Hillary Clinton Appears in Cringeworthy Video to Promote Her Upcoming Teaching Gig at Columbia University

Hillary Clinton is going to teach a course at Columbia University this fall and has participated in a promotional video that is absolutely cringeworthy.

Why does she do things like this?

FOX News reports:

Hillary Clinton releases video skit to announce her foreign policy class at ColumbiaFormer secretary of state Hillary Clinton shared a video to promote her upcoming “Inside the Situation Room” class at Columbia University.Columbia University published a press release on Wednesday promoting the new class.”In an era increasingly defined by geopolitical competition, it is more important than ever for future policymakers to understand why and how foreign policy decisions are made,” the press release stated.It went on to describe the “Inside the Situation Room,” course as being “co-taught by Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton and Dean Keren Yarhi-Milo.” The course will reportedly analyze “a range of case studies and examine decision-making in a variety of historical and contemporary contexts, from the search for Osama bin Laden, to the “red line” in Syria, to negotiating with Iran.Clinton tweeted a video of herself performing in a skit, where the video joked that numerous Americans were excited she is “running again.”Hillary responds in the filmed skit by saying, “Well I sure am, Keren, I just got here early for the class we’re teaching together on foreign policy decision making.””Classes don’t start until September,” Yarhi-Milo replied.”Yeah, but I wanted to be prepared, Keren,” Clinton said. “You know, when it comes to crisis situations you’ve always got to be prepared.”

Columbia released the video on Twitter:

People were less than impressed.

Do you think any student mobs will try to shout down Hillary as she tries to speak?

Just kidding. She’s a Democrat.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: College Insurrection, Columbia University, Democrats, Hillary Clinton