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Border Crisis: Encounters Hit 1 Million in FY2023, More Chinese Nationals Crossing Into U.S.

Border Crisis: Encounters Hit 1 Million in FY2023, More Chinese Nationals Crossing Into U.S.

“In fiscal year 2021, there were 450 encounters of Chinese nationals overall; in fiscal year 2022, there were 1,176. So far this fiscal year, there have been 4,366 since October.”

Let’s not forget the border, folks.

The Border Patrol encountered one million illegal migrants in FY2023, which began on October 1, 2023. Among those migrants are Chinese nationals.

The Border Patrol has seen a 900% increase in Chinese nationals crossing the border.

Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Gloria Chavez announced the encountered number on Monday, a week after Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz told Congress that the Department of Homeland Security “does not have operational control of the southern border.”

Think about it. One million in four months. Perspective (total in a fiscal year):

  • FY 2020: 400,000
  • FY 2021: 1,600,000
  • FY 2022: 2,200,000
  • Fox News also has footage of Chinese nationals illegally crossing the border:

    Two busloads of migrants were released to a non-governmental organization in Brownsville, Texas. CBP sources told Fox they are being released with notices to appear (NTA) because there are so many crossing and no more space to house them.

    Migrants released with NTAs are given a court hearing for their immigration cases, which can take between four and seven years to resolve.

    Officials say the Rio Grande Valley Sector — one of the busiest sectors along the border — has seen a more than 900% increase in Chinese nationals over the same time last year. Across the southern border, there were 55 encounters of Chinese nationals in February 2022; there were 1,368 in February 2023.

    In fiscal year 2021, there were 450 encounters of Chinese nationals overall; in fiscal year 2022, there were 1,176. So far this fiscal year, there have been 4,366 since October.



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    E Howard Hunt | March 21, 2023 at 9:23 pm

    Thank God that the rate of increase of Chinese crossings, over the periods cited, has been more than cut in half.

    2nd Ammendment Mother | March 21, 2023 at 9:24 pm

    Am I the only one who sees these numbers and hears the words “invading armies” in their head?

    Critical Racists’ Theory (CRT)
    Critical Reproductive Theory (CRT)
    Critical Replacement Theory (CRT)

    Critical Republic Theory

    Yes, the invasion continues while we wait breathlessly for DeSantis to save us. So on the eve of Trump’s arrest, he chooses to open his presidential campaign being interviewed by of all people, Piers Morgan. God help you DeSantis stooges.

    On the other hand, here is Tucker Carlson laying it all out for us last night as he basically walks us through what we essentially America’s Tiananmen Square government crackdown which apparently is going to be staged again today whether or not we protest. And then the world would later let it happen again in Hong Kong as the CCP recognized no one would stop them nor even protest.

    Today, we are going to watch a former president, the most effective fighter against tyranny we’ve ever had and most effective conservative leader ever be arrested and we are being told to keep quiet by the “wise” and “brave” folks at LI. Well here is what friend of our professor Tucker Carlson had to say about all of this last night:


    So let’s cower in the corner like good little sheep and maybe no one will notice us and maybe this will all go away in two years when the methodical weasel DeSantis moves into the White House with the old Bush team and rearranges the furniture and tells us cute stories.

    So what we are saying is that Muslim terrorists don’t have to shave their beards anymore to look like Mexicans?

    There go all the remaining graduate student/postdoc spots.

    Now they are all ChiCom intelligence gathering positions.

    I an beginning to think “the Trump indictment” is just an urban legend.

      CaptTee in reply to CaptTee. | March 22, 2023 at 3:47 pm

      I am beginning to think “the Trump indictment” is just an urban legend.

      When do we get an edit function?