Delaware Lowers Standards for Bar Exam in Effort to Increase Diversity

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Think about what this actually means. The left is suggesting that minorities are not as capable and therefore, standards must be lowered. Isn’t there a word for that?

Campus Reform reports:

Delaware lowers standards for Bar Exam to increase diversityThe Delaware Supreme Court cites diversity as a primary impetus in its recent decision to decrease the minimum score, duration, and content breadth in the state’s bar exam.Data suggests, however, that diversity might not be the only reason for this decision: applicant abilities to pass the Delaware Bar have also significantly fallen, indicating this could be another instance of dwindling academic standards.The passing score for the multiple choice portion of the exam has been lowered from 145 to 143 out of 200 questions. Additionally, the number of essays has been reduced from eight to four, and the content areas for possible essay questions has been curtailed from 14 to 10.These changes decrease the time to take the exam from two and a half days to two days, according to Reuters.

You can read the press release here.

People have thoughts.

Tags: College Insurrection, Delaware, Social Justice