theory knowing that is the dividing line between left and right. It does not deserve benefit of the doubt.

Civilian prosecutors have to be transparent it is time military prosecutions got the same requirement.