Gisele Fetterman Called out After Embracing Comparison of Her ‘Journey’ as a Senator’s Wife to Rape Victims
“In the worst moments of our lives, women are told it’s their fault. In case you need to hear it today: It’s. Not. Your. Fault. I will keep living and fighting with love. We all need more of it.”

Roughly a week after Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) admitted himself into Walter Reed National Military Medical Center to get treated for severe depression (his second trip to a hospital in two weeks), his wife Gisele posted a mini-thread on Twitter in which she explained that not long after the senator decided to get help that she and their kids hopped in the car and “ran away” on a trip to Canada and Buffalo:
I am not really sure how to navigate this journey but am figuring it out slowly. 1 week ago today when the news dropped, the kids were off from school and media trucks circled our home. I did the first thing I could think of … pack them in the car and drive.
— Gisele Barreto Fetterman (@giselefetterman) February 24, 2023
We did some scary things but we did them together. We ziplined over Niagara Falls and August got stuck 🫠. We talked about flexibility and the need to always have an open heart and an open mind.
— Gisele Barreto Fetterman (@giselefetterman) February 24, 2023
Mrs. Fetterman was heavily criticized at the time for being insensitive and callous, leaving her husband behind in the hospital while she and the kids went ziplining and sightseeing up north.
The Washington Post was quick to step in and defend her, first in a now-deleted tweet from reporter Colby Itkowitz:
Washington Post reporter deleted this tweet for some reason. 🤔
— Sister Toldjah 🌻 (@sistertoldjah) February 27, 2023
And then on Thursday, when Washington Post columnist Monica Hesse swooped in with the sexism card and—incredibly—equated Mrs. Fetterman and the criticisms she’s received over the last several months since her husband suffered a debilitating stroke to rape survivors who were blamed for their assaults:
I started my twice-a-decade rereading of “The Handmaid’s Tale” a few nights ago, and one scene that sticks out every time I pick up the book is when the miserable Janine is made to recount her sexual assault, then to assume responsibility for it. Her fault, her fault, Janine’s fellow trainees chant, surrounding her and pointing. This is the magic trick of Gilead’s worldview; this is the magic trick of a lot of conservative worldviews. Men are the ones in charge of what happens, but the women are the ones to blame.
The attacks on Gisele, in particular, are dizzying in scope and ambition: It was her fault that her husband ran for Senate. It was her fault that he won. It was her fault that her children were not dressed more formally for their father’s swearing-in. John Fetterman, according to one line of grotesque and specious Twitter speculation, struggled with depression because his wife wouldn’t stop seeking the spotlight. But then it was also Gisele’s fault when, to avoid the spotlight brought on by his hospitalization, she decided to take their children to Niagara Falls.
Because wrapping themselves in victimhood is one thing Democrats do very well, Fetterman embraced the columnist’s comparison of her “journey” from being Second Lady of Pennsylvania and then being the wife of a sitting U.S. Senator to women who have suffered through sexual assaults:
In the worst moments of our lives, women are told it's their fault. In case you need to hear it today: It's. Not. Your. Fault.
I will keep living and fighting with love. We all need more of it. 💘💘
— Gisele Barreto Fetterman (@giselefetterman) March 2, 2023
Though Gisele Fetterman set the tweet so that only people she follows or mentions could reply in the comments, she faced backlash from people who found her playing the victim and latching on to such a obscenely offensive comparison to be reprehensible:
Ok! No… just… no! Comparing your situation to that of a violence or rape victim isn’t right.
Ffs why do people have to act this way— Survivorkitty (@SurvivorKitty) March 4, 2023
That takes arrogance, embracing being put in the same category as victims of sexual assaults simply because you've been legitmately criticized for routinely coming off as the callous, fame-seeking spouse of a stroke victim.
— Oregon’s COVID Disaster (@OregonCovid) March 3, 2023
Your husband’s stroke isn’t your fault.
Sodding off on a vacation after you pushed him through a Senate race which ended in a mental breakdown, on the other hand, is.
— Ian Haworth (@ighaworth) March 4, 2023
It is your fault. You of all people around him knew his condition. He needed rest you wanted power and fame.
— Leah Braman (@LeahBraman2) March 2, 2023
Pushing your husband through a grueling Senate campaign knowing he’s suffering from complications of a stroke & ongoing mental health issues. Then abandoning him when the overwhelming responsibilities of a U.S. Senator take its toll physically & mentally.
Gisele: I’m the victim
— TheRightWingM 🇺🇸🇺🇦 (@TheRightWingM) March 2, 2023
You took off for a vacation while your husband is in the hospital, but sure, "misogyny".
