A Christian school in Vermont recently chose to forfeit a girls’ basketball game because one of the players on the opposing team was a biological male who now identifies as female.
For making this decision, the school is now banned from all future sports activities in Vermont.
The Vermont Digger reported:
Vermont religious school that refused to play team with trans player banned from sporting eventsA private Christian school that forfeited a girls’ basketball game rather than play against a team with a transgender player has been banned from Vermont school sporting events.The Vermont Principals’ Association, which oversees school athletics, said Monday afternoon that Mid Vermont Christian School in Quechee will no longer be eligible to participate in sports and other sponsored activities.The decision was announced after a Monday morning meeting of the Vermont Principals’ Association executive committee, during which members decided “that policies have been violated at the school level and thus there is an immediate determination of ineligibility for Mid-Vermont Christian in VPA sanctioned activities and tournaments going forward.”Specifically, Mid Vermont violated the organization’s anti-discrimination and gender identity policies, the organization told the school in a letter of ineligibility. Those policies allow athletes to play on the team that is “consistent with their gender identity” and prohibit discrimination “based on a student’s actual or perceived sex and gender.”
Townhall has a statement from Mid Vermont Christian School:
Townhall covered March 3 how MVCS was scheduled to compete against Long Trail School on Feb. 21, but pulled out once it learned that the opposing team included a male-bodied athlete.“We withdrew from the tournament because we believe playing against an opponent with a biological male jeopardizes the fairness of the game and the safety of our players,” Vicky Fogg, the head of MVCS, said in a statement at the time.“Allowing biological males to participate in women’s sports sets a bad precedent for the future of women’s sports in general,” Fogg added.
Here’s a local video report:
Jazz Shaw of Hot Air wrote about this:
The ugliness in this debate is running deeper and deeper as time goes along. The fact that this is a Christian school we’re talking about only adds another layer to a very nasty cake. This dispute probably shouldn’t be handled as a First Amendment issue, though. MVCS never claimed that their religious liberties were being violated by being forced to play against the team with a transgender starter. They simply said they refused to tolerate the unfairness of putting their female players up against a boy with obvious, inherent physical advantages.Another serious inconsistency with this decision is found in the VPA’s own policies. They cite a rule banning discrimination against anyone based on their supposed “gender identity.” But who was “discriminated” against in this instance? If MVCS had refused to allow the Long Trail team into their gym or tried to ban the individual trans player from taking the court, that would be one thing. But they chose to forfeit the match, take the loss, and hand the win to the team with the trans player. If anything, MVCS discriminated against themselves.
I have a very simple solution to this problem. Don’t allow people under the age of 18 to transition. We don’t allow them to get tattoos. Why do we allow them to change genders?
Even Camille Paglia, hardly a conservative, is against the transitioning of children.
Featured image via YouTube.