Greta Thunberg Will Get an Honorary Degree From U. of Helsinki
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Greta Thunberg Will Get an Honorary Degree From U. of Helsinki

Greta Thunberg Will Get an Honorary Degree From U. of Helsinki

Doctorate of Theology because of course.

This is so stupid. A Doctorate of Theology? Theology of what? Oh, yeah. The religion of climate change.

From The College Fix:

In its news release, the Finland-based university called the honorary degree its “highest recognition,” and 20-year-old Thunberg of Sweden is one of 30 individuals set to be honored as part of the school’s annual graduation ceremonies this May.

The announcement came just one day before a Swedish court gave Thunberg and hundreds of other climate activists approval “to proceed with a class action lawsuit against the Swedish state for ‘insufficient climate policy,’” Reuters reported.

“Thunberg, and 600 other young activists in a group called Aurora, sued the Swedish state in November, claiming it had to do more to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius in order to live up to the European Convention on Human Rights,” the outlet reported Tuesday.

Thunberg has become the poster child for progressive climate change activism in recent years.

“Greta has yet to put an end to her childish ways, yet she has been elevated to sainthood by the Left,” noted David Strom on Hot Air.

Thunberg made headlines last week after deleting a 2018 tweet of hers that highlighted an article that said “an influential scientist warned climate change ‘will wipe out all humanity’ unless fossil fuel use was ended ‘over the next five years,’” AP reported.


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So if I skipped high school I could have gotten a college degree?

Because Progressivism IS. A. RELIGION. And climate alarmism is one of its cults (or an order, like Dominicans or Jesuits in Roman Catholicism).

I didn’t realize that whiny ignorance was something that could earn you a degree. My bad.

BierceAmbrose | March 22, 2023 at 10:16 pm

Next will be a Nobel Peace Prize, to strengthen her hand in the inevitable glorious advancement of civilization she’ll be about.

Then she can leave a couple wars running, and up the collateral death rate from droning people “… good at killing people…” as someonee proclaimed.

Sorry, she can help ramp up burning brown coal across Europe, environmental destruciton from unregulated mining of lithium n rare earths, and drive the pesky humans back to clear-cutting watersheds for heat.

It turns out granting the prize for what they have yet to do sometimes ends up looking silly.

I have to wonder if U Helsinki is trolling her.
After all, they’re giving her a doctorate in the opposite of science.

Suburban Farm Guy | March 23, 2023 at 8:24 am

Man is a religious creature all the way to the DNA. Removing one religion creates a vacuum which immediately fills up with something else, in this case a superstitious, New-Agey load of pseudoscientific bunkum. The overbearing urge to believe must have its way.

Suburban Farm Guy | March 23, 2023 at 8:56 am

Let’s take a new look at Separation of Church and State, shall we?

BierceAmbrose | March 23, 2023 at 9:22 pm

Of course St. Greta of Climate gets a religious doctorate.

How does that mentally ill, exploited brat get an honorary degree in something she doesn’t even know about or believe in? Answer my own question==Barack Obama received a Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing, so St..Greta of Climate Hysteria receives an honorary degree in a field of study she cannot even intellectually conceptualize. Europeans are lunatics….