— Johnny Bravo (@WordandWitness) March 4, 2023
— Oilfield_Nitwit (@NitwitOilfield) March 2, 2023
On one hand, by media/Democrat standards the public was supposed to believe that Gisele Fetterman was the glue that held the Fetterman Senate campaign together after her husband suffered his stroke in May 2022. I mean she essentially took it over for several months to the point that one Rolling Stone reporter referred to Gisele Fetterman as the “de facto candidate” in an October 2022 tweet before deleting it:
That was quick!
— (@jtLOL) October 15, 2022
As of this writing, the article the reporter wrote still contains that characterization (archived link):
Suddenly, the reluctant political spouse became the de facto candidate.
But now that John Fetterman is an actual senator and is even less accessible than he was during the course of most of his campaign, Gisele Fetterman and her enablers in the media want to make her off limits from criticism to the point they paint any of it as sexism while at the same time likening her supposed plight to that of rape victims?
That’s just disgusting, and it’s not right. If women want to be treated as equals to men in the public sphere then they should take their lumps in the court of public opinion just like men do and stop falling back on the woman card each and every time they get their feelings hurt.
Anything less sets women back decades, which unfortunately is exactly what Gisele Fetterman and the Washington Post did this week with their juvenile reactions to Mrs. Fetterman being called out for her both her words and her actions.
— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

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Taking children zip lining at Niagara Falls in winter for ANY reason sounds bizarre enough by itself.
Wow, what a slap to any woman that has in fact been raped. You self absorbed NERK.
That’s it. If I had any Social Science credentials, I would be applying for a grant right now to study whether crazy is a sexually transmitted disease.
I’m pretty sure it’s not, however, you should still never dip your wick in crazy. But if you do, make sure to double bag it.
This is the kind of woman that will abandon her man when he needs her the most. But be sure that if you tap that, she goes hardcore Fatal Attraction. Keep an eye on the family rabbit.
Crazy becomes a sexually transmitted disease when tertiary syphilis is involved. I don’t think there’s been enough time for that.
This woman’s actions have “gold-digger” written all over them, but there are other people we haven’t heard about that have an active role, here.
What in the living Hell is his staff up to, and what are their names? Who are THEY responding to? When did they start getting instructions? Why?
STUPID gold-digger.
Most successful gold-diggers understand that they have to at least present themselves as being a proper faithful wife (to keep themselves from getting cut out of the will if nothing else).
No successful gold-digger would be this stupid, because they know that this would be Exhibit A in a court fight over their husband’s assets.
There is a gold-digger gap that is important. Because Fetterman is so far down, she is able maintain her status doing very, no, extremely little.
To be able to wear the victim jersey is every Dem’s goal; but to be an entitled, privileged, unaccountable victim is the Dem-dream. Hopefully, the media and twittersphere will enable her to display it more fully.
Continuing the tradition of Leftists doing things that isn’t their fault.
…. to the hospital so that your husband would have the support of his family in what may have been the ‘worst moment in his life’?
The fact that abandoning him and running away was the first thing you could think of says it all about your character.
I would guess the Walter Reed is not very accommodating of uninvited press.
The few times the wife or I have been gravely ill, we stop the world and focus exclusively on healing the illness. When I was hospitalized and no doctor or nurse came to my room for 2 days, my wife engaged mama bear mode and descended on the nurses station to call out the nurse assigned to my care for playing solitaire on her PC and the disregard of the entire staff for my diagnosis and treatment. Hospital Admin responded and within half an hour there was a parade of nurses and doctors through my room to treat me. When she had a stroke in her mid 40’s (TIA), we dropped everything and spent a week at Mayo Rochester – thankfully she recovered – we developed a plan to get her out of a stressful job which meant cannibalizing my pension to buy years on her contract to get her out at 55. We traded money for years and a quiet life in retirement together.
Having made tough choices in keeping with that “in sickness and health” promise we made to each other, I can’t begin to wrap my head around the Fetterman woman and the ghoulish behavior of the dems in general. They’re some of the worst kind of scum in my view.
Dealt with hospitalizations of family members for severe depression and, as much as I don’t like this odd couple, there really isn’t much family can do. An hour in the evening for one visitor if things are stable is about the most you get, and any case where they think the hospitalization is going to last more than a few days is a very severe case in which that stability is probably many days down the line. Having been in here situation, I really don’t see the family trip as odd at all. Especially with kids, putting some distance between yourself and the situation can be hugely healthy.
The real story here is how bad the depression must be to convince doctors that a month or so of hospitalization is necessary at all. That long (72-hours is the norm) and there’s some talk about long term institutionalization. Fetterman must be in extremely dire condition. Not unrecoverable, but light years away from fit for public office.
While I upvoted your comment, this isn’t mere “mental health.”
This guy is dealing with a stroke that had rendered him incapable of campaigning for the Senate. She took in that role as the de facto candidate, and ignored his medical condition. Then when he was elected, and the job proved too much for his failed condition, it exacerbated his problem and led to comorbidities (depression).
If, as you say, exceeding a 72 hour intake may require long term care ( for both his stroke diagnoses as well as mental health), her taking a trip out of the country is NOT normal.
She should have been working with his medical team to plan next steps based on his prognosis, not zip lining in NY and Canada.
Nothing says leave me alone — I don’t want the attention — like posting dozens of tweets telling people what you are doing.
Maybe South Park can do Fetterman next.
Harry and Meghan Syndrome.
This is a whole new level. To review this woman took her kids on a vacay b/c
1. Her husband voluntarily committed himself for treatment in a mental ward
2. He was depressed/frustrated at his inability to perform the functions of his political office
3. This woman and others pushed him to continue his political campaign despite his stroke
4. This woman and others claimed, despite evidence to the contrary, that he was capable of fulfilling those demands but ignoring
5. What this woman and others claim is a long-standing history of depression in her husband that existed prior to his campaign
Somehow this is all about her. It is but not in the manner she believes. She and others abused this man’s weakness for their own profit. For her to attempt to claim the mantle of a victim is not really surprising given the current narcissism many modern women display. These are the folks who can’t accept responsibility or consequences b/c they are the eternal victim in their warped delusion.
This ghoul is waiting in line for the governor of PA to appoint her as the new Senator, after she packs him away on a long vacation at the grippy sock hotel.
This trip was just practice so that she and the kids can forget Uncle Fester ever existed.
The brand management company in the South Park episode “World Wide Privacy Tour” hit is on the head. Every brand they recomended to anyone followed the form:
* Blah Blah Blah
* Blah Blah
* Blah Blah Blah
* Victim
Everyone no matter how powerful or successful makes there brand victim.
The new old politics…. wives taking over for incapacitated husbands in office. Paging Edith Wilson. Paging DR. Jill Biden.. And now….
You left out Eleanor Roosevelt.
what an embarassment she is to her family–to compare her situation to that of a rape or sexual assault victim is beyond the pale–simply disgusting
I dealt with the horror for many women who were raped when I was an LEO. None of them compared it to zip lining across Niagara Falls.
This right here is why this seat must go back to another election!
Doing that would put an end to running candidates with absolutely no chance of seeing out their term.
Isn’t it better to have a Democrat seat in the Senate effectively vacant than to elect a replacement?
Don’t understand the obsession, when she deserves no attention.
Better, perhaps, to focus attention where it’s needed?
I hope every day my Senator says he can’t do the job and packs it in. That’s OK my state gets just 1 vote for awhile.
Actually thinking of it, best if he doesn’t pack it in, keeps getting paid for a no work job and doesn’t vote in the Senate at all and keeps 1 less Marxist vote away
I had a stroke one month after my “Booster” and my wife was with me every day. I also knew that Fetterman was not taking his stroke as seriously as he should. It took me almost a year to get back many of the normal functions that I had lost. None of mine were cognitive so I was lucky. His wife was the driving force behind his Senate run and she like Jil Biden should be ashamed of her actions because she knew how bad his condition was. For her to admit her husband into the hospital and then leave him for days is not even in my wife’s thought process. He would be in a room not knowing a soul while she is off in Canada zip-lining. I’m no fan of his but I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.
I guess Mark Sanford could have compared his trip to Argentina to being raped after he got caught. Or maybe not.
Her going away is probably the best thing for Fetterman’s mental health.
She personifies the phrase, “vile woman”.
And that likely IS her fault. 😕
If you like obnoxious parasites like Jill Biden and Hillary Clinton, you’ll get to love this piece of work.
I guess that behind every successful man, there is a women who wants to take credit for it.
Fetterman liked escaped TO the hospital to get away from this haridan:
A man on house arrest in Italy reportedly begged to go to jail to get away from his wife: ‘The jail is better’:
It is 100% her fault for propping up her husband during the campaign and running away from him when he required hospitalization
Is wearing a helmet a thing in that family?
These people are like South Park. Just when I can’t imagine any way they could go further, they find a way. And it’s hilarious.