Arizona Democrats Sue to Keep Spoiler ‘No Labels’ Candidate Off 2024 Ballot

Arizona Democrats have launched a lawsuit to keep a ‘No Labels’ candidate off the 2024 ballot. No Labels would not win a presidential contest, but as a third-party option, they could definitely act as a spoiler, mainly for Democrats.

Dems see this threat and are trying to neutralize it now.

FOX News reports:

‘Pro-democracy’ Arizona Democrats sue to block No Labels third-party from ballotAfter campaigning on fighting for democracy, the Arizona Democratic Party is reportedly suing to stop a third-party organization from accessing the state’s presidential ballot in the 2024 election.The lawsuit targets No Labels, a centrist group that aims to give voters a non-extreme presidential option next year and has secured ballot access in three states, including Arizona. Democratic officials will file a complaint Thursday in state court in Phoenix alleging that Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, a Democrat, erroneously accepted signature petitions from the group, The Washington Post reported.The lawsuit claims that accompanying affidavits from proposed electors were signed before all the petitions were gathered, in violation of state statute. “As a result, the Arizona Democratic Party claims the affidavits purporting to verify the petitions should be considered false and the petitions invalid,” the Post reported.Arizona Democrats also claim that No Labels, a registered 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization that is not required to disclose its donors, has failed to comply with federal election laws governing political parties, including donation limits and donor disclosure.

The Washington Examiner offers more specifics on the suit:

State Democratic leaders are planning to file the lawsuit against Secretary of State Adrian Fontes on Thursday as a way to reverse his decision to recognize the centrist group No Labels as a third-party ticket in the presidential election. The move reflects growing concern among Democrats that a “spoiler” candidate could derail President Joe Biden’s hopes of being reelected and threaten the party’s chances of maintaining control of the Senate.The lawsuit accuses Fontes of violating state laws when accepting signature petitions from No Labels to receive access to the ballot, according to the Washington Post. Democratic officials claim the accompanying affidavits were signed and approved before the minimum number of petitions were gathered.As a result, the party leaders argue the affidavits that verified the signatures are false and should be nullified, the lawsuit states…Members of the No Labels movement pushed back against those allegations, arguing the lawsuit was being used as a political tactic to suppress third-party voices.“This undemocratic and unscrupulous lawsuit is a disgrace,” Ryan Clancy, chief strategist for No Labels, said in a statement. “Next time you hear this crowd talking about protecting democracy, remember what they are really doing is protecting their turf.”

As noted in December, No Labels is mired in internal conflicts, but they would threaten Democrats in 2024, who are desperate to avoid another Jill Stein situation like 2016.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Arizona, Democrats