House Border Hearing Held on Southern Border, Minority Members Boycott
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House Border Hearing Held on Southern Border, Minority Members Boycott

House Border Hearing Held on Southern Border, Minority Members Boycott

U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz: “I support any policy that’s going to allow us to repatriate individuals back to their home country”

The House Homeland Security Committee had a hearing today at the border in Pharr, Texas. Democrats bailed from the “Failure By Design: Examining Secretary Mayorkas’ Border Crisis” hearing, with only their witness showing up. Here are the highlights from the hearing (we will add more highlights throughout the hearing):

The big question: Do you have operational control of the border?

U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul L. Ortiz: No, sir.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene asked about an apparent explosive found on the border by Border Patrol Agents on January 17th.

UPDATE: Bill Melugin reports that he has a “high level CBP source,” saying this is a fake.

They asked what policies should be reinstated to help them do their job. Ortiz said he supports any policy that allows them to repatriate migrants. Including “Remain in Mexico.”

National Border Patrol Council Vice President Mr. Chris Cabrera needs more resources and support to do their job.

Watch the entire hearing here:


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Critical Replacement Theory (CRT) advises adoption of [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform (CAIR), social progress, and wicked solution.

That said, emigration reform rather than CAIR. Civil. Humane.

Minority members my ass. DEMOCRATS. I know it was in the text but headlines matter.

2smartforlibs | March 15, 2023 at 2:47 pm

Seem the loons would want to be there if in fact there is no issues ion the border.

BierceAmbrose | March 15, 2023 at 2:49 pm

I’m looking for numbers — how many uniformed men at arms in someone else’s neighborhood asserting politics at the point of a gun before it counts as invasion and occupation.

The US installed a lot of armed forces into Iraq and Afghanistan. Russia has gaggles of men, Little Green and otherwise, in Ukraine right now. CCP China dispatched legions of “police”, military, and other tooled-up folks under central command into “autonomous” Hong Kong before declaring: “Self-rule and yr own system … yeah, not so much; BTW we have tanks.”(*)

Asking for the Cartel Curious here in the US. When does it count as invasion, and we can bomb their headquarters under intl law?

(*) “Nuke-em” Swalwell had to get his version of that from his CCP Chinese friend. He’s not bright enough to have come up with that himself. Unclear who’s feeding Dark Brandon his “we have the big badda-boom” lines … for citizens. He’s much more measured talking to other countries. No wonder. They’re armed with their own big badda-boom.

E Howard Hunt | March 15, 2023 at 3:52 pm

It’s high time to employ the minority whip.

I think it’s time for the Dems to replace their symbol, an ass, with an ostrich because they hide their heads in the sand whenever the border crisis comes up.

As Brandon likes to say, “Let me be clear,”. Expect the U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz to be berated, defamed, suspended without pay, removed from position and role, and reassigned to the Ukrainian front in 3.2.1….

BiteYourTongue | March 16, 2023 at 8:49 am

Possible solution. Stop the money that goes to NGO’s. Border patrol quit assisting illegals in any manner. Do not give them shelter, tell them they walked this far, they can walk the rest of the way to their supposed destination. Hard ball tactics, for a hard ball problem. Do not redeploy your Border Agents to help the illegals, let them work on stopping the Mexican Cartels from transporting the drugs. Once the illegals find they will get no help, my money says the problems with the mass migration will quickly come to a slow trickle.