Florida Bans Gender Transitioning for Minors
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Florida Bans Gender Transitioning for Minors

Florida Bans Gender Transitioning for Minors

“While kids who were already receiving gender-affirming treatment prior to Thursday can continue to do so, they aren’t able to undergo sex reassignment surgeries under the new rule.”

This should be the policy in all fifty states. We don’t allow children to get tattoos, we shouldn’t allow them to make life-altering gender changes to their bodies.

The New York Post reports:

Florida ban on gender transitioning for minors now in effect

Florida’s rule to stop minors from undergoing gender transition procedures has now come into effect — and Republican state lawmakers are forging ahead with plans to strengthen the restrictions even further.

The Florida Board of Medicine’s new measure — which took effect Thursday — prohibits the use of puberty blockers, hormone therapies or surgeries to treat gender dysphoria for anyone in the Sunshine State under the age of 18.

While kids who were already receiving gender-affirming treatment prior to Thursday can continue to do so, they aren’t able to undergo sex reassignment surgeries under the new rule.

Separately, GOP lawmakers are currently advancing a bill through the Florida Senate that’ll make it a felony to provide any such gender-affirming care to minors, as well as ban state funds from being used to cover the same care for adults.

A companion bill has also been introduced in the state House.

Ahead of the gender ban taking effect, Gov. Ron DeSantis defended his position after President Biden gave an interview saying Florida’s new rule was “close to sinful.”

“It’s just terrible what they’re doing,” Biden told “The Daily Show” earlier this week. “It’s not like, you know, a kid wakes up one morning and says, ‘You know, I decided I wanted to become a man,’ or ‘I want to become a woman’ … I mean, what are they thinking about here?”

“It’s cruel,” the President added.

[Added, FS]


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E Howard Hunt | March 19, 2023 at 10:07 am

Another attack on fossil fuels!

“It’s just terrible what they’re doing,” Biden told “The Daily Show” earlier this week. “It’s not like, you know, a kid wakes up one morning and says, ‘You know, I decided I wanted to become a man,’ or ‘I want to become a woman’ … I mean, what are they thinking about here?”

Yes, it is exactly like that. Which is why this is necessary.

Note: Florida allows 16-year-olds to get tattooed with a parent’s written and notarized consent, delivered in person.

    Close The Fed in reply to Milhouse. | March 19, 2023 at 10:29 am

    Having your sexual organs cut off isn’t in the same ball park.

    That was my experience getting my ears pierced at 16 in Florida, too. Of course that was many moons ago, and I have no idea if it’s still the law, but my mom wouldn’t let me get my ears pierced until I was 16, and I had to get a note from her! It was so odd to me, but in retrospect, I’m glad. At least I didn’t get four piercings up the side of my ear like so many kids were doing back then. Just two. And I let the second one grow back in some decade or two later.

    Tats are a whole other thing since they are far more permanent (even with removal, they leave scars), so if this is the law, I think 16 is too young. I have never been the least bit interested in getting one and don’t really like to see them on anyone who is not military. The “sleeves” skeeve me out. And neck and face tats? Shudder.

      In the early 70s, most eye doctors worth their salt wouldn’t prescribe contact lenses

        Did that have to do with only hard lenses being available? I wore contacts for decades, the soft ones, but I went back to glasses some time ago. Better for my eyes (and I’m not as vain as I was when I was younger 😛 ).

          The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | March 19, 2023 at 3:28 pm

          Do you have those big giant man-glasses to make you look like an ahh-thor-uh-tee?


          Haha! Nope, I have cute pink wire-rims that I do have to push down my nose on occasion, not to look authory but to read freaking labels. When did they start printing them so darned small? 😛

          paracelsus in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | March 19, 2023 at 5:03 pm

          in reply to:
          Fuzzy Slippers reply to The Gentle Grizzly:
          Yes! the printing on labels has become, not just smaller, but tinier. I think it’s due to the number of regulations requiring this, that, and something else: + the bottle/can/container has become smaller leaving less room for the label..

          Close The Fed in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | March 19, 2023 at 6:20 pm

          Plus they are trying to fit spanish on them.

        gibbie in reply to murkyv. | March 19, 2023 at 6:56 pm

        I started wearing hard contact lenses in 1967 and switched to gas-permeable when they became available. Soft lenses never worked for me because my astigmatism was very bad.

        Eventually I had LASIK, and it was a very mixed blessing. I wrote about it here:


        The good news is that I can see very well for both distance and reading. The bad news in in the above link. I would never recommend LASIK. I think PRK is much less risky.

        rwingjr in reply to murkyv. | March 21, 2023 at 12:57 am

        In the early 70s, contact lenses were small and hard, and relatively new. My father was one of the first to ever have them. It wasn’t something that every eye doctor could do and it certainly isn’t like now, where you have chain eyeglass stores in every mall.

    Gosport in reply to Milhouse. | March 19, 2023 at 10:55 am

    Tattoos can be removed. Breasts and sexual plumbing cannot be reinstalled and hormonal alteration cannot be reversed.

    Kids can’t vote at 16, parental note or not.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Milhouse. | March 19, 2023 at 11:04 am


    mailman in reply to Milhouse. | March 19, 2023 at 11:49 am

    The UK is 18, even with parental consent the kid can’t get a tat.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Milhouse. | March 19, 2023 at 1:04 pm

    Note: Florida allows 16-year-olds to get tattooed with a parent’s written and notarized consent, delivered in person.

    But Florida does not allow 0-15 years-olds to get tattoos whether or not they have a parent’s written and notarized consent. But somehow we’re supposed to allow those same young children to permanently mutilate their bodies for what is nothing more than a fad?

Children aren’t responsible enough to make medical decisions and especial for deciding to pretend their a man or woman when they’re not.

    Close The Fed in reply to ConradCA. | March 19, 2023 at 10:35 am

    More importantly, people with this disorder, which is the result of trauma, usually do not know themselves well enough until after many hours and years of therapy to get to the underlying issues, and try to get the multiple personalities involved identified, understood, and best case, fused or at least on peaceful terms with each other.

    These folks are created by criminals that abuse them; they are not made in a factory; they need a great deal of time to identify and resolve their manifold issues, including making peace internally with the various facets that exist in their minds, which I usually call “alters.” Alters can be very unhappy with each other because they have different goals, because they remember different life experiences and thus have different interests.

    From a purely intellectual standpoint, it’s an intricate problem making it delicate to solve, and the solution is different for each person suffering from this. Many don’t understand themselves well until their 40s, 50s or even 60s.

Close The Fed | March 19, 2023 at 10:27 am

As I have written if not once, a dozen times, most transsexuals – at least before it became a social trend – were molested, penetrated, abused or suffered some other serious trauma usually as young children. I knew one man who was literally tortured as a 12 year old. Yes, there are psychopaths out there.

They have dissociative identity disorder better known as multiple personalities.

http://www.MaleSurvivor.org has resources to help. If you want to understand this, the best primer I have read is “United We Stand, A Book for People with Multiple Personalities” by Eliana Gil, Ph.D.

Another very good book is “Fractured Mind” by Robert Oxnam. He advised Nixon on China. Also, “Beyond Betrayal: Taking Charge of Your Life after Boyhood Sexual Abuse” by Richard B. Gartner, Ph.D. is very helpful.

It wasn’t your fault; you can improve. EMDR therapy helps a lot, from men I’ve spoken with. If you don’t have good results with the first therapist, go to another and another, until things click.

Let your anger rage – safely – and allow yourself to cry for the injustices done to you, and you will be renewed.

And if any of you suffering from this are brave enough to explain to the blessedly uninitiated what causes this, you would be doing others like you a great favor. If normal people understood this better, I would hope they would then follow in the footsteps of whomever recommended in Texas, that if a person is transsexual, that a criminal investigation should be opened to determine who abused that child.

    Close The Fed in reply to Close The Fed. | March 19, 2023 at 10:42 am

    By the way, United We Stand is really a pamphlet and is 45 pages long. Wish I had read it first.

    Close The Fed in reply to Close The Fed. | March 19, 2023 at 12:01 pm

    I am perplexed by down votes here. I am merely stating facts. You may dislike the facts or simply not believe them. If you do not believe them, there is a forum on http://www.MaleSurvivor.org – or there used to be, haven’t been there in a while – where the men are able to tell their stories and no one is permitted to reply, only read them.

    The terrifying and tragic experiences these men suffered I guess must be read to be believed. I believe because I have met men who were these crime victims as children and I have learned how it affected them. They are each different yet they have many similarities.

    They have had to be brave beyond comprehension, because as small children they had to marshall themselves to function in a world where they were regularly betrayed by those who should have nutured them and protected them. Very brave indeed.

The Florida Board of Medicine’s new measure — which took effect Thursday — prohibits the use of puberty blockers, hormone therapies or surgeries to treat gender dysphoria for anyone in the Sunshine State under the age of 18.

Note well that they are only banned when used “to treat gender dysphoria”. That’s as it should be. There’s been talk, on this site and elsewhere, including Desantis’s tweet cited here, about banning puberty blockers altogether. That would be wrong, and possibly even unconstitutional.

Puberty blockers are a legitimate and necessary part of a doctor’s arsenal for appropriate medical treatment. But using them for treatment of gender dysphoria is inappropriate until the patient has had at least several years of unsuccessful attempts at less drastic methods of treatment, by which time there is no point in using them anyway.

Minor children, aka those not at the age society has proclaimed as adulthood, should not be allowed or encouraged to make adult decisions.

If the leftists want to say 12 year olds should be allowed to decide to undergo a mastectomy or castration or take hormone treatments which stunt development then they need to also agree that is the new age of adulthood.

Either a 12 year old or whatever other age under 18 they wish to use is an adult capable of making adult decisions then they are also capable of living an adult life. End public school at that age, allow them to join the military, work without any child labor restrictions, own a firearm, vote, sign a contract, be sentenced exclusively as an adult for any crimes they commit.

    They are doing this to tiny children, as young as two. It’s an abomination, and I am glad to see steps being taken to stop it.

      CommoChief in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | March 19, 2023 at 2:20 pm

      Agreed. It is an insane policy to mutilate children.

      I make the argument the way I did to try an illuminate the fact that even weirdo leftists won’t be willing to accept an end to adolescence b/c it is absurd. Instead they want to cherry pick based on the politics.

      Similar to the pushback for restoring felons gun rights with voting rights. When those amendments were proposed to a couple of bills calling for automatic restoration of felon voting rights the leftists came unglued. They hate the idea of gun ownership but didn’t have an effective argument against including gun rights along with voting rights when done automatically instead of by individual request and evaluation.

      Milhouse in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | March 19, 2023 at 7:05 pm

      Two?! Most two-year-olds can’t even put together proper sentences; how can anyone possibly know how they feel about their gender identity?

    The proggies would be more than happy to declare the age of adulthood as 12 or even 6, I’m sure. Then kids would get to vote, and we’d have Joe Biden* and the other Dim idiots out there promising free Fruit Loops in every bowl.

      CommoChief in reply to Paul. | March 19, 2023 at 5:53 pm

      Nah, then they would be adults at age six. Adults don’t have to go to school so it guts the public schools and the teachers unions. Plus those adults wouldn’t be eligible for child support so it would gut the family court system. They would have to sign up for selective service. Could purchase firearms. Get full time employment. They would also be sent to adult jail.

      Just think about how many leftist bureaucrats would lose their jobs over this. Teachers, ed support staff, social workers, truant officers, child protection services and so on. That is just direct govt jobs eliminated, many more indirectly all beholden to the State.

      The lefty d/prog wouldn’t trade elimination of all those positions and the power it gives them. Nor sacrifice the tax revenue for schools nor the sweetheart contracts for vendors and the opportunity for graft.

Not only a smart move, but the right move. People will one day look back and realize the madness going on.

This guy keeps doing all the right things yet somehow there are those out there who continue to believe DeathSantis is a GOPe stooge or a sell out 😂😂

    paracelsus in reply to mailman. | March 19, 2023 at 5:14 pm

    It’s been intimated (true or not?) that he’s received “funny money” from questionable sources (Soros, et al). This may be a deliberate effort to: 1. knock him out of the running, 2. make him more appealing to the Socialist-Progressive element.

      Untrue. Completely and utterly.

      clevergirl in reply to paracelsus. | March 20, 2023 at 11:31 am

      The Soros rumors are entirely untrue. The rumor began as “Soros has endorsed DeSantis for 2024.” is based on remarks Soros made during his appearance at the Munich Security Conference. Soros stated that he wishes DeSantis and Trump duke it out during the primary and that DeSantis win the nomination. Then, Trump will likely run as a third party candidate and totally split the GOP allowing the Democratic candidate to win by a landslide.

        joejoejoe in reply to clevergirl. | March 20, 2023 at 12:03 pm

        why is soros still breathing

          Milhouse in reply to joejoejoe. | March 20, 2023 at 8:29 pm

          Because this is the 21st century, where people living into their 90s has become quite common. Which is a good thing.

          Aarradin in reply to joejoejoe. | March 20, 2023 at 11:31 pm

          Milhouse, the ignorant pedant, is apparently completely unaware that Soros is an admitted (on video – go watch) NAZI collaborator who survived WWII by informing on fellow Jews, who were then put in boxcars and sent to Auschwitz, after which Soros and his family would loot their homes.

          Hence the question from joejoejoe. Most people known to have done such things have, at a minimum, been put in prison for life.

          Soros got a pass because he was, barely, still a minor at the time of his last known offense.

    gibbie in reply to mailman. | March 19, 2023 at 7:05 pm

    “Doctor of Dental Surgery” isn’t the only meaning of the acronym “DDS”.

Any controversy should properly be centered around the fact that what was, until recently — and, still is, for those citizens possessing a scintilla of rationality and moral probity — a notion grounded in societal conventional wisdom and common sense; to wit, don’t coerce and indoctrinate insecure and emotionally vulnerable/attention-needing children, youth and teens to mutilate their bodies and corrupt their minds, in obeisance to the Dumb-o-crats’ evil “trans” ideology, now requires state intervention to uphold.

smalltownoklahoman | March 19, 2023 at 12:46 pm

Excellent news! Let’s hope other red states are quick to follow with similar bans! I know here in Oklahoma there’s been a bill that has passed the House but I haven’t seen anything on it’s progress in the Senate.

Oklahoma Bill: http://www.newson6.com/story/63fe45a2890f6d072b8f7dbc/oklahoma-house-approves-bill-that-prohibits-gender-transition-services-for-minors

This is what actual fighting looks like.